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loved and blessed as Jesus is? His

your peace would only deepen, and holy people; and much people of Israel died. crimson, they shall be as wool.” (Isaiah joy and love continually increase. O Therefore the people came to Moses, xlv. 22, xliii. 24—26, i. 18.) Well might would it not be joy to have your sins and said, We have sinned, for we have the prophet Micah, when speaking of forgiven? to know yourself a favoured spoken against the Lord, and against such a God, and such grace, exclaim, child of God, brought near to Him, be- thee; pray unto the Lord, that He take "Who is a God like unto thee, that away the serpents from us. And Moses pardoneth iniquity, and passeth by the gentle hand to cheer your soul and chase prayed for the people. And the Lord transgressions of the remnant of His away your fears? His voice to whisper said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery ser- heritage? He retaineth not His anger peace, and tell you He would care for pent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall for ever, because He delighteth in mercy. you? to have His Holy Spirit dwelling come to pass, that every one that is bit- He will turn again, He will have comin your heart, and know that in a little ten, when he looketh upon it, shall live. passion upon us; He will subdue our while, you would be with Him where He And Moses made a serpent of brass, and iniquities: and thou will cast all their is, and share His happiness for ever! put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, sins into the depths of the sea.” (Micah Would this be gloomy? and will you turn that if a serpent had bitten any man, your back on joys like these? Away, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he then, with these foolish thoughts! They lived!" (Num. xxi. 4—9.) make you linger; they keep you on the brink of hell. Why be deceived? Why listen to the cruel lie of him who only seeks to cheat your soul, and lure you to


vii. 18, 19.)

"God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. v. 8.)


This simple history speaks for itself; it tells us the reason for which the fiery serpents were sent by the Lord-it tells IN THE WILDERNESS, EVEN SO MUST THE of the misery which they created-the SON OF MAN BE LIFTED UP: THAT WHOconviction which was hereby wrought on SOEVER BELIEVETH (i.e. trusteth) IN HIM the Israelites that they had, by their murSHOULD NOT PERISH, BUT HAVE ETERNAL muring, sinned against God-of their cry LIFE." for help--of the readiness manifested by God in providing a remedy-of the way MR. Mc Tarem and Mr. Gustart were What are you doing? in which that remedy was proved to be effectual: "If a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived."

Any addition to this, any attempted interpretation by man, would serve to perplex the anxious inquirer rather than help him.

"Jesus, thy blood and righteousness
My beauty are, my glorious dress;
'Midst flaming worlds, in these array'd,
With joy shall I lift up my head.
When from the dust of death I rise
To take my mansion in the skies,
E'en this shall then be all my plea,
Jesus hath lived, hath died for me."
The Jew and his Gardener.

"It is so hard," perhaps you say, "I could not persevere, and should turn back, again." No, no, you are wrong again; for if you are once renewed, and made a child of God, you can never be lost. It is eternal life that JESUS gives; and if both ministers of the Tolbooth Church, you truly turn to Him, his own Almighty Edinburgh. When Mr. Mc Tarem was arm will keep you to the end; the Lord dying, Mr. G. paid him a visit, and put Himself will be your Shepherd; yes, He Jesus himself gives us the spiritual the question to him, "What are you will seek you when you wander, and gently meaning and application of this event: doing, brother?" His answer was, “I'll wean your heart from sin, and make you «As Moses lifted up the serpent in the tell you what I am doing, brother; I am love His holy ways. It is an inward wilderness, even so must the Son of gathering together all my prayers, all my change you need; mere religion will not Man be lifted up: that whosoever believ- sermons, all my good deeds, and all my do, nor forms of prayers, nor outward eth in Him should not perish, but have evil deeds, and I am going to throw them shew; these all will quickly pass away, eternal life. For God so loved the world, all overboard, and swim to glory on the and leave you still far off from God, and that He gave His only-begotten Son, plank of free grace." on the road to hell. It is to Jesus you that whosoever believeth in Him should must go, that precious loving One, who not perish, but have everlasting life." died to save the guilty, and waits to par- (Jno. iii. 14—16.) don sin. Come at once to Him! Come with an honest heart desiring pardon now, and He will surely hear your cry, and make you His for ever! Come worth less, wretched, ruined, with nothing in May the Holy Ghost, whose word it is, your hand; come with your many sins, interpret it in the consciences of those and cast yourself before Him; look up, who feel their need. There is hope, a confide in Him, and lean on Him to save sure and certain ground of hope, for all you; no more is asked of you, for He such. There is a voice from the cross will save; only believe, and, guilty though saying, "Look unto me, and be ye saved, moments of my worthy gardener, and you are, His precious blood will cleanse all the ends of the earth; for I am God, wish I may die his death. If there is your sins away, and make you fit to dwell and there is none else." "Thou hast "Thou hast happiness in another life, this disciple with Him for ever. made me to serve with thy sins, thou of Jesus is assuredly happy. When the hast wearied me with thine iniquities." physician told him he was in extreme Why Despond? God is Love. Human reasoning would conclude that danger, "How," said he, "can that be, THE children of Israel "journeyed from the next word which proceeded from the when God is my Father, Jesus my ReMount Hor by the way of the Red Sea, lips of Him, who thus charges man with deemer, heaven my country, and death to compass the land of Edom: and the such guilt, would be, "Depart, ye cursed, the messenger of peace, and the greatest soul of the people was much discouraged into everlasting fire." But, no. Hear, Orisk I run is to die, but to die is to enter because of the way. And the people heavens, and be astonished, O earth! the into complete and endless bliss!" His spake against God, and against Moses, very next word He utters is, "I, even I, last words were, "I die, but why need Wherefore have ye brought us up out of am He that blotteth out thy transgres- that trouble me? My Jesus is the true Egypt, to die in the wilderness? for sions for mine own sake, and will not God and eternal life." there is no bread, neither is there any remember thy sin. Put me in rememwater; and our soul loatheth this light brance: let us plead together." "Though bread. And the Lord sent fiery serpents your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as among the people, and they bit the white as snow; though they be red like

"I AM no longer disposed," says a Jew, in writing to another, "to laugh at religion, or to plead that Christianity has no

comfort in death. I witnessed the last

"Away! thou dying saint, away!

Fly to the mansions of the blest, Thy God no more requires thy stay, He calls thee to eternal rest.




(Continued from page 22.)

in a few hours he must DIE!
(To be continued.)

calamity. Religiousness there was. Per- there was no trace of any thing wrong, haps, as he never seemed unwilling, he no appearance about the leg itself to might have welcomed my reading the account for the decided change in the apScriptures, and prayer, and speaking to pearance of the invalid; but on carefully THE wife and mother of our friend were him as he was able to bear it; but to all examining the upper parts of the limb, that night by his bedside, watching over appearances, and to my feeling, it was two or three livid spots were discovered, him with the anxiety and solicitude borne with, rather than coveted by him. very small, but which at once clearly acknown only when such relationships are He tolerated, rather than appeared to counted for the condition of our poor cemented by a love unequalled in the rejoice in it. He did not object to reli- friend; those spots, small as they were, human heart—a wife's love for her hus-gion, on the contrary, he looked to and too surely indicated that DEATH was at band, and a mother's for her child, are depended upon it to help him in his hand; mortification had commenced, and without parallel, even though sin has extremity. What he resisted and remarred and blighted all human ties. jected was the solemn fact, expressed so strongly, and detailed so frequently in the holy Scriptures, that man, as man, is a ruined, judged, and lost sinner. Man wants a SAVIOUR, not religion; he needs to receive, and believe, and rest in the love that God has for poor, ruined, and undone sinners, and not to be seeking peace and satisfaction in what a sinner can do for God. This stumbling-stone of millions was an offence to him. He could not understand, and did not believe, that there was SALVATION ONLY FOR THE

"Can a woman forget her sucking child that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?" is God's appeal to, and estimate of, the strength of human love. And the answer, "Yes, she may forget," is His testimony that there is but one stronger link to bind heart to heart. "Yes! SHE may forget, yet will I never forget thee." Oh! wondrous LOVE, existing in its full blessedness in GoD alone, but that love believed in, is received by the human heart even now, removing all fear of the wrath to come, LOST. and making the poor believing sinner Oh, how man's religion ignores and happy, now and evermore. Oh! how denies this solemn fact! The very best marvellous is THE LOVE OF GOD, mani- efforts of the natural heart are to please fested as it has been in the gift, the life, God by service and worship. Natural the sacrifice, the death of His only be- religion never allows what God affirms, gotten Son, "who, for the great love that there can be no service, no worship, wherewith He loved us, even when we until life is received from above. "Verily, were dead in sins, hath quickened us verily, I say unto you, ye must be born together with Christ," so that one stu- again," and until the soul is "alive unto pendous result of the love of God is, God through Jesus Christ our Lord," all that every believer in the Lord Jesus efforts to serve and all attempts to worChrist has passed from death unto life, is ship, are not only vain, but dishonouring risen with Christ, is already judged in and impious to Him to whom they are the death of Christ, already raised in the rendered. Our friend did not receive resurrection of Christ, is now a joint- this cardinal, fundamental truth of holy heir with Christ, of all the glory the Scripture; and, I repeat, millions are Father has given His well beloved Son, like him. Millions are trying what they and will soon, very soon, appear with can do to appease and to please God; Christ in glory. Dear reader, can you few, comparatively few, know that the say, “We have known and believed the first step in obeying God is to receive love that God has to us?" If so, you Him whom He hath sent. If Christ should be a humble, obedient, happy, and is not received into the heart by faith, devoted Christian, rejoicing in hope of every thing must be out of place, all else the glory about to be revealed; but if must be wrong. If Christ has been reyou are hesitating about THE LOVE OF ceived, blessed be God, the believer in GOD, there can be no peace, there is no the Lord Jesus Christ has everlasting safety, and, alas! you may be engulphed in the wrath, instead of embraced by the love of God, for ever and for ever!

life, shall never come into judgment, but
is passed from DEATH unto LIFE.



SCRIPTURE declares that "God so loved the

world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The word not only the Saviour of the Jews, but the Saviour of Gentiles also, even of ALL WHO BELIEVE on Him.

world here is used to teach us that Jesus is


the Father; it was this that moved Him to give
The origin of salvation, is the love of God.
His Son to die, the just for the unjust. Some
have wrongly imagined, that God required the
blood of Jesus to appease His anger.
is not so, for "God is love;" that is His
nature; but while He is love, He is also
just. Now as man had rebelled against His
authority, and trampled under foot His holy
tice, pass by sin unpunished; consequently,
law, He could not, consistent with His jus-
while His loving heart yearned over fallen
man, His justice demanded the transgressor's
life; for the law had said, "In the day that
thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die."
But God, who is rich in mercy as well as in
truth, provides a substitute in the person of
Jesus, that He might be both "a just God
and a Saviour." Thus we find all God's at-
tributes meet at Calvary, and embrace each
other. God's love to a lost world was both
pure and free. Man had nothing in himself to
recommend him to God's notice-he did not
ask for God's love, but rejected it. Never-
theless, God, for His name's sake, would love
man; and by His love did devise a scheme,
whereby poor lost sinners might be saved.

The requisite for salvation is found in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ, who, “because the children were partakers of flesh and blood, took part of the same."

Man needed a

Saviour; one who could present to a broken law, a perfect obedience-to offended justice, a complete satisfaction-one who could provide a meritorious atonement. All this God provided for us in the person of his wellbeloved Son.

Jesus was given, for He came not naturally, but was born of a virgin, according to the promise made to Isaiah. Man did not merit Christ, neither was there anything in man to claim the pity of God; yet He gave His Son.

There was no proportion between man and trariety. Yet, notwithstanding all, “God so Jesus; but an infinite disproportion and conloved the world, that He gave His Son" to bleed and suffer, groan and die, that sinners might be saved.

Jesus was given in promise to Adam and Eve: "The seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent." In type, to the Israelites in Egypt, when the paschal lamb

Seven or eight days had elapsed since I saw but little of the poor patient for the accident occurred, when early one the next few days. He appeared to be morning I received a hasty summons to progressing favourably, and it was hoped my sick friend. I found him very feeble that, in a comparatively short time, he and faint, and he appeared to be sinking. would be sufficiently recovered to be re- Hastily giving some stimulants, I went moved to his own home. I heard of him for his medical attendant, who, on visitcontinually, and when I saw him I con- ing him, partook of my alarm, and agreed was slain, and the blood sprinkled on the tinued to press upon him the state of his with me, that a sudden alteration for the lintels and the door-posts, declaring that the soul before God. He did not respond worse had taken place. Were the liga- destroying angel should pass over their habitaas I wished. I might have expected too tures too tight? Could there have been tions; in prophecies to the Jews, during their history prior to their rejection of Jehovah; in much, or been impatient for the fruit I hemorrhage? Had any of the arte-humiliation, sufferings, and death, to the Genhoped and prayed would result from this ries given way? No; on examination tiles, who rejected his testimony; and now,

in the precious Bible, and the preached word, to all who are made willing, by the Holy Spirit, to receive a Saviour. While the Father gave the Son, the Son freely gave himself, for they both exist in unity, though distinct in personality.

The design of salvation is seen in that little word "so:" "God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." No man who believes on the Lord Jesus Christ, can ever be excluded from salvation, for that comprehensive word "whosoever" is sufficient to meet all the requirements of whoever may apply.

Salvation is, in this text, expressed by a twofold idea. Negatively; "shall not perish," shall not be condemned, shall not be cast into "outer darkness, where is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth." Positively; "but have everlasting life," shall live in the presence of God for ever, and realize all those glories which shall constitute heaven.

Dear reader, are you a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ? have you been washed in the Saviour's precious blood? Consider the matter, for it is important, and it concerns your


Lovest thou me ?

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The Work of the Gospel.

In England, particularly in London and the western counties, we hear of many souls having been lately awakened, and manifesting conversion to God. Prayer-meetings are being held in places persons assemble for prayer in companies various places, and are well attended. In many of four or five hundred. What a vast amount of blessing we may expect to follow!

In Scotland, also, the Lord's blessing is being abundantly poured out in some places. A letter from a Christian friend, contains the following account of the Lord's work in Aberdeenshire.

thou knowest that I love thee," the blessed
Saviour knew such to be a truthful reply. I WE rejoice at being enabled to inform our read-
tried to apply the Saviour's question per-ers, that we continue to hear good tidings re-
sonally, and endeavoured to shew her by some specting the success of the gospel in many parts
passages of Scripture that God knew her of the kingdom.
altogether, and all within her heart. I said,
"You may love your parents, relatives, friends,
but if you love not Jesus more than these,
God knows such to be the state of your heart;
and if you, a guilty sinner, despise and reject
Jesus, the only Saviour, you must eternally
die." I pointed her to Jesus, and bade her
look to Him as the risen Saviour, who is "able
also to save them to the uttermost that come
unto God by him, seeing He ever liveth to
make intercession for them (Heb. vii. 25),
who has himself declared, "All that the Father
giveth me shall come to me, and him that
cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.
(John vi. 37.) During most of the time she
wept, and few were the words she spoke.
My hope was that the Spirit had broken her
heart, and that the love of Jesus was drawing
her to Himself, who alone can "bind up the
broken-hearted." We reached the station. I
sought to give a few words of encouragement
and comfort, told her to read the 21st chapter
of St. John's Gospel, and she left. I then
commended her to the gracious care of Him
who will never leave to perish, or cease to love,
those who trust in Him for salvation, and since
then I have had an encouraging account of her
spiritual state.

"Dear Saviour, draw reluctant hearts,
To thee let sinners fly,

And take the bliss thy love imparts,

And drink and never die."


"The Lord's work is going on very zealously all around this neighbourhood. There are prayerthe different churches. A. P., a godly young meetings in different places, besides lectures in man, a fisherman, still goes on labouring for the cause of Christ, and with great success. Sunday they sent him to Denhead again, and the large barn that Mr. Murray allowed him to have was crowded to excess. May our united prayers be, that what is spoken in truth may bring forth to His name be all the praise!" much fruit to the glory of our dear Saviour, and

In Ireland, also, the Lord is working in conversion. A beloved servant of Christ lately gave us the following account of a visit to a small village in the north of Ireland. "A man, whose mind was stored with various religious doctrines, called on a well-known Christian woman to arON a morning in Autumn last, I set off togue with her. When he entered the house, he wards the Railway Station, which was not found her engaged in talking solemnly to a young woman about her soul, and warned-her of the very far distant from my friend's house, where awful consequences of being Christless. The word I had been staying a day or two on my return Christless went as an arrow to the conscience of from the sea coast. The Master's presence, the listening man. Am I Christless? said he. Does my reader, love Jesus? I enquire not From that time he discovered the folly of holdwhich had given much peace and joy to my concerning the past; it is our present state of ing religious opinions, and still being a Christless soul from the early dawn of that day, was soul, which we should be anxious to know. soul. He was brought to the feet of Jesus, and still felt in all its sweetness and security. With Peter there had been much not pleasing membering that he had a companion that was found peace with God through His blood. ReDivine love seemed to be then drawing out to the eye of his Saviour, a three times denial dear to him, he prayed earnestly for his convermy heart in an earnest desire to "work while of his Lord- -a following afar off One who sion. God heard his prayer, and they walked towas about to lay down His life for sinful, timid gether as brethren in Christ. These two agreed it is day," and to use wisely and faithfully Peter; but after those things had taken place, together' in prayer for the conversion of others, each opportunity of doing good, which might the melting look of Jesus moved his heart- and their supplications were heard. These went present itself on the journey towards home. he wept bitterly. His state of heart was on in the same way, and so increased, that now A young female servant of the family whose somewhat known by himself, but fully known it is hoped upwards of 100 souls are truly conroof I had just left accompanied me to carry his love. "If our heart condemn us not, then may be stirred up to cry continually to God for by his Master. Jesus knew the measure of Oh that those who know the power of prayer, a small parcel. We had made only a few have we confidence towards God." (1 John iii. the salvation of souls! steps when I thought of her soul's welfare, 21.) "We love Him because He first loved and that this might be the given opportunity us." (1 John iv. 19.) Ask for grace to love for "preaching Christ to her." I asked the Him more; and ever seek after poor sinners, the following interesting letter:Lord's help and blessing; my prayer was, whose eye is upon these lines, who has read and tell them of His love. Perhaps the one "that the seed about to be sown by that "way- concerning this young stranger, has an unreside" might fall into prepared ground. She could read God's word, and occasionally did, newed heart. If this be the case, in your Thousands but her heart knew nothing of that dear Sa- heart there is no love to Jesus. viour's love; she had not a saving knowledge are living at this moment who are "dead in


verted to God.'

Since the above was in type, we have received

To the Editor of the Evangelist. DEAR SIR,-I am sorry to see that few of our Christian papers report the work doing in so many places at present. I suppose it arises from Christians not sending the tidings. You might mention in your paper, I think, some particulars which would cheer brethren in many parts of the country.

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It was 66

of Him whose mission to this sin-polluted trespasses and sins." They love sin, the earth was to "save sinners," to give "His life world, its pleasures; their love is fixed on a ransom for many," and through whose death some person or thing; but they love not JeA Christian, who has been long labouring in on the Cross, all who believe in Him are de- these? If so, may the Holy Spirit quicken Aberdeen is marvellous. "There are no words Reader! I again ask, Are you one of Aberdeenshire, writes to me that the work in livered from condemnation, pardoned, justified, and made partakers of eternal life. I said to your insensible soul, and shew to you what is "to express it, and I feel afraid to touch it; it is 66 so much of God, and so solemn. One feels her, "As you read your Bible, there may be your real state. God has bestowed upon man his best Gift. Jesus, the loving Saviour, laid 'just desirous to stand still and see the salvation some portions which you can remember. Do you know what is written in the last chapter blood, "took upon himself the form of a seraside His glory, clothed himself in flesh and "of God; it is really worth coming here only to "hear and see, if nothing else. I have found it of St. John's gospel? Can you recollect any very solemnizing and quickening. The whole part of the conversation which Jesus had with vant;" for kindness towards men he received «town seems just on the point of closing with Simon Peter, after He had risen from the insult and cruelty; He became obedient unto "Christ. An awakening also has appeared dead? Jesus asked him a question. He death, even the death of the cross." among the young prisoners in the Reforma"love to sinners" which brought Him from "tory; Christians have only to speak to people, put the same question to him three times. heaven to this lower world, and yet you love" and there and then they close with the Lord's Perhaps you may not know exactly to what I refer. In that chapter we find Jesus talking love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be The apostle said, "If any man "promises. On Saturday night last, a large "Free Church was crowded from 7 to 9 only to him about love.' I will tell you what Jesus asked Simon Peter: Lovest thou me, sidered as a just punishment for all those who had obliged the greater number to go away, there accursed at His coming. What St Paul con"for prayer, conducted as an open meeting, one "praying after another; and when a late hour more than these?"" I then spoke of Jesus love not Jesus will most undoubtedly be their "were still about 400 who would not go, but and His amazing love, setting such glorious truths before her mind in a few plain words, portion. God's word declares it. (Matt. xxv. "remained to pray longer together. A Sunday and in as simple a manner as possible. She lismorning prayer-meeting, intended only for an "hour or so, could not be got to cease at the tened thoughtfully whilst I was talking about Peter, and how Jesus was acquainted most "church hour,-it was only thinned by telling "the people it would be held again between the perfectly with every affection and feeling withservices. The writer adds, 'I feel as if all my in his disciple's heart; and when the answer "past Christian life had been wrong. I want a was given, "Lord, thou knowest all things: "new conversion. I have not seen a hundredth

Him not.


"Haste, oh! hasten to the Saviour!

Sue His mercy while you may;
Soon the day of grace is over;
Soon your life will pass away.
Hasten, Sinner!

You must perish if you stay."



I have had

"part of what sin is in God's eyes. "far too much levity in my walk and conversa❝tion. I feel, if I may so state it, that the "position I have hitherto held has not been a "true one; I have been taking the position of a child of God, while all along I have been "a child of the flesh.'

The tidings also from Scarborough are most cheering. A prayer-meeting is held every day at noon, and another every evening; about 1000 people attend the former, and 1500 the latter. I learn that in Glamorganshire and Cardiganshire, there are evident tokens of a great awakening. In Exeter the prayer-meetings are crowded; and it is hoped that not a few have been added to the church of Christ there already.

I am, dear Sir, yours truly,



BOOKS AND TRACTS recommended for the in


struction, edification, and comfort of the Children of

Righteousness without Works, 2d.
Assurance of Salvation, 2d.

Inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, 3d.
Christ and the Church, 3d.

The Work of the Spirit and the Work of Christ-
their distinction and their connexion, Id.
Christian Devotedness, ld.

The Eternal Purpose of God, ld.
The Heavenly Hope, 1d.

The Love of Christ to the Church, 1d.
Divine Canons for the Church of God, 3d.
Heavenly-mindedness, 3d.

A Call to the Converted, 4d.

The Vision of the Glory of God, 3d.
Resurrection Life, 1d.

Precious Truth, 1s.

What is it that is to be believed in order to
Eternal Life and Eternal Punishment, ld.
Salvation, Id.

One Shilling's worth of any of the above sent postage free to any part of the Kingdom.

London: William Yapp, 4, Old Cavendish Street. W.

Just published, price 1s. 6d. per packet, assorted, NEW SERIES OF GOSPEL TRACTS, in Large Type, earnestly recommended for general distribution.


1. The Fallen House.
2. The Stray Sheep.

3. Thy Kingdom Come.
4. The Scoffer Silenced.
5. Utterly Unclean.
6. Christ my Glory.

7. Liberty; or, the Captive Slave made Free.

"Recollections of an Evangelist." 2nd Edition, 2s. London: W. YAPP, 4, Old Cavendish Street. Ir is scarcely possible to recommend this work too highly. It is a plain, unvarnished record of the Lord's work, by Mr. Gribble, for upwards of forty Besides recording a considerable number years. of facts, it is interspersed with sound doctrinal truth. It should find a place in every house. Our but will not allow us to give an extract now, space we hope to do so on a future occasion. The work 10. How can I approach God? need only be known to be appreciated. "Wild Thyme." 3rd Edition. Price 2s. London: W. YAPP, 4, Old Cavendish Street.

8. Peace; or, the Dying Soldier. 9. The Black Sheep.

11. The Blood for a Token (Exodus xii. 13).

[blocks in formation]

Total, 412, with one Index to all the first lines, Names of Authors, Index to Subjects, and a third Index to all the verses, except the first, in each hymn.

This Hymn-book has been undertaken in dependence on the Lord. It is not the work of one compiler, but the result of the communion of many Christians, with the desire to promote the joy and edification of the Church of God. A selection of tunes, suited to these hymns, will probably follow.

It is intended to publish the Gospel Hymns in a
separate form also.

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Price 1s. 3d., in roan.

cost price, by application to J. U. S., The Lodge, Hallatrow, A supply of any number, not less than fifty, may be had at Somersetshire, vià Bristol.

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12. Self-righteous Lost, and THE VOICE IN THE DREAM; or, "Her Soul

Sinners Saved.

13. Be ye Reconciled.

14. The Riddle Solved.

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16. AWell-remembered Hour.
17. "I was Busy, Busy."
18. Grace.

19. Why will ye Die?
20. The one Resting-place.

London: William Yapp, 4, Old Cavendish Street. W.

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is Worth Saving." A Tale of Age. A True Narrative. Price 3d.

London: William Yapp, 4, Old Cavendish Street. W.

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the True Priest? By CATESBY PAGET. Price 6d., or 4s. 6d. for 12 copies for gratuitous distribution. London: William Yapp, 4, Old Cavendish Street. W.

Just Published, 18mo., cloth, price 1s. 6d.

R Incidents connected with Village Ministry; to LAW AND GRACE: being Notes of Lectures on

A VOLUME of solemn and touching hymns and poems. The following extract will shew the cha- which are added some Extracts from his Diary. By racter of the book.



Behold, believe, and live;

Behold His all-atoning blood,

And life receive.

"Look for thyself to Him,

Behold Him on the tree;

What though the eye of faith be dim,
He looks on thee.

"That weak, that languid eye,

Turns from Himself away;
Invites the trembling sinner nigh,

And bids him stay.

"Stay with Him near the Tree;

Stay with Him at the Tomb;
Stay till the risen Lord you see;

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A Monthly Journal,


"Compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."

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The Publisher will forward parcels of The Evan

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ark, during the 120 years it was in pre- their justification. Dear reader, make gelist to any part of the United Kingdom, post free, paring? Reader, you stand upon solemn no excuses. Do not imagine that you

on the undermentioned terms:

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will have plenty of time to enter the ark when you see his judgments approaching. Do not think you are too vile to enter in now, for the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin. If you want to escape the coming fire, and to enjoy present peace and future glory, come to Jesus now, just as you are. Come at once; come, for all things are ready.

ground, between the flood and the fire.
If you look backward, there are abundant
proofs of God's judgment by water. If
you look forward, the judgment by fire
approaches with a slow but awful cer-
tainty. All who are not sheltered in the
true ark, the Lord Jesus Christ, washed
in and pardoned through his precious
blood, will certainly perish. The ark
could have been completed in a few years.
Men saw Noah busy at work, year after
year, making little progress, as they
judged, and they scoffed, despised, and
disbelieved his preaching, not under-
standing the long-suffering of God waited THE Cross manifested God's amazing
to give them an opportunity of escaping
"When we
the flood. But there was an end to the
forbearance of a gracious God; and the

flood came.

Come to the ark, ere yet the flood
Your ling'ring steps oppose;
Come, for the door which open stood,
Is soon about to close.

The Cross of Christ.
No. 3.

love to fallen, sinful man.
were yet sinners, Christ died for us." It
is, therefore, most blessed to observe,
that the first cry of Christ on the Cross
was for sinners: "Father, forgive them,
for they know not what they do."

A Happy Death. We have lately heard of a man of God, who adorned the doctrine of God his Saviour, by a consistent life for many years, and when laid on a sick bed he Now, dear reader, this is a great fact. requested that his daughter would bring him some bread to eat, saying, "I am I entreat you to be thoughtful, and not very hungry." She handed him a slice willingly ignorant of it. The Lord makes We never see sin in its horrid blackof bread, and when he took it from her, his sun to shine upon the evil and the ness and vileness as in the sufferings and he sat up in the bed, and said, "Our good, and seed-time and harvest are pre- death of Jesus. No less a person than Lord Jesus, the same night in which He served unto us; but do not, because the one equal with God could endure all the was betrayed, took bread, and when He Lord is thus kind and gracious, think wrath and smiting that sin justly merited; had given thanks, He brake it, and said, that He has forgotten his promise of and in the wounds, bruises, stripes, darkTake eat, this is my body which is bro- coming again in flaming fire, taking venness, and hiding of God's face, that Jesus ken for you.'" When he had said these geance on them that know not God, and underwent upon the Cross for us, we find words, he fell back, and departed to be that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus sin righteously condemned and put away. with Christ. Surely we may say that he Christ. (2 Thess. i. 8.) Remember that "God spared not his own Son." Thus, the patient waiting and long suffering of in the Cross, salvation for sinners freely died feasting, and though he realized a change of place, it was no change of God, is salvation. He delays his coming, flows forth-an already accomplished that poor sinners may enter into the true salvation. Beholding Jesus crucified, we company. "Blessed are the dead which ark, and be saved. Hear the Lord's own learn to hate sin, and love the Saviour. die in the Lord." (Rev. xiv. 13.) words: "I am the door; by me if any The world, too, is never so truly beheld man enter in, he shall be saved, and go in its ungodliness as in that Cross, which READER! God once destroyed, by a flood in and out, and find pasture." Thousands was so infinitely acceptable to God, and of water, the inhabitants of this earth, have felt and confessed themselves sin- so full of love to man. The religious because of their wickedness. (Gen. vi.) ners, believed the message of God's love, world was there chief priests and His unerring word declares that He will and are now securely sheltered in the scribes; the political world-Pilate, solagain visit this same earth in terrible Lord Jesus Christ, "and yet there is diers, &c.; the people-high and low, judgment by fire. "But the heavens room." Yes, and yet there is room. The rich and poor; they were all clustered and the earth which are now, by the door is wide open; there is no reason around the Cross-all, with one consent, same word are kept in store, reserved why you should perish in the coming cried out, "Not this man, but Barabbas! unto fire against the day of judgment fire, or die in your sins, for God has Away with Him! Crucify Him!" The and perdition of ungodly men." (2 Pet. sworn that He has no pleasure in the world knew Him not. This led Paul to iii. 7.) Have you ever seriously thought death of him that dieth. The proof of say, "God forbid that I should glory save upon this subject? Do you believe that this is, that He spared not his own Son, in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, the deluge swept away all who made light but gave Him up freely to die for sin- by whom the world is crucified unto me, of Noah's earnest entreaties to enter the ners, and raised Him from the dead for and I unto the world."

The Flood and the Fire.

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