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It is an unexpected honor, and one I could not think of ac. cepting, but for the assurance I feel that I shall have your united assistance in the discharge of the duties incumbent on me; duties, to me at once new and arduous, and which I can scarcely hope to discharge without committing many, and, I fear, very many errors, for which I must claim your kind indulgence.

In the discharge of the duties, Gentlemen, for which you are convened, I trust that harmony and the most kindly feeling will prevail, and that, in all your deliberations, you will be guided by that liberality and disinterested policy which gives tone and character abroad, and which, at home, can alone crown legis. lative labors with honorable success. Much of the future welfare of this Territory may depend on the wisdom by which your deliberations are directed. The prompt and efficient dis. charge of your duties, and the faithful execution of the trust confided to your care, is a labor fraught with much responsibility, and will, I have no doubt, elicit your best energies.

Permit me, Gentlemen, to suggest that, in all your intercourse with our worthy Exective, as well as the other branch of the Legislature, you cultivate the most amicable relations ; and if there should be any difference, let it be an honest difference of opinion, in the adjustment of which you will extend to. ward them your usual courtesy and liberality.

Finally; Gentlemen, I accept the proffered honor; and, if rectitude of intention and the most untiring industry to serve you, faithfully and impartially, constitute merit, I shall not wholly disappoint the confidence you have so generously re posed in me.

On motion of Mr. Bullen, the Council adjourned.


Wednesday, December 9, 1840.

Mr. Martin, from the county of Brown appeared and took his seat.

Mr. Bullen presented the petition of the inhabitants of Racine county for a change in the present manner of the county gov.


Mr. Arndt presented the remonstrance of citizens of the county of Brown against the organization of the county of Winnebago.

The petition and remonstrance were read and laid on the table.

Mr. Janes gave notice that he would at some future day ask

leave to introduce bills, as follows

A Bill relating to Sheriffs;


A bill changing the boundary lines of certain counties;
A bill supplemental to the act concerning testimony and de

positions; and

A bill concerning wages.

Mr. Collins gave notice that he would at some future day ask leave to introduce a bill designating the number of officers of the Legislative Assembly, and fixing their compensations.

Mr. Arndt gave notice that he would at some future day ask leave to introduce a bill to amend an act for asssessing and collecting county revnue.

Mr. Upham gave notice that he would at some future day ask leave to introduce a bill for the relief of the settlers on the ca

nal lands in the counties of Milwaukee and Jefferson.

On motion of Mr. Arndt,

Resolved, That the Standing Rules of the Council be referred


to a committee of three, for revision; and that they be required to report what amendments, if any, are necessary.

Messrs. Arndt, Upham, and Rountree were appointed the committee.

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The President announced the appointment of the Standing Committees, as follows;

On Territorial Affairs-Messrs. Sterling, Martin, and Brig.

On Internal Improvement---Messrs. Arnold, Sterling, and Rountree.


On the Judiciary-Messrs. Martin, Learned, and Arnold.

On Claims-Messrs. Janes, Vineyard, and Arnold.

On Finance-Messrs. Vineyard, Collins, and Martin.

On Public Expenditures-Messrs. Bullen, Vineyard, and


On the Militia-Messrs. Collins, Rountree, and Janes.

On Schools-Messrs. Rountree, Upham, and Learned.

On Incorporations-Messrs. Upham, Collins, and Brigham.

On Territorial Roads-Messrs. Brigham, Bullen, and Arndt. On Engrossed Bills-Messrs. Arndt, Upham, and Bulien. On Enrolment (joint)-Messrs. Learned, and Janes.

On motion of Mr. Bullen,


Resolved, 1st, That so much of the Governor's address, as relates to the formation of a State Government be referred to the committee on Territorial Affairs;

2nd, That so much as relates to memorializing Congress to amend the organic law of the Territory be referred to a select committee.

3rd, That so much as relates to the Bank of Mineral Point, and the subject of corporations be referred to the committee on incorporations..

4th, That so much as relates to the Rock River Canal be referred to a select committee.



5th, That so much as relates to memorializing Congress for appropriations for harbors, and improvement of rivers, be referred to the committee on internal improvements.

6th, That so much as relates to pre-emptions to mineral lots and reservations be referred to a select committee;

7th, That so much as relates to the organization of the mili. tia, together with the accompanying reports of the Adjutant General, be referred to the committee on the militia; and

8th, That so much as relates to the appointment of a Terri. torial Geologist be referred to a select committee, On motion of Mr. Janes, the Council adjourned.

Thursday, December 10, 1840.

The President laid before the Council the annual report of the directors of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Company;

Which was read and laid on the table.

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The following message from the House of Representatives was received by the Clerk thereof, viz :

"Mr. President, -The House of Representatives have appointed Messrs. Barber, Shepherd and Rockwell, a committee on their part, to act in conjunction with such committee as may be appointed on the part of this House. to report joint rules and orders for the government of the two Houses during their pres. ent session.

On motion of Mr. Arnold,


Ordered, That two hundred and fifty copies of the report of the directors of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal Compa. ny be printed for the use of the Council.

On motion of Mr. Collins,

Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to act in conjunction with a similar committee appointed on the part of the House of Representatives to report joint rules and orders for the government of the Legislative Assembly during its present session.

Messrs. Collins, Bullen and Upham were appointed the committee under the foregoing resolution.

Ordered, That the Secretary inform the House of Representatives thereof.

On notion of Mr. Sterling,

Resolved, That a select committee of three be appointed, whose duty it shall be to inquire into the expediency of memorializing Congress relative to the duty on imported lead.

Messrs. Sterling, Martin, and Bullen, were appointed the committee under the foregoing resolution.

Mr. Arndt offered the following :

Resolved, That the Librarian be instructed to furnish each member of the Council, annually, a copy of the American Al.


Which was determined in the affirmative, ayes 8, noes, 5. And the ayes and noes having been called for,

Those who voted in the affirmative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Brigham, Janes, Martin, Rountree, Sterling and Vineyard.

Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Bullen, Col. lins, Learned, Upham, and Maxwell (President.)

On motion of Mr. Bullen,

'Resolved, That the petition of the citizens of Racine County, relative to the change of the present systems of town and county government, be referred to a select committee of three members, with authority to report by bill or otherwise.

Messrs. Janes, Arnold, and Arndt were appointed the com

mittee under the foregoing resolution.

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