The works of Demosthenes, tr., with notes by C.R. Kennedy, Volym 2


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Sida 110 - In authority, his constant aim should be the dignity and pre-eminence of the commonwealth; in all times and circumstances his spirit should be loyal. This depends upon nature; power and might upon other things. Such a spirit, you will find, I have, ever sincerely cherished. Only see. When...
Sida 109 - So I ask you to compare me with the orators of the day, with yourself, with any one you like: I yield to none. When the commonwealth was at liberty to choose for her advantage, and patriotism was a matter of emulation, I showed myself a better counsellor than any, and every act of state was pursuant to my decrees and laws and negotiations: none of your party was to be seen, unless you had to do the Athenians a mischief.
Sida 10 - I think, men of the jury, you will all agree that I, as well as Ctesiphon, am a party to this proceeding, and that it is a matter of no less concern to me. It is painful and grievous to be deprived of anything, especially by the act of one's enemy; but your good-will and affection are the heaviest loss, precisely as they are the greatest prize to gain.
Sida 48 - ... their own expense arm the young men with eight hundred shields: It hath been resolved by the council and people to crown Charidemus and Diotimus with a golden crown, and to proclaim it at the great Panathenaic festival, during the gymnastic contest, and at the Dionysian festival, at the exhibition of the new tragedies: the proclamation to be given in charge to the judges, the presidents, and the prize-masters.
Sida 207 - Thou that art the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of them that remain in the broad sea.
Sida 89 - Yet understand me. Of what a statesman may be responsible for I allow the utmost scrutiny; I deprecate it not. What are his functions ? To observe things in the beginning, to foresee and foretell them to others, — this I have done: again; wherever he finds delays, backwardness, ignorance, jealousies, vices inherent and unavoidable in all communities, to contract them into the narrowest compass, and on the other hand, to promote unanimity and friendship and zeal in the discharge of duty.
Sida 100 - Surely on such a man. What greater crime can an orator be charged with, than that his opinions and his language are not the same?
Sida 77 - Had I attempted to say, that I instructed you in sentiments worthy of your ancestors, there is not a man who would not justly rebuke me. What I declare is, that such principles are your own ; I show that before my time such was the spirit of the commonwealth; though certainly in the execution of the particular measures I claim a share also for myself.
Sida 9 - Many advantages hath ^Eschines over me on this trial; and two especially, men of Athens. First, my risk in the contest is not the same. It is assuredly not the same for me to forfeit your regard, as for my adversary not to succeed in his indictment. To me — but 1 will say nothing untoward at the outset of my address.
Sida 103 - Gods never lack success, nor strive in vain, But man must suffer what the fates ordain. Do you hear, ^Eschines, in this very inscription, that "Gods never lack success, nor strive in vain"? Not to the statesman does it ascribe the power of giving victory in battle, but to the gods. Wherefore then, execrable man, do you reproach me with these things? Wherefore utter such language? I pray that it may fall upon the heads of you and yours. Many other accusations and falsehoods he urged against...

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