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methinks, the fact, that five were wise, and and for ever.

How astonishing the marriage. We now take Jesus' name, Jesus' nature, and Jesus' riches. We are made ready by the work of Christ, and by the operations of the Holy Spirit, who supplies our lamps with the oil of grace-keeps them ever burning, and makes us ready for heaven. The saints are now shut in with Christ-He is their head, their King-their all in all. Happy, happy prospect!

Himself to do the work we could not do. He kept the perfect law of God! each precept was obeyed by Him! No foolish word escaped His lips! no evil thought! no wrong desire! Ah, no, His life was pure, without a spot. His every act was precious in His Father's eyes, and all He did, sprung from a perfect heart within! Ah, yes, He kept the law of God, and thus wrought out a perfect righteousness for us. Nor was this all; our guilt cried

Dear friend, what are thy thoughts concern-out for wrath; it shut us out from God, nor ing Jesus? Dost thou love Him, because He could we venture near, until atonement had is thy Saviour? Art thou watching with been made; and so He took this guilt upon earnest anxiety for the second coming of the himself, became the sacrifice for sin, endured Son of Man? Dost thou desire his return, as the curse and shame, poured out His soul in thou wouldest the return of thy dearest earthly agony and woe, and thus obtained the right of friend, were he absent? If so, thou art happy saving sinful man. Ah, yes, He has a right now--thou shalt be glorified hereafter; but if to save! who dare deny His claim? He fully thou thinkest not with pleasure on Jesus now, paid the ransom price-He bought the capit will go ill with thee when He appeareth; tives back-and now it is His joy to pardon therefore, now, call upon His name for pardon, sin! Yes, He has finished all the work is for now is the accepted time, now is the day done! the law fulfilled! the ransom paid! of salvation. To-day, Jesus is willing to save and there He sits upon His throne of grace, all who are willing to be saved. and freely, fully saves each one who comes to Him.

What must I do to be saved?
Is this your question, my friend? and do you
ask how much you must do to be saved? In
other words, you wish to drive a bargain with
the Lord, and know the lowest terms on which
you can be saved. You shrink from hell, you
dread that lake of fire, but still you think
eternal life is not worth much, and so enquire
how much the Lord demands, before He
grants a home above.

five were foolish, should lead us to a diligent
examination as to the reality of our profes-
sion; for it is evident, that a large propor-
tion, IF NOT ONE HALF of the professing
Church, will come short of the glory of God,
when the Lord Jesus shall come again.
The next great truth taught in this parable,
is the necessity of more prayerful watchful-
ness. "While the Bridegroom tarried, they
all slumbered and slept." Fast asleep, may
be written on the brow of many a Christian
now, not asleep, as it regards the world, the
things of time and sense, but asleep, as it re-
gards the Lord's service. While Christians are
“diligent in business," they are not (and the
fact that they are not, is one calling for deep
lamentation)" fervent in spirit, serving the
Lord." And what is the reason of this sleepy
state? is it not that we do not really believe in
the great truth, so often spoken of in Scrip-
ture" The coming of the Lord?" Did we
actually believe this important doctrine, I feel
persuaded we should act far differently, even
as we would not that Christ should find us
swallowed up in the great whirlpool of life's
busy scenes, and not watching unto prayer.
We now turn to a very solemn lesson de-
rived from this parable-when Jesus comes,
many who are now content with mere forms
of religion, will then discover their mistake,
but the discovery will be TOO LATE. When
the Bridegroom came, then it was the foolish
virgins discovered they had no oil in their
lamps-they seek to borrow, but cannot suc- Well, be it so, and let us see what God has
ceed, they go to buy-but it is too late; for said. He has declared the terms, and says,
when they return, the door is shut-they that those who wish to merit heaven must
knock for admittance, but it is unavailing-"I keep His perfect law; a law which reaches to
know you not," seals their doom. Ah, poor the thoughts and feelings, which will not pass
misguided formalist, such, if grace prevent a single weakness by; this law must be
not, must be thy sad case ere long. Now obeyed. One sin-one failure-one mistake,
thou art satisfied with the mere shell, the out- and you are lost; for "whosoever shall keep
side show of christianity; but, alas! alas! thou the whole law, and yet offend in one point, is
hast still an evil heart of unbelief-thou hast guilty of all." Nothing short of this will do,
not yet been born again-Christ is not formed for "Cursed is every one that continueth not
in thy heart the hope of glory. Thou dost in all things which are written in the book of
now, perhaps, pass muster among the saints; the law to do them;" these are the lowest
but, ah! be warned, thou wilt not be able to terms; and in this way alone can you deserve
deceive the piercing eye of King Jesus, when eternal life: do this-and you shall live; fall
He cometh; then thou shalt surely discover short-and you are lost, yea, ruined evermore.
thy lack, and curse thy folly, while thou hearest
thy condemnation. Oh, let me entreat of thee,
that thou wouldest now repent of thy sins
toward God, and believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ, so shalt thou stand accepted in that Quite true, quite true: it is not possible
great day; but if thou now despisest the pro- for you to gain eternal life by anything you
clamation of free grace, and turnest a deaf do; you are already lost and ruined, you have
ear to the voice of Jesus' tender mercy-then an evil heart, and all you do is mixed with
know, that for thee, there remaineth nothing
but a gloomy looking for of fiery indignation,
which shall surely devour thee, and that for


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But you declare, "this is not possible; I cannot keep God's holy law, indeed, I have already sinned; and if you speak the truth, no human being will ever merit heaven."

sin, and no amount of works can ever save
your soul; the past is written down, nor can
it be effaced by all your prayers or tears; you
are even now condemned, and, Satan claims
you as his lawful prey.


Salvation is by Christ alone! there is forgiveness through His blood! He gives eternal life! a free, a precious gift! 'tis all of grace, from first to last! No works of yours will do! oh, cast them all aside; they all fall short, they will not reach the mark; but Christ has paid the debt of sin, and He has power to save: then trust yourself to Him, believe His gracious words, and fly to Him at once.

Oh! do not wait for works or prayers, or look within for something good; go as you are-all vile and worthless-good for nothing, but His precious blood can wash away all sin. It is not prayer, but Christ who saves. He sits at God's right hand, and there receives the prize for which He toiled and died: ah, yes! He lives to pardon sin, and bring the sinner near to God. His heart is filled with tenderness, and gladly does He hail each feeble cry, while songs of joy are raised over all who come to Him.

Away then with your works and prayers; oh, count them all as filthy rags, and fly at once to Christ, and look to Him to save your guilty soul! Oh, do not put it off, for fear His wrath should rise, and you be left to perish evermore. If you had power to save yourself, you might delay; but since salvation is of Christ alone, beware-do not despise His grace, nor slight His wondrous love, but seek Him now, before it be too late.

And will you ask again, what must I do? Oh, rather think, what Christ has done-you cannot do the work yourself, nor will your utmost efforts ever make amends for sin. Then cease these vain attempts, give up your filthy rags, and cast yourself, all vile and wretched as you are, at Jesus' blessed feet!

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An Alarm.

We learn in the last place, from this parable, that true Christians shall be fully blessed 'Well then," you exclaim, "what can I at the return of their Lord and Saviour Jesus do? is there no way of safety? no hope of FIRE! Fire!! Fire!!!" Such was the cry Christ. Then they that were ready went in escape?" Ah, yes, indeed there is; but not by which the inhabitants of our town were with him to the marriage; and the door was by works of yours! The Lord has formed a lately disturbed, near midnight; and then the shut." What an astonishing display of mercy way, in which you may be saved! A won-fire-bell rang, and in a few minutes half the and matchless love have we here. The Lord drous way, in which He can forgive, and yet men of the town seemed to be assembled at the scene of the conflagration. of boundless glory, united to worms of the be just! He saw you had destroyed yourself, earth-to whom he betrothed himself in faith- and so the Son of God came down to save! fulness, in loving kindness, in tender mercy, He left His glorious home above, and came

And then the bustle,-the haste to get the water supplied in order to quench the fire,the means employed to rouse those persons in

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In a little while the fire was subdued, and the adjoining property was saved. But it was striking to notice the speed with which those who were in the adjoining houses left them, when they were told that their houses were in danger. Some came out partly dressed, and they did not seem to mind what others might think of their doing so; their object was their mon safety, and this being secured, others might think what they liked.

longer of making yourself happy in a world
that "lieth in the wicked one," that is now
under judgment, because "the prince of this
world is cast out; and if you have not yet
received Jesus as your Saviour, you too are
included in the general condemnation; for "he
that believeth not is condemned already,”

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Oh! that awful word already; to be already exposed to the just anger of that God whose laws you have broken, whose authority you have despised, and whose vengeance is delayed, because of His immense goodness, His forMY DEAR S---I take the earliest opbearance, and because "He is long-suffering portunity of giving you a reply to your kind to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, letter. I was glad to hear so cheering an acbut that all should come to repentance." count of the work of the Lord at T—. (2 Peter iii. 9.) May God carry on his own work, for his own glory, by whom He may see fit to send for the work. Oh! may He help us to hold forth the great love of Christ as the alone

And now, dear reader, whoever you may Oh, poor sinner! close with God's offers of be, I would desire to impress upon you the mercy. "Agree with thine adversary quickly." importance of being in earnest about your Remember that God is not naturally an enemy soul's salvation, if you are not yet saved; and to you, although you, if still carnal, are "at to impress you, if you are saved, with the enmity against God." He is only angry with importance of warning others around you of you on account of your sins, and because of power to draw his sheep to himself. their danger. your long-continued rejection of the blood of I feel daily how unfaithful, and unworthy What is it that makes men so careless about His dear Son, whom He gave to make recon- I am, living too far from Jesus, and not their own souls, and the souls of others? ciliation for sin, and through whom He can getting my supplies from the right source, the What is the reason that Christians are not offer mercy to the vilest, even though they be Head, even Christ, and thus failure is the more earnest in seeking to rescue souls from persecutors, and blasphemers, and injurious. "everlasting burnings?" Surely, if we have Dream not of being happy without Christ. It daily result. Oh, how lamentable! May God much of the mind which was in Christ Jesus," is a delusion of Satan to make men as happy help us to take higher ground, and may we of that loving spirit of Christ which led Him as he possibly can, but still to leave them stand on the Rock Christ Jesus, and draw all to weep over Jerusalem, we too must weep"without hope and without God in the our resources from Him, for we are blessed in over sinners, who, regardless of their own world." Him, with all spiritual blessings in heavenly safety, and of the future, are rushing madly on to destruction. places. Surely we ought not to complain, for the want of fulness and fitness to every good word and work; but you and I have to complain over an evil heart of unbelief, and this ever proves a hindrance to us, the daily evils take the upper hand of the good, and traps are laid by Satan to ensnare us, thus we fail in the good fight of faith.

He (or she) that liveth in pleasure, is dead while he liveth;" but Christ has said, "He that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." (1 Tim. v. 6; John xi. 25, 26.)

If the one whose eye may now be resting
on this paper, has never yet felt the importance
of fleeing from the wrath to come,"-if he,
or she, has not yet been reconciled to God by
faith in Christ Jesus,-has not yet been jus- Only think of the company that you will
tified by His blood; I would entreat you to have to endure, if you are cast into the
flee now to that Saviour who stands with arms "lake of fire." "That old serpent, the devil,"
outstretched, waiting to receive poor sin-will be there. Those with whom, perhaps, you


My dear, dear friends, if you are still slumbering in sin, and ignorant of the danger that awaits you, I would desire to sound an alarm in your hearts. May God's Holy Spirit help me in the endeavour, and may He, who alone can convince of sin, carry home these words with convincing power to your souls.

There is a fire which is daily and hourly approaching you, to which you are not only exposed, but so much so that nothing save being in Christ can shelter you from it.. Hear God speaking to you, poor slumberer, and saying, "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." (Eph. v. 14.)

may have joined in sin, and in "despising the
riches of God's goodness and forbearance and
long-suffering," will be there; and there
shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
(Matt. xviii. 12.) Do you desire such com-
pany? Will it be pleasant to you?

Oh, my friend! whoever you are, be per-
suaded, if you are still living unforgiven and
unregenerate, to forsake your present way,
and return unto the Lord, and He will have
mercy upon you, and to our God, for He will
abundantly pardon.” (Isa. lv. 7.)



One would rather draw you to Christ by a
recital of His love-by telling you of His
goodness and wonderful works to the chil-
dren of men." But if these fail to move
you, if you know not that "the goodness of
God leadeth thee to repentance," we must,
must tell you that you are,
"after your hard-
ness and impenitent heart, treasuring up for
yourself wrath against the day of wrath and
revelation of the righteous judgment of God."
We cannot let you go to destruction without
raising a warning voice. "Knowing the ter-
rors of the Lord, we persuade men."

God has said in His word that "the wicked shall be cast into hell," (Ps. ix. 17,) and that all those whose names are not written in the Lamb's "book of life" shall be cast into the "lake of fire," (Rev. xx. 15,) a fire which all the groans and tears of impenitent sinners, and which all the cunning and exertion of the devil and his angels, can never quench. It is the lake of fire into which the beast and the false prophet shall be cast-where Satan shall And now, do not throw this paper aside, be bound; where the smoke of the torment of unless you determine to make sure of your those to whom it shall be appointed to drink soul's salvation. Let your cry be, "Lord, of the wine of the wrath of God, shall ascend save me, or I perish;" and if you feel that for ever and ever. It is that place where their Jesus, in His great mercy, is calling you, reworm dieth not, and where the fire is not spond to His call, and go to Him just as you quenched." (Mark ix. 44.) It is such a fire are, to be cleansed in His blood, and washed as man has never yet witnessed, for it will from every stain of sin. He will receive, and torment both body and soul." pardon, and love you, and will implant in your heart a love to himself, which you have hitherto wanted.



Think not to lessen the awfulness of the idea of eternal punishment, by saying that it is merely the pangs and reproaches of conscience, and the knowledge that God is angry with you. There is no warrant for any such softening, for any such reasoning as this, to be found in the word of God.

Oh, my friend! (for I desire to prove a friend to you.) beware how you trifle with the interests of your soul, or you may be caused to know what it is by bitter experience. Awake, poor sleeper, awake! Dream no

And whether you are young or old, as all are in danger of being burnt by this fire of God's wrath, unless you are hid in Christ, who is a refuge from the heat, I would say to you, "Haste, get thee up out of this city, Escape for thy life;" for as certainly as God said of Sodom, "The Lord will destroy this city," so certainly has He told us in His word that "the heavens and the earth which are now, are kept in store, reserved unto fire, against

I find the best and only remedy for this great evil, is, to spend more time in prayer, having more communion and fellowship with God our Father in Christ, thus we shall be more attracted to Christ, and the things which belong to Him will occupy a greater portion of our allotted time here, and we shall become more familiar with Himself, and the things immediately connected with eternity, and eternal life; thus our vacant hours, whether few or many, will glide peacefully away, because we shall have, even now, by faith in Him, and his work, such increased strength; and God has condescended in his precious kindness, to be in our midst, and with us, unto the end. Oh! if God be for us, who can be against us? What power can compete with his authority? for all must bow the knee to him at last. There are some here, who say they believe in a Deity, but have no heart to love God, nor believe in the power of the precious blood of His dear Son; they do not acknowledge themselves to be vile, polluted sinners, both by birth and practice, and thus they need no Saviour.

Let me say, in conclusion, dear S-, God has given all judgment into the hand of the Son; and though they now dishonour him, all shall in the end, honour the Son, even as they honour the Father.

I am sorry to hear that you are not well, may the good Physician with his Almighty power soon heal you. May the Lord bless and keep us nearer to himself; there is, thank God, in Himself, abundant grace suited to all our need, which never fails; then go to Him, is the prayer of

Yours in Christ, &c. .

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divine- the word of God-and as such which is set before them, and is promised
should be most surely believed by us. to every one that believeth.
Who are
They were written for us, for our instruc-fools? The daring, who set God at de-
tion, consolation, and correction; that fiance, and trifle with their eternal destiny.
we may be prepared for every event, and "O fools!" who do not believe all that
be fitted for every duty. The writings of the prophets have spoken! you rob your-
the prophets contain the most important selves of comfort, peace, and safety. Ye
truths-truths that affect our present rob God of the honour due unto His
happiness, and our everlasting welfare. name, and of the service which faith
If, therefore, the prophets were inspired would render. Ye put a weapon into the
by the Holy Ghost-if they wrote the hand of Satan, and arm the prince of
most important truths; and if they wrote darkness against yourselves; for nothing
for us, it is most assuredly both our duty gives the devil so much power over us
and our wisdom to believe them.
as unbelief. Do you believe the pro-
WE SHOULD BELIEVE ALL THE PRO-phets? Do you believe all that they have
PHETS WROTE. Therefore we should read written? Do you carefully read and pray
all, and endeavour to understand all. But over their writings, in order to under-
we should especially, believe what they stand them, that your faith may become

early in the month as possible, and accompanied with the have written respecting God-His ma- particular? God's word is a most pre

Author's name and address.

We do not undertake to return rejected articles.

We should believe the Prophets.


Therefore, said the apostle, "Let the
word of Christ dwell in you richly."

cious gift, but it brings with it a great responsibility, and lays us under the most solemn obligations. It will be to us, either a savour of life unto life, or a savour of death unto death. It will acquit and justify us at the bar of God, or it will accuse and condemn us there.

jesty, His mercy, and His will. Respecting the Lord Jesus-His person, His will, and His kingdom. Respecting sinnerstheir state and doom. Respecting seekUNBELIEF is a great sin. ers-their encouragements, and certainty A man of of finding. Respecting saints - their honour cannot be insulted more, than by doubting or questioning his honour; and believe all that the prophets have spoken, privileges, and prospects. We should Reader, are you acquainted with the if we believe not God, we make Him a because all is true, all is important, and prophetic writings? Do you read and liar, and offer Him the grossest insult. all is calculated to do us good. Their search them? Do you believe and exYet we often do this, and do it very communications are calculated to inform pect the fulfilment of them? The literal thoughtlessly. We do not exercise that the intellect, regulate the expectations, fulfilment of so great a part of them, is faith in His word which we should, and sanctify the heart, and rule the life. one of the most powerful proofs of their therefore do not enjoy the comfort and inspiration. The fulfilment of so much, peace to which we are entitled. We are is also a pledge for the fulfilment of the like the disciples, who, because they did IT IS GREAT FOLLY TO DISBELIEVE THE rest. To the believer, they are a mine of not receive with simplicity, and believe PROPHETS. "O fools!" This is not used wealth, a garden of pleasant fruits, and heartily the testimony of the prophets as a term of contempt or reproach, but an ocean of comfort and joy. To the respecting Christ, were filled with confu- of reproof; and is intended to blame sinner, they are a solemn warning, an them for thoughtlessness and inconsis- earnest entreaty to turn to God, and a sion, sadness, and sorrow; for which He rebuked them, when He said, "O fools, Who are fools in this sense? tency, rather than gross wickedness. death warrant, if he obstinately refuses. The Most of us have foolishly neglected the and slow of heart to believe all that the despairing, because however great their prophets. We have neglected to read prophets have spoken." (Luke xxiv. 25.) sins, however base their character, there them, with that care, thought, and devoIT IS OUR DUTY AND WISDOM TO BE is not the least ground for despair. tion which we should. We have neglected LIEVE THE PROPHETS. They spake and Pardon is promised to the vilest, and to believe them, and apply their warnings, wrote under the inspiration of the Holy mercy will be shewn to the very worst. predictions, and precepts to the common Spirit, who suggested the ideas, directed Who are fools? The desponding, because concerns of life. But whether we regard in the choice of the language employed, every promise made, and every invitation or neglect, whether we believe or disbeand superintended the formation of the given, is intended to prevent despon-lieve the prophets, all that they have letters. Every word, every letter, in the dency. Indeed, if we only believed what prophesied, shall come to pass; all that original Scriptures, proceeded from the the prophets have written, we could not they have promised, shall be made good; Holy Spirit, and is therefore holy. The despond. Who are fools? Those who all that they have threatened, shall be whole of the prophetical writings are neglect to secure the great salvation, accomplished.


"For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." (Romans


the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who

viii. 3, 4.)


It is not by persuasive eloquence, clear reasoning,
appalling sights, or by thrilling appeals to the
natural feelings, that people are converted to God.
No. It is by the word of truth that souls are
regenerated. Our Lord taught this. He said,
"If they hear not Moses and the prophets, nei-
ther will they be persuaded though one
from the dead;" as much as to say, they have
the Bible, they hear sound gospel-preaching, and
if the truth does not move them, nothing else
will make them flee from the wrath to come.
Christ is the truth. The Holy Ghost is the
Spirit of truth, and it is the truth that He uses
in converting souls. It is the Spirit's office
to guide into all truth; and surely in these days
we are made to hear the voice of God very pecu-
liarly, saying, "It is not by might, nor by power,
but by my Spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." And
at a time like this, when we see men using human
appliances, so contending for expediency, and
when we so often hear of such sad statements as
"handmaids of the gospel," "stepping-stones of
the gospel," &c., it is most important to see that
it is the truth which really accomplishes the work
of God. We find this often brought before us in
the Scriptures. Peter informs us that we "are
born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incor
ruptible, by the Word of God, which liveth and
abideth for ever." James says, "Of His own
will begat He us with the word of truth." Paul
declares. "In Christ Jesus, I have begotten you
through the gospel." And our Lord's promise to
His disciples was, "Ye shall know the truth, and
the truth shall make you free." These inspired
testimonies should be carefully pondered, because
they shew us the immense value that God puts
on the truth, as well as our deep responsibility in
relation to it. And, oh! how thankful should
we be for the Bible! How blessed to have such
an unalterable standard of truth! What con-
descension of the Holy Spirit to come down to
reveal and apply the truth to us! How careful
should we be to ascertain what the truth of God
is! How prayerfully should we search the Scrip-
tures, in dependance on the Spirit's teaching, for
the truth! How important that those who preach
should "preach the Word;" and how necessary
that those who listen should take heed to what
they receive, so that their faith may not stand
in the wisdom of men, but on the word of the
living and true God, which will never pass away!
Perhaps nothing has so corrupted the truth of
the Gospel as the common practice of blending
the Law with it. Few things are more dissimilar,
and kept so distinct in the Scriptures, yet they
are often so mingled together in the present day
as to destroy the simplicity and truth of both
law and gospel. It was in this way the truth
of Christ was so corrupted among the Galatian
saints, that the apostle faithfully told them that
Christ had become of no effect unto those who
were justified by the Law, for they were fallen
It is then a matter of great im-
portance to be able clearly to distinguish between
law and gospel, for the believer is not under the
law, but under grace.

from grace.

demnation. Nor is it reasonable. Man's sense
breaker of one of the laws of the country has
of justice towards his fellow man is, that the
committed an act of rebellion, and is therefore
deservedly exposed to punishment. It is not
necessary for a man to have perpetrated robbery
twenty times before he is pronounced guilty; but
if in one instance he is proved to have committed
an act of robbery, he is liable to punishment as
a breaker of the law. And is God less just than
man? Certainly not. He is just in condemning
and executing vengeance on all breakers of His
holy law. The question of the law is not, how
much have you transgressed, or how many
breaches of the law are you guilty of? but have
you sinned at all? for "the soul that sinneth, it
shall die." God has only one punishment for
sin, that is, death-eternal death. "The wages
of sin is death."


The Law of Moses consisted of two tables, one
containing laws relating to man's conduct toward
God, and the other to his conduct toward his
neighbour. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and
with all thy strength, and with all thy mind,
and thy neighbour as thyself." These were the
demands of the Law. There was nothing un-
holy or unjust in it, and a person coming up
all times, and in all things, to this standard,
would prove himself a righteous person, and
would live. We may try to modify the Law, or
to pare down its sweeping demands, or endeavour
to excuse ourselves for not complying with it, in
order to meet the exercises of conscience; but
the Law permits nothing of the kind. If the
Law is broken, curse must follow. Neither did
all the ordinances and sacrifices offered under the
Law alter this, or remove the guilt, because it is
impossible that the blood of bulls and of goats
could take away sin; the most these things could
do was to point to that future Sacrifice which
would make an end of sin, and bring in ever-
lasting righteousness. The Law was a rigid test
to try and make manifest. If there were no
laws in a country, there could be no transgres
sion, and, consequently, no punishment; but if
laws were made, the offenders would be made
known, and its demands executed, for such is
the nature of law: therefore it is written, "The
Law worketh wrath; for where no law is there
is no transgression." (Rom. iv. 15.)

2. THE EFFECTS OF THE LAW. "It was weak through the flesh," that is, it was unable to meet man's need, because he was a fallen, helpless sinner. Scarcely had the terrible thunders and terrors of Mount Sinai passed, and the people put themselves under the obligations of the Law, when they were found dancing round a golden calf, exclaiming, "These be thy gods, O Israel, that brought thee out of the land of Egypt! thus violating the first sentence of the Law, which said, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me.' (Ex. xx. 3.) The Law, then, at once proved man a transgressor, and justly called for the execution of the sentence of death; accordingly we are told, that "there fell of the people that day about three thousand men." (Ex. xxxii. 28.) The subsequent history of those under the Law was very similar, consisting chiefly of a succession of rebellions and judgments, so that instead of life and righteousness coming by the Law, it wrought condemnation and death; no one was In pursuing our inquiry after the truth of justified by it, but every one proved guilty. The God concerning these subjects, it will be well to demands of the Law served to shew what was in consider, 1. What we are to understand by the man, as Paul said, "I had not known sin, but law? 2. What were its effects? 3. What is by the Law; for I had not known lust, except grace, and its effects? 4. Notice some points of the Law had said, 'Thou shalt not covet.' special contrast between the law and the gospel; holy, just, and good as the Law was, it proved and, lastly, make some application of the subject. an insufficient instrument to meet man's necesI. WHAT ARE WE TO UNDERSTAND BY THE sity, by reason of the weak and corrupt character LAW?" What the law could not do." the law, in this text, is evidently meant the commands given to Israel on Mount Sinai, four hundred and thirty years after the call of Abra ham. (Gal. iii. 17.) It made righteous demands upon man, promising life to those who fully obeyed “This do, and thou shalt live," and pronouncing curse on those who were disobedient in any degree-"Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the Law to do them." Thus we see that the Law knew nothing of mercy, but its demands were so strict, that an offender in one point was held guilty of all. (James ii. 10.) It is therefore vain and delusive for persons to try to shelter themselves under the idea that because they are not conscious of having broken all the laws of God they are not exposed to His just con

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By of the flesh. A man might be a most efficient
sculptor, but if the marble was not able to bear
the touches of the chisel, the work would be very
imperfect. Another man might be an elegant
writer, but the paper and ink might be most un-
fit for him to carry out his design. Every touch
of the sculptor's chisel, and every stroke of the
artist's pen, would thus only shew the worthless-
ness of the marble, and the inferior quality of
the paper. So man, shapen in iniquity, and by
nature a child of wrath, with a heart alienated
from God, when tried by the standard of God's
holy law, is made manifest as coming short,
and "found wanting." "Therefore," saith the
apostle, "by the deeds of the Law there shall no
flesh be justified in His sight, for by the Law is
the knowledge of sin."

No persons, therefore, were saved by the Law.

Even those who lived under the Law were saved blessedness of the man unto whom God imputeth by grace; for instance, "David describeth the righteousness without works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered; blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." The Lord Jesus was the only law-fulfiller, He obeyed every jot and tittle of it; but we have all sinned, and become subject to the wrath of God. The Law could only make sin known, but could not put sin away.

The blindness and ignorance of the human heart is seen in the readiness with which men put themselves under Law. Though the trials the children of Israel had experienced after they left Egypt had so proved their weakness, and brought out such murmuring, yet, directly the Law was given, notwithstanding the dreadful terrors of Sinai, they unhesitatingly covenanted to fulfil all its demands, and said, "All the words which Jehovah hath said will we do." It was an easy thing to say this, but, alas! their subsequent history proved them to be "a disobedient and a gainsaying people." And is unregenerate man less so now? Is he not the same still? Hath the Ethiopian changed his skin, or the leopard his spots? Has fallen man changed his own heart, or proved himself otherwise than a breaker of God's laws? Where is the man that can say, I have loved the Lord my God with all my heart, and with all my soul, and with all my strength, and with all my mind, and my neighbour as myself? Oh, it is well to see what the Law is, and what its workings have always been; for perhaps the deadliest cup of poison ever put into the hands of sinners is a mixture of law and gospel, calculated to deceive, because it is truth perverted, and to leave the soul in the fatal snare of being neither consciously guilty nor pardonedneither a sinner nor a saint; thus, blinded by tradition and mere nominal religion, they hasten onward to the great white throne, to be judged every man according to their works, where they of the works of the Law are under the curse” will, when too late, prove that "as many as are


very solemn this is.


3. WHAT IS GRACE? "God sending His own Son, in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh, that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us," &c. Grace is the wondrous love of God in saving man, when a sinner, by the death of His onlybegotten Son. Man had been responsible for fulfilling the Law, and man must obey; man had sinned, and man must be made a curse; therefore the Son of God became man. sent forth His Son made of a woman, not in sinful flesh, but in the likeness of sinful flesh; thus the holy and just One could fulfil and suffer, in the stead of the unjust and unholy, so as to bring us to God. Thus the grace of God brings salvation to the chief of sinners. Sin having been condemned in the flesh, by the Cross, God can justly pardon the sinner; and the Righteous One having fully obeyed unto death for us, righteousness can justly be imputed to us: "By the obedience of One shall many be made righteous." Thus we see that grace was manifested in the Cross, by God condemning our sin in the flesh of His own Son, and making us righteous in Him whom He raised from the dead, thus doing

what the Law could not do. The work of Christ's Cross, then, is the ground of our peace and confidence in God. It is in the Cross we see that God is the God of all grace, and that Christ's death is our life and peace.

"From the Cross our hope we draw,
'Tis the sinner's sure resource;
Jesus magnified the Law,

Jesus bore its awful curse;
What a joyful truth is this,
O how full of hope it is!"

The grace of God in Christ exactly meets the
sinner's necessities. It needs a sinner to dis-
play itself upon. A spotless holy angel before
the throne may be the subject of Jehovah's love,
but cannot taste that the Lord is gracious; for
man, sinful, rebellious man alone is the throne
of grace established. Other creatures of God
will behold its wonders, but man only realizes
eternal redemption through the blood of the

"For man, O miracle of grace!
For man the Saviour bled!"

With regard to the effects of the grace of God
on souls, eternity itself will only be long enough
to unfold; but suffice it to say at present, that

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