"I am also directed to present the following for your signa ture, which has been signed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, viz : "An act relating to the time when the laws passed at the session of the Legislative Assembly of Wisconsin Territory, of 1840 and 1841, shall take effect." 1 The President thereupon signed the act referred to in the foregoing message. 1 Mr. Bullen moved a reconsideration of the vote by which the Council refused to order to be engrossed for a third reading, bill No. 15, entitled " a bill to prescribe the number, duties, and compensation of the officers of the Legislative Assembly, and for other purposes." The motion to reconsider was agreed to. Mr. Upham then moved to re-consider the vote by which the amendment, adding an additional section to the bill, was passed, Which was also agreed to-ayes 8, noes 5. And the ayes and noes being called for, Those who voted in the affirmative are Messrs. Brigham, Bul. len, Collins, Janes, Martin, Sterling, Upham and Maxwell, (President.) Those who voted in the negative, are Messrs. Arnold, Arndt, Learned, Rountree and Vineyard. t 1 Mr. Upham thereupon obtained leave to withdraw the amend ment. Mr. Rountree then moved to lay the bill on the table. Which was disagreed to. And the question again recurring on ordering the bill to be engrossed for a third reading, it was Ordered, That the bill be engrossed for a third reading, on Monday next. On motion of Mr. Rountree, the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Arnold in the chair, for the con. : sideration of bill No. 16, entitled "a bill to amend an act entitled 'an act to provide for the support of common schools, and for other purposes;" and, after some time, the committee rose, and by their chairman reported the bill without amendment. Mr. Arndt then moved to recommit the bill to the committee on schools. The motion was agreed to. The President laid before the Council a communication from the Governor, as follows: 4 TERRITORY OF WISCONSIN, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, To the Hon. the President of Council: Sir, I have the honor to submit, in accordance with a resolution appended thereto, a copy of the memorial of the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa, to the Congress of the United States, asking an appropriation to improve the rapids of the Mississippi river, and to recommend the subject to the favora. ble consideration of the Council. The communication having been read, On motion of Mr. Bullen, the same, together with the memo. rial, was referred to the committee on internal improvements. Mr. Rountree, from the committee on schools, to whom was referred bill No. 16, entitled "a bill to amend an act entitled 'an act to provide for the support of common schools, and for other purposes; " reported the same back to the Council with an amendment. The bill, with the amendment, was thereupon read a second time, and laid on the table to be printed On motion of Mr. Janes, the Council proceeded to the con. sideration of Executive business. The Executive business having been disposed of, : 1 Friday, January 8, 1841. Mr. Arnold presented petition of the inhabitants of the county of Portage, asking to be attached to the county of Dane, for judicial purposes, and to be organized as a separate county, for county purposes; referred to committee on territorial affairs. Mr. Learned presented the petition of inhabitants of the county of Crawford, praying for a memorial to Congress on the subject of the sale of public lands in said county. Referred to a select committee, of Messrs. Learned, Upham and Bullen. Mr. Learned presented the remonstrance of residents on certain lots in the county of Milwaukee against the adoption of a memorial to Congress for the confirmation of the title to said lots. Referred to the select committee to whom the petition on the subject was referred. : The President laid before the Council a communication from the Governor on Executive business. Read and laid on the table. On motion of Mr. Arnold, the petition of inhabitants of the county of Milwaukee, asking that certain sections be set off from the township of Wauwautosa, and attached to the town of Kinnikinnick, and to change the name of the latter town together with the remonstrance presented yesterday, against changing the name of said town, were referred to committee on territorial affairs. Mr. Martin obtained leave to withdraw from the files of the Council the petition of Webster Stanley for leave to establish a Ferry on the Fox river, and the same was referred to the committee on internal improvements. Mr. Janes gave notice that he would at some future day ask leave to introduce a bill regulating suits on bills of exchange and promisory notes. Mr. Martin from committee on judiciary, reported bill No. 20; a bill to amend the act of the revised statutes, entitled " an act concerning the writ of attachment." ; Mr. Bullen from the committee on public expenditures, re. ported bill No. 21; a bill to provide for the compensation of the officers of the Legislative Assembly. Which bills were severally read a first and second times and laid on the table to be printed. Mr. Janes, from committee on enrolment, reported a memorial to Congress for the construction of harbors on the western shore of Lake Michigan' to be correctly enroled...... Mr. Arnold, from the committee to which the subject was referred, made report: : The select committee to whom was referred so much of the message of His Excellency, the Governor of this Territory, as recommends memorializing Congress for the passage of a law extending the right of pre-emption to settlers on the even sections reserved by the United States, by the third section of an act granting a quantity of land to aid in the construction of the Mil. waukee and Rock River Canal; and, in obedience to a resolu. tion of the Council instructing them to enquire into the expedien. cy of memorializing Congress, asking for a reduction of the price of said lands to one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre, respectfully report the following memorial, viz: No. 3. Memorial to the Legislative Assembly in behalf of the settlers upon the even sections reserved by the United States by the law granting a quantity of land to aid in the construction of the Milwaukee and Rock River Canal. The memorial was thereupon read, and laid on the table to be printed. On motion of Mr. Rountree, the report of the committee on schools, presented yesterday, was taken up; and Ordered, That the committee be discharged from the further consideration of the subject. On motion of Mr. Arndt, the Council resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Sterling in the chair, for the consideration of bill No. 5, entitled " A bill to amend an act entitled 'an act for assessing and collecting county revenue;'" and, after some time, the committee rose and reported progress in the business before them, and asked leave to sit again thereon. Leave was granted. On motion of Mr. Bullen the Council again resolved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. Arndt in the chair, for the consideration of resolution No. 5, entitled " Resolution adopting a joint rule relative to adjournments;" and, after some time the committee rose and reported the resolution with an amendment. The amendment was concurred in, and the resolution ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. The message from the House of Representatives, received on yesterday, was taken up, and the amendment of the House to the amendment of the Council to bill No. 4, (H. of R.) entitled "A bill to divide the town of Whitewater and to create the town of Richmond," was read and concurred in. Bills from the House of Representatives, as follows, were severally read a first and second times, viz: Noa; Aqbill to amend the several acts concerning justices of the peace: and, |