to introduce a bill relative to trunks, baggage, and other unclaimed personal property. Mr. Arndt from the committee on engrossed bills, reported the following resolution and memorial to be correctly engrossed, viz : No. 4. Resolution relative to the library; and No. 1. Memorial to Congress praying the confirmation of title to certain lots in the county of Milwaukee. Resolution No. 4, entitled "resolution relative to the Library," was then read the third time and passed, and the title was agreed to. On motion of Mr. Learned, the Council proceeded to the consideration of Executive business. The executive business having been disposed of, On motion of Mr. Arndt, bill No. 4, entiled "a bill supplemental to the act concerning testimony and depositions," was taken up and referred to the committee on the Judiciary. On motion of Mr. Upham, the Council resumed the consid. eration in committee of the whole, of bill No. 6, entitled " a bill for the relief of the settlers on the canal lands, in the counties of Milwaukee and Jefferson," Mr. Arndt in the chair. And, after some time, the committee rose and reported, by their chair. man, the bill with amendments. The amendments were concurred in. Mr. Martin then moved further to amend the bill, by adding a section thereto, as follows; SEC. 4. That so much of any law of this Territory, as authorises a loan of money for the construction of said canal, is hereby repealed, provided, that the bonds heretofore issued, shall not have been negociated previous to the passage of this act. And, pending the question on this amendment, the clerk of the House of Representatives was announced, who delivered the following message: "Mr. President-The House of Representatives have passed the following, in which I am directed to ask the concurrence of this House, viz : No. 4. A bill to divide the town of Whitewater and to create the town of Richmond. No. 6. A hill relating to the time when the laws passed at the session of the Legislative Assembly of Wisconsin Territory of 1840 and 1841 shall take effect. No. 7. A bill to create the town of Eagle. The question was taken on the amendment offered by Mr. Martin, and determined in the negative; ayes 5, noes 7. And the ayes and noes having been called for, Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Bullen, Janes, Martin, Sterling and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Brigham, Collins, Rountree, Upham and Vineyard. Mr. Collins then moved further to amend said bill by striking out all after the word "canal" in the fourth line of the second section, and inserting in place thereof, as follows:-" and that the interest on said lands or obligations shall commence at the time such loans shall be effected." The amendment was agreed to, and the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. On motion of Mr. Rountree, the Council resumed the consideration in committee of the whole, Mr. Janes in the chair, of bill No. 2, entitled "a bill changing the boundary lines of certain counties ;" and, after some time the committee rose, and by their chairman, reported the bill with an amendment thereto. The amendment was concurred in, and the bill was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. On motion of Mr. Arnold, the Council proceeded to the further consideration of resolution No. 3, entitled "resolution re lative to adjournment;" and, pending the question on engrossing the same for a third reading, Mr. Martin moved to amend the resolution by striking out "Monday the eleventh" and inserting in place thereof "Friday the eighth." Which was disagreed to, ayes 2, noes 11. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arnold and Martin. Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Arndt, Brigham, Bullen, Collins, Janes, Learned, Rountree, Sterling, Upham, Vineyard and Maxwell, (President.) Mr. Arndt then moved to amend by striking out "Monday the eleventh" and inserting "Tuesday the fifth." The amendment was agreed to. Mr. Arndt moved to amend further by adding to the resolution, as follows: Resolved further, That, during the recess contemplated by the foregoing resolution, no member of either House of the Legis. lative Assembly shall be entitled to pay, or to any allowance for mileage. The amendment was disagreed to, ayes 6, noes 7. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arndt, Brig. ham, Bullen, Collins, Upham, and Vineyard. Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Arnold, Janes, Learned, Martin, Rountree, Sterling, and Maxwell, (President.) Mr. Janes then moved to amend by striking out all after the word "adjourn," and insert in place thereof the words "sine die." The amendment was disagreed to. The question then recurred on ordering the resolution to be engrossed for a third reading. Which was determined in the negative, ayes 6, noes 7. And the ayes and noes having been called for, Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Arnold, Brigham Learned, Rountree, Martin and Vineyard. Those who voted in the negative are Messrs. Arndt, Bullen, Collins, Janes, Sterling. Upham and Maxwell, (President.) On motion of Mr. Arndt the Council adjourned. Saturday, December 19, 1840. The President laid before the Council two communications, as follows: From the Governor, on executive business. From the Librarian of the Territory, making report of the state of the Library. Read and laid on the table. Mr. Vineyard presented the petition of citizens of the Territory in relation to the location of University lands. Which was read and referred to the committee on schools. Mr. Arnold presented the petition of inhabitants of the county of Milwaukee, asking the repeal of the act to provide for the support of common schools, and for other purposes. Which was read and referred to committee on schools. Mr. Arnold presented the petition of inhabitants of the coun ty of Milwaukee, asking the passage of a law to authorise the county commissioners of said county to construct a bridge across the Kinnikinnick river, and to levy a tax therefor. Which was read, and referred to a select committee of Messrs. Arnold, Janes and Martin. Mr. Brigham gave notice that he would at some future day ask leave to introduce a bill to enlarge the boundaries of Port. age county and for other purposes. Mr. Arndt, from committee on engrossed bills, reported the following to be correctly engrossed, viz : No. 2. A bill changing the boundary lines of certain counties; No, 6. A bill for the relief of the settlers on the canal lands in the counties of Milwaukee and Jefferson. The said engrossed bills were then read the third time, passed, and the titles were agreed to. Mr. Brigham in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 12, entitled "a bill to provide for laying out and establishing a territorial road from Fort Winnebago to the Plover Portage of the Wisconsin river;" Which was read a first and second times, and laid on the table to be printed. Mr. Janes, in accordance with notice given, obtained leave to introduce bill No. 13, entitled, "a bill concerning proceed. ings in District Courts;" Which was read a first and second times, and laid on the ta ble to be printed. On motion of Mr. Arndt, the report of the Librarian was taken up, and referred to committee on Territorial Affairs. On motin of Mr. Martin, the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole Mr. Learned in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 3 (H. of R.) entitled, "a bill concerning county officers in the county of Fond du Lac." And after some time the committee rose and reported the bill with amendments. The amendments were concurred in, and the bill was ordered to a third reading. On motion of Mr. Arndt, the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Martin in the chair, for the consideration of resolution No. 3, (H. of R.) entited," resolution |