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Doubtless Saul was much amazed with this strange salutation, and news of the prophet and how modestly doth he put it off, as that which was neither fit nor likely, disparaging his tribe, in respect of the rest of Israel; his father's family, in respect of the tribe; and himself, in respect of his father's family! Neither did his humility stoop below the truth; for, as Benjamin was the youngest son of Israel, so he was now by much the least tribe of Israel. They had not yet recovered that universal slaughter which they had received from the hands of their brethren, whereby a tribe was almost lost to Israel: yet even out of the remainder of Benjamin doth God choose the man that shall command Israel; out of the rubbish of Benjamin doth God raise the throne. That is not ever the best and fattest which God chooseth; but that which God chooseth is ever the fittest. The strength or weakness of means is neither spur nor bridle to the determinate choices of God; yea, rather, he holds it the greatest proof of his freedom and omnipotence, to advance the unlikeliest. It was no hollow and feigned excuse that Saul makes, to put off that which he would fain enjoy, and to cause honour to follow him the more eagerly: it was the sincere truth of his humility, that so dejected him under the hand of God's prophet. Fair beginnings are no sound proof of our proceedings and ending well. How often hath a bashful childhood ended in an impudency of youth; a strict entrance, in licentiousness; early forwardness, in atheism! There might be a civil meekness in Saul; true grace there was not in him. They that be good, bear more fruit in their age.

Saul had but fivepence in his purse to give the prophet. The prophet, after much good cheer, gives him the kingdom: he bestows the oil of royal consecration on his head, the kisses of homage upon his face, and sends him away rich in thoughts and expectation. And now, lest his astonishment should end in distrust, he settles his assurance, by forewarnings of those events which he should find in his way: he tells him whom he shall meet, what they shall say, how himself shall be affected. That all these, and himself, might be so many witnesses of his following coronation, every word confirmed him. For well might he think, He that can foretell me the motions and words of others, cannot fail in mine; especially when (as Samuel had prophesied to him) he found himself to prophesy: his prophesying did enough foretell his kingdom. No sooner did Samuel

turn his back from Saul, but God gave him another heart, lifting up his thoughts and disposition to the pitch of a king. The calling of God never leaves a man unchanged neither did God ever employ any man in his service, whom he did not enable to the work he set him; especially those whom he raiseth up to the supply of his own place, and the representation of himself. It is no marvel if princes excel the vulgar in gifts, no less than in dignity. Their crowns and their hearts are both in one and the same hand. If God did not add to their powers, as well as their honours, there would be no equality.


GOD hath secretly destined Saul to the kingdom. It could not content Israel that Samuel knew this; the lots must so decide the choice as if it had not been predetermined that God, which is ever constant to his own decrees, makes the lots to find him out whom Samuel had anointed. If once we have notice of the will of God, we may be confident of the issue. There is no chance to the Almighty: even casual things are no less necessary in their first cause, than the natural. So far did Saul trust the prediction and oil of Samuel, that he hides him among the stuff. He knew where the lots would light before they were cast; this was but a modest declination of that honour which he saw must come his very withdrawing showed some expecta tion, why else should he have hid himself, rather than the other Israelites? Yet could he not hope his subducing himself could disappoint the purpose of God: he well knew, that he which found out and designed his name amongst the thousands of Israel, would easily find out his person in a tent. When once we know God's decree, in vain shall we strive against it: before we know it, it is indifferent for us to work to the likeliest.

I cannot blame Saul for hiding himself from a kingdom, especially of Israel. Ho nour is heavy, when it comes upon the best terms: how should it be otherwise, when all men's cares are cast upon one; but most of all in a troubled estate? No man can put to sea without danger; but he that launcheth forth in a tempest, can expect nothing but the hardest event: such was the condition of Israel. Their old enemies the Philistines were stilled with that fearful thunder of God, as finding what it was

to war against the Almighty. There were | narchs must walk by a rule, which, if they adversaries enough besides in their borders: transgress, they shall be accountable to him it was but a hollow truce that was betwixt that is higher than the highest, who hath Israel and their heathenish neighbours, and deputed them. Not out of care of civility, Nahash was now at their gates. Well did so much as conscience, must every Samuel Saul know the difference between a peace- labour to keep even terms betwixt kings ful government and the perilous and wea- and subjects, prescribing just moderation risome tumults of war. The quietest throne to the one; to the other, obedience and is full of cares; but the perplexed, of dan- loyalty, which, whoever endeavours to gers. Cares and dangers drove Saul into trouble, is none of the friends of God or this corner, to hide his head from a crown: his church. these made him choose rather to lie obscurely among the baggage of his tent, than to sit gloriously in the throne of state. This hiding could do nothing but show, that he both suspected lest he should be chosen, and desired he should not be chosen. That God, from whom the hills and the rocks could not conceal him, brings him forth to the light, so much more longed for, as he was more unwilling to be seen, and more applauded, as he was more longed for.

Now then, when Saul is drawn forth in the midst of the eager expectation of Israel, modesty and goodliness showed themselves in his face. The crowd cannot hide him, whom the stuff had hid: as if he had been made to be seen, he overlooks all Israel in height of stature, for presage of the eminence of his state: "From the shoulders upwards, was he higher than any of the people." Israel sees their lots are fallen upon a noted man, one whose person showed he was born to be a king: and now all the people shout for joy; they have their longing, and applaud their own happiness, and their king's honour. How easy is it for us to mistake our own estates; to rejoice in that which we shall find the just cause of our humiliation! The end of a thing is better than the beginning. The safest way is to reserve our joy till we have good proof of the worthiness and fitness of the object. What are we the better for having a blessing, if we know not how to use it? The office and observance of a king was uncouth to Israel: Samuel therefore informs the people of their mutual duties, and writes them in a book, and lays it up before the Lord; otherwise, novelty might have been a warrant for their ignorance, and ignorance for neglect. There are reciprocal respects of princes and people, which, if they be not observed, government languisheth into confusion: these Samuel faithfully teacheth them. Though he may not be their judge, yet he will be their prophet; he will instruct, if he may not rule; yea, he will instruct him that shall rule. There is no king absolute, but he that is the King of all gods. Earthly mo

The most and best applaud their new king; some wicked ones despised him, and said, "How shall he save us?" It was not the might of his parents, the goodliness of his person, the privilege of his lot, the fame of his prophesying, the panegyric of Samuel, that could shield him from contempt, or win him the hearts of all. There was never yet any man, to whom some took not exception. It is not possible either to please or displease all men; while some men are in love with vice, as deeply as others with virtue, and some as ill dislike virtue, if not for itself, yet for contradiction. They well saw Saul chose not himself; they saw him worthy to have been chosen, if the election should have been carried by voices, and those voices by their eyes; they saw him unwilling to hold, or yield, when he was chosen; yet they will envy him. What fault could they find in him whom God had chosen? His parentage was equal, his person above them, his inward parts more above them than the outward. Malcontents will rather devise than want causes of flying out; and rather than fail, the universal approbation of others is ground enough of their dislike. It is a vain ambition of those that would be loved of all. The Spirit of God, when he enjoins us peace, withal he adds, If it be possible;" and favour is more than peace. A man's comfort must be in himself, the conscience of deserving well.

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The neighbouring Ammonites could not but have heard of God's fearful vengeance upon the Philistines, and yet they will be taking up the quarrel against Israel. Nahash comes up against Jabesh-Gilead. Nothing but grace can teach us to make use of others' judgments. Wicked men are not moved with aught that falls beside them: they trust nothing but their own smart. What fearful judgments doth God execute every day! Resolute sinners take no notice of them, and are grown so peremptory, as if God had never showed dislike of their ways.

The Gileadites were not more base than Nahash the Ammonite was cruel. The

Gileadites would buy their peace with servility; Nahash would sell them a servile peace for their right eyes. Jephthah the Gileadite did yet stick in the stomach of Ammon; and now they think their revenge cannot be too bloody. It is a wonder that he which would offer so merciless a condition to Israel, would yield to the motion of any delay; he meant nothing but shame and death to the Israelites, yet he condescends to a seven days' respite: perhaps his confidence made him thus careless. Howsoever, it was the restraint of God that gave this breath to Israel, and this opportunity to Saul's courage and victory. The enemies of God's church cannot be so malicious as they would, cannot approve God themselves so malicious as they are. so holds them in sometimes, that a standerby would think them favourable. news of Gilead's distress hath soon filled and afflicted Israel; the people think of no remedy but their pity and tears. Evils are easily grieved for; not easily redressed: only Saul is more stirred with indignation than sorrow that God, which put into him a spirit of prophecy, now puts into him a spirit of fortitude. He was before appointed to the throne, not settled in the throne; he followed the beasts in the field, when he should have commanded men.


Now, as one that would be a king no less by merit than election, he takes upon him, and performs the rescue of Gilead; he assembles Israel, he leads them, he raiseth the siege, breaks the troops, cuts the throats of the Ammonites. When God hath any exploit to perform, he raiseth up the heart of some chosen instrument with heroical When all motions for the achievement. hearts are cold and dead, it is a sign of intended destruction.

This day hath made Saul a complete king; and now the thankful Israelites begin to inquire after those discontented mutineers, which had refused allegiance unto so worthy a commander: "Bring those men, that we may slay them." This sedition had deserved death, though Saul had been foiled at Gilead; but now his happy victory whets the people much more to a desire of this just execution. Saul, to whom the injury was done, hinders the revenge: "There shall no man die this day, for today the Lord hath saved Israel;" that his fortitude might not go beyond his mercy. How noble were these beginnings of Saul! His prophecy showed him miraculously wise, his battle and victory no less valiant, his pardon of his rebels as merciful. There was not more power showed in overcoming

the Ammonites than in overcoming himself
and the impotent malice of these mutinous
Israelites. Now Israel sees they have a
king, that can both shed blood and spare
it; that can shed the Ammonites' blood,
As in
and spare theirs. His mercy wins those
hearts whom his valour could not.
God, so in his deputies, mercy and justice
should be inseparable: wheresoever these
two go asunder, government follows them
into distraction, and ends in ruin. If it had
been a wrong offered to Samuel, the for-
bearance of the revenge had not been so
commendable, although, upon the day of so
happy a deliverance, perhaps it had not
been seasonable. A man hath reason to be
most bold with himself. It is no praise of
mercy, since it is a fault in justice, to remit
another man's satisfaction; his own he may.


EVERY one can be a friend to him that prospereth. By this victory hath Saul as well conquered the obstinacy of his own people. Now there is no Israelite that rejoiceth not in Saul's kingdom. No sooner have they done objecting to Saul, than Samuel begins to expostulate with them. The same day wherein they began to be pleased, God shows himself angry. All the passages of their proceedings offended him; he deferred to let them know it, till now that the kingdom was settled, and their hearts lifted up. Now doth God cool their God will not let his courage and joy, with a back-reckoning for their forwardness. people run away with the arrearages of All this while their sins; but, when they least think of it, calls them to an account. was God angry with their rejection of Samuel; yet, as if there had been nothing but peace, he gives them a victory over their enemies; he gives way to their joy in their election; now he lets them know, God may be angry that after their peace-offerings he hath a quarrel with them. enough with us, while we outwardly pros


It is the wisdom of God to take his best advantages: he suffers us to go on, till we should come to enjoy the fruit of our sin, till we seem past the danger either of conscience or punishment; then, even when we begin to be past the feeling of our sin, we shall begin to feel his displeasure for our sins: this is only where he loves, But where he would both forgive and reclaim. He hath now to do with his Israel. where he means utter vengeance, he lets

men harden themselves to a reprobate | cence hath not done him service enough, senselessness, and make up their own measure without contradiction, as purposing to reckon with them but once for ever. Samuel had dissuaded them before; he reproves them not until now. If he had thus bent himself against them, ere the settling of the election, he had troubled Israel in that which God took occasion by their sin to establish; his opposition would have savoured of respects to himself, whom the wrong of this innovation chiefly concerned. Now therefore, when they are sure of their king, and their king of them; when he hath set even terms betwixt them mutually, he lets them see how they were at odds with God. We must ever dislike sins; we may not ever show it. Discretion in the choice of seasons for reproving is no less commendable and necessary, than zeal and faithfulness in reproving. Good physicians use not to evacuate the body in extremities of heat or cold; wise mariners do not hoist sails in every wind.

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First doth Samuel begin to clear his own innocence, ere he dare charge them with their sin. He that will cast a stone at an offender, must be free himself, otherwise he condemns and executes himself in another person. The conscience stops the mouth of the guilty man, and chokes him with that sin which lies in his own breast, and, having not come forth by a penitent confession, cannot find the way out in a reproof, or, if he do reprove, he doth more shame himself, than reform another. He, that was the judge of Israel, would not now judge himself, but would be judged by Israel: Whose ox have I taken? whose ass have I taken? or to whom have I done wrong?" No doubt Samuel found himself guilty before God of many private infirmities; but for his public carriage he appeals to men. A man's heart can best judge of himself; others can best judge of his actions. As another man's conscience and approbation cannot bear us out before God, so cannot our own before men; for ofttimes that action is censured by the beholders as wrongful, wherein we applaud our own justice. Happy is that man that can be acquitted by himself in private, in public by others, by God in both. Standers-by may see more. It is very safe for a man to look into himself by others' eyes. In vain shall a man's heart absolve him that is condemned by his actions.

It was not so much the trial of his carriage that Samuel appealed for, as his justification. Not for his own comfort, so much as their conviction. His inno

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unless it shame them, and make them confess themselves faulty. In so many years, wherein Samuel judged Israel, it cannot be but many thousand causes passed his hands, wherein both parties could not possibly be pleased; yet so clear doth he find his heart and hands, that he dare make the grieved part judges of his judgment. A good conscience will make a man undauntedly confident, and dare put him upon any trial; where his own heart strikes him not, it bids him challenge all the world, and take up all comers. How happy a thing is it for man to be his own friend and patron! He needs not to fear foreign broils, that is at peace at home. Contrarily, he that hath a false and foul heart, lies at every man's mercy, lives slavishly, and is fain to daub up a rotten peace with the basest conditions. Truth is not afraid of any light; and therefore dare suffer her wares to be carried from a dim shop-board unto the street-door. Perfect gold will be but the purer with trying; whereas falsehood, being a work of darkness, loves darkness, and therefore seeks where it may work closest.

This very appellation cleared Samuel; but the people's attestation cleared him more. Innocency and uprightness become every man well, but most public persons, who shall be else obnoxious to every offender. The throne and the pulpit, of all places, call for holiness, no more for example of good, than for liberty of controlling evil. All magistrates swear to do that, which Samuel protesteth he hath done; if their oath were so verified, as Samuel's protestation, it were a shame for the state not to be happy. The sins of our teachers are the teachers of sin; the sins of governors do both command and countenance evil. This very acquitting of Samuel was the accusation of themselves; for how could it be but faulty to cast off a faultless governor? If he had not taken away an ox or an ass from them, why do they take away his authority? They could not have thus cleared Saul at the end of his reign. It was just with God, since they were weary of a just ruler, to punish them with an unjust.

He that appealed to them for his own uprightness, durst not appeal to them for their own wickedness, but appeals to heaven from them. Men are commonly flatterers of their own cases: it must be a strong evidence that will make a sinner convicted in himself. Nature hath so many shifts to cozen itself in this spiritual

verdict, that unless it be taken in the manner, it will hardly yield to a truth; either she will deny the fact, or the fault, or the measure and now, in this case, they might seem to have some fair pretences; for though Samuel was righteous, yet his sons were corrupt. To cut off all excuses, therefore, Samuel appeals to God, the highest judge, for his sentence of their sin, and dares trust to a miraculous conviction. It was now their wheat-harvest; the hot and dry air of that climate did not wont to afford, in that season, so much moist vapour as might raise a cloud, either for rain or thunder. He that knew God could and would do both these without the help of second causes, puts the trial upon this issue.

Had not Samuel before consulted with his Maker, and received warrant for his act, it had been presumption and tempting of God, which was now a noble improvement of faith. Rather than Israel shall go clear away with a sin, God will accuse and arraign them from heaven. No sooner hath Samuel's voice ceased, than God's voice begins. Every crack of thunder spake judgment against the rebellious Israelites, and every drop of rain was a witness of their sin; and now they found they had displeased Him which ruleth in the heaven, by rejecting the man that ruled for him on earth. The thundering voice of God, that had lately in their sight confounded the Philistines, they now understood to speak fearful things against them. No marvel if they now fell upon their knees, not to Saul, whom they had chosen, but to Samuel, who, being thus cast off by them, is thus countenanced in heaven.


God never meant the kingdom should either stay long in the tribe of Benjamin, or remove suddenly from the person of Saul. Many years did Saul reign over Israel: yet God computes him but two years a king. That is not accounted of God to be done, which is not lawfully done. When God, which chose Saul, rejected him, he was no more a king, but a tyrant. Israel obeyed him still; but God makes no reckoning of him as his deputy, but as an usurper.

Saul was of good years when he was advanced to the kingdom. His son Jonathan, the first year of his father's reign, could lead a thousand Israelites into the field, and give a foil to the Philistines; and

now Israel could not think themselves less happy in their prince than in their king. Jonathan is the heir of his father's victory, as well as of his valour and his estate. The Philistines were quiet, after those first thunderclaps, all the time of Samuel's government; now they begin to stir under Saul.

How utterly is Israel disappointed in their hopes! That security and protection which they promised themselves in the name of a king, they found in a prophet, failed of in a warrior. They were more safe under the mantle than under arms. Both enmity and safeguard are from heaven Goodness hath been ever a stronger guard than valour. It is the surest policy always to have peace with God.

We find, by the spoils, that the Philistines had some battles with Israel which are not recorded. After the thunder had scared them into a peace, and restitution of all the bordering cities, from Ekron to Gath, they had taken new heart, and so enslaved Israel, that they had neither weapon nor smith left among them; yet, even in this miserable nakedness of Israel, have they both fought and overcome. Now might you have seen the unarmed Israelites marching with their slings and ploughstaves, and hooks and forks. and other instruments of their husbandry, against a mighty and well-furnished enemy, and returning laden both with arms and victory. No armour is of proof against the Almighty, neither is he unweaponed, that carries the revenge of God. There is the same disadvantage in our spiritual conflicts: we are turned naked to principalities and powers. Whilst we go under the conduct of the Prince of our peace, we cannot but be bold and victorious.

Vain men think to overpower God with munition and multitude: the Philistines are not any way more strong than in conceit. Thirty thousand chariots, six thousand horsemen, footmen like the sand for number, make them scorn Israel no less than Israel fears them. When I see the miraculous success which had blessed the Israelites in all their late conflicts with these very Philistines, with the Ammonites, I cannot but wonder how they could fear. They, which in the time of their sin found God to raise such trophies over their enemies, run now into caves, and rocks, and pits, to hide them from the faces of men, when they found God reconciled, and themselves penitent. No Israelite but hath some cowardly blood in him. If we had no fear, faith would have no mastery; yet these

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