.1. TREASURER'S OFFICE, Hon. James Maxwell, President of the Council, DEAR SIR--I herewith enclose you a letter from the Treasurer of Milwaukee county, stating the condition of the Treasury of that county. The law which authorises five per cent. of the first moneys received by the county Treasurer to be set apart for territorial purposes is thus evaded. Milwaukee, Iowa, and some other counties have never paid a dollar into the Treasury, and from their mode of financiering perhaps they never will. I would respectfully suggest that the law for creating a territorial revenue be so amended that the amount required to be paid into the territorial treasury be collected in money, or that some steps be taken to secure the creditors of the territory with something better than county orders which are not worth more than from fifty to seventy-five cents on the dollar. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, R. L. REAM, Treasurer, Wis. Territory. Document No. 14. 1 The committee on incorporations to whom was referred of certain monied corporations; with instructions to report such amendments as shall make the same conform to the provisions of the safety fund system of the state of New-York, beg leave to recommend for the adoption of the Council, the following amendments, viz : Amend sec. 10: Add "s" to the word "commissioner." Amend sec. 17: Strike out in the first line, the words "one person," and insert " three persons," and strike out the proviso. Amend sec. 18: Strike out in the first line "commissioner or." Amend sec. 19: Strike out in the first line, the words "commis. sioner or." Strike out the word "commissioner" in the fourth line, and insert " commissioners, or either of them." Amend sec. 20: Strike out "commissioner or" in the first and fifth lines. Amend sec. 28: Insert after the word "Legislature" in the seventh line, the words, " and the monied corporation or corporations subject to the provisions of this act, shall appoint the remaining two, in such manner as may be deemed proper by said corporation or corporations: which commissioners shall hold their office for one year." Add "s" to "commissioner" in eighth line. Strike out "the" in the ninth line, and insert "they." Strike out "him" in the tenth line and insert "them." Strike out "he" in the eleventh line and insert "they." Amend sec. 29: Add "s" to the word "commissioner," in first line. Strike out "his" in second line, and insert "their." Strike out in same line "he," and insert "they." Strike out "he" in third line, and insert "they." Strike out "his" in fourth line, and insert "their." Amend sec. 30: Add "s" to the word "commissioner" in first line. Strike out "him" in second line and insert "them." Strike out all between the word "act" in the fifth line and the word "and" in the seventh line. Strike out "him" in the seventh line, and insert "them each." Amend sec. 31: Strikeout "commissioners or" in the fourth line. Amend sec. 32: Strike out " or commissioners" in second line. Strike out "commissioner or" in fourth line, and insert after the word "commissioners" in the same line "or either of them." INDEX. ASSEMBLY LEGISLATIVE. Begun and held, 3; Adjournment of, 310, ΑΡΡΟΙΝΤMENTS. Of officers pro. tem. 4; of standing Committees, 23; of : Of Governor, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Of the President, on taking the chair, Of the President, on leaving the chair, ACCOUNTS. 20, 21 309, 310 Of Com'rs to examine Mineral Point Bank, presented, 118 Of William C. Bostwick, presented, 188 Of Harrison Reed, presented, 194; reported, 252 Of Samuel B. Knapp, presented, 220; reported on, 252, 253 Of M. M. Vineyard, presented, 220; reported on, 252 Of Timothy Wainwright, presented, 220 Of Richard Hendell, presented, 221; reported on, 252 Of W. W. Wyman, presented, 256: reported on, 271, 272 Of John F. O'Neill, presented, 256 Of J. E. Arnold, presented, 264, 265; reported on, 271, 272 Arnold, Jonathan E. member, admitted, Beatty, George, elected Secretary, Bennet, George, elected Transcribing Clerk, BILLS OF COUNCIL. 4 7 7 No. 1. Relating to Sheriffs. First and second reading 26; proceedings before passage, 34, 35; passed Council, No. 2. Changing the boundary lines of certain counties. First No. 4. Supplemental to the act concerning testimony and de. No. 5. To amend the act for assessing and collecting county revenue. before passage, 51, 60. No. 6. For the relief of the settlers on the canal lands in : : the counties of Milwaukee and Jefferson. First and No. 7. To provide for the support of illegitimate children. ८ No. 8. To amend the act establishing the rate of toll for No. 9. Declaring rivers navigable for certain purposes. First No. 10. To establish a board of education, and the office of 通 No. 11. To repeal the act relating to interest on contracts. No. 12. To provide for laying out and establishing a territorial No. 13. Concerning proceedings in district courts. First and No. 14. To elarge the boundaries of Portage county, and for No. 15. To prescribe the number, duties, and compensation of the |