Sidor som bilder

178. Orthography or Right Spelling. As Proverbs. 1. As we act towards others, we we have two kinds of language, written and may expect others to act towards us. 2. A good spoken, so, there are two modes of spelling; orator is pointed, and vehement. 3. Idleness-is one addressed to the eye, and exhibited by the rust of the mind, and the blight of genius. 4. naming the letters; the other addressed to Assist yourself, and heaven will assist you. 5. the ear, and spelled by giving the sounds, We should estimate man's character, by his goodwhich the letters represent: the former meth-ness; not by his wealth. 6. Knowledge—is as esod, which is the common one, tends to the sential to the mind, as food is to the body. 7. A dominant use of the throat, and lungs, and is good word is as soon said, as an ill one. 8. No one of the fruitful sources of consumption; man to do wrong. 9. Virtue-is the best, and temptation of emolument, can induce an honest the latter, which is the new one, serves to safest helmet we can wear. keep up the natural use of the appropriate fickleness of fortune, oppose a bold heart. 11. 10. Against the muscles, and tends to prevent, as well as cure, Never profess-what you do not practice. 12. dyspepsia, liver and lung complaints, and Treat every one with kindness. diseases of the throat.


179. Classification of the Consonants. The first natural division of the consonants is into Vocal and Aspirate. Of the Vocal there are, as they stand in the alphabet, and their combinations, twenty-six; but deducting the duplicates, there are but seventeen; viz: b, as in bib; c, as in suffice; d, as in dead, f, as in of; g, as in gem, go, rouge; l, as in ill; m, as in me; n, as in none, bank; r, as in err, pride; w, as in wo; x, as in exist; y, as in yet; and th as in this; all of which should be given separately, as well as combined, and their differences observed.

Anecdote. Keeping Time-from Eternity. Chief Justice Parsons, of Massachusetts, having been shown a watch, that was looked on as well worthy of notice, as it had saved a man's life, in a duel, remarked,"It is, indeed, a very astonishing watch, that has kept time-from eternity.

The Difference. Why is it, that many professors of religion are so reluctant, to have the reading of the Bible, as well as speaking and singing, conducted in a correct and proper manner? Should not the ered in an appropriate style? Do they greatest and most glorious truths-be delivthink to exalt religious truth, in the eyes of 180. After the pupil has become familiar the well-informed, by communicating it in with reading by vowel sounds and spelling, a way that is not only repulsive to correct as above recommended, let him be exercised taste, but slovenly, and absolutely wrong? in reading by the vowel and consonant Is it calculated to recommend devotional exsounds: i. e. by giving a perfect analysis ercises to their consideration, by offering up of all the sounds, found in any of the words prayer in a language and manner, unbecomof the sentence before him; which involves forming the singing, regardless of proper ing man when addressing man; and perevery thing relating to sounds, whether sin-time and tune? Will they present their ofgle, double, or triple; and to articulation, ferings in a maimed, halt and blind manner, accent, pronunciation, and emphasis. No upon the altar of religion; while they have one should wish to be excused from these it in their power, to provide a way in acvery useful and important exercises; for they cordance with the subject and object of their are direrctly calculated to improve the voice, devotion? Is it well-to despise a good the ear, and the manner, while they impart style and manner of elocution and music, that kind of knowledge of this subject, which because we have not the ability, and are too will be felt to be power, and give one confi- indolent to labor for it, to do justice to our

dence in his own abilities.

Notes. 1. It is not a little amusing and instructive too, to examine the great variety of names, used by different authors, to designate the sounds of our letters, their classifications, &c. against which the charge of simplicity cannot be brought: in every thing, let us guard against learned and unlearned ignorance. 2. There are those, who ought, from their position before the world, to be standard authorities in the pronunciation of letters and words, and in general delivery; but, unfortunately, on account of their sad defects and inaccuracies, in all those particulars, they constitute a court selves upon the first principles and our own resources; using, how. ever, such true lights as a kind Providence has vouchsafed us for

of Errors, instead of Appeal: consequently, we must throw our

our guidance.

To him, who, in the love of nature, holds
Communion with her visible forms, she speaks
A various language; for his gayer hours,
She has a voice of gladness, and a smile,
And eloquence of beauty; and she glides
Into his darker musings-with a mild
And gentle sympathy, that steals away
Their sharpness-ere he is aware.

selves and others?
wisdom dictate?


What course does true


1. Men-will never feel like
women, nor women-think, like men.
In too eager disputation, the truth is often
lost sight of. 3. Woman-is not degraded,
but elevated, by an earnest, daily applica-
tion-to her domestic concerns.
wretched is his condition, who depends for
4. How
his daily support, on the hospitality of others.
5. An evil-speaker-differs from an evil-
doer, only in opportunity. 6. The use of
hnowledge is to communicate to others, that
they may be the better for it. 7. They who
deny a God, either in theory, or practice, de
stroy man's nobility.

Till youth's delirious dream is o'er,
Sanguine with hope, we look before,
The future good to find;

In age, when error charms no more,
For bliss-we look behind.

181. Orthography, being to the Elocutionist, especially, a subject of incalcuable importance, it is presumed a few observations, illustrated by examples, will not be out of place. The author introduces an entirely new mode of learning the letters, by the use of sounds, before the characters are exhib ited; also, a new way of spelling, in which the words are spelt by giving the different sounds of the letters, instead of their names: and finally, a new method of teaching children to read, by dictation; instead of by the book: i. e. to read without a book, the same as we all learn to speak our mother tongue; and afterwards, with a book: thus making the book talk just as we should, when speaking on the same subject.

182. Aspirates. There are, according to their representatives, 21 aspirate, or breath sounds: omitting the duplicates, (or letters having the same sound,) there are only eleven; viz: c, as in cent, clock, ocean; d, as in fac'd; f, as in fife; h, as in hoe; p, as in pipe;

Proverbs. 1. Estimate persons more by their hearts, than by their heads. 2. A people who have no amusements, have no manners. 3. All are not saints, who go to church; all is not gold that glitters. 4. Advice-is soldom welcome; those who need it most, generally like it least. 5. Do not spend your words to no purpose; but come to the facts. 6. Great things-cannot be accomplished without proper means. 7. We reap the consequences of our actions-both here, and hereafter. 8. God gives to all, the power of becoming what they ought to be. 9. Infringe on no one's rights. 10. If we are determined to succeed, we shall succeed. 11. Better do well, than say well. 12. Better be happy than rich.

Anecdote. If men would confine their conversation to such subjects as they under. stand, how much better it would be for both speaker and hearer. Hally, the great ma.. thematician, dabbled not a little in infidelity; he was rather too fond of introducing this subject in his social intercourse; and once, when he had descanted somewhat freely on Newton, the latter cut him short with this it, in the presence of his friend, Sir Isaac x, as in mix; ch, as in church; th, as in thin; and wh, as in where: whence it appears, by Hally, with the greatest deference, when observation. "I always attend to you, Dr. actual analysis, that we have sixteen vowel you do us the honor to converse on astrosounds, and twenty-eight consonant sounds;nomy, or the mathematics; because, these making in all FORTY-FOUR; some authors, however, give only thirty-eight.

183. The common mode of teaching all three, is no better policy, (setting every thing else aside,) than to go from America to China to get to England: in other words, perfectly ridiculous: and were we not so much accustomed to this unnatural and dementing process, we should consider it one of the most self-evident humbugs, not of the age only, but of the world. Examples of the old mode: p, (pe,) h, (aytch,) i, (eye,) s, (ess,) TIS, i, (eye,) c, (see,) k, (kay,) ICK, TISICK; fifteen sounds: of the new; t,i,z, tis, i, k, ik, tis-ik; giving nothing but the five sounds: the old: g, (je,) e, (e,) w, (doubleyou,) Gu, g, (je,) a, (a,) w, (doubleyou,) GAW, GEWGAW; eighteen sounds, and not one sound in spelling is found in the word after it is spelt: the new mode; g, u,g, aw, gew-GAW, giving only the four sounds of the letters, instead of their names.

Notes. 1. We never can succeed in accomplishing one

half of the glorious purposes of language, so long as we apply our.

selves to what is written, and neglect what is spoken. A new field presents itself; and when we shall have entered it, in the right place and manner, a new era will dawn upon us, leading us more to the cultivation of the living language and the living voice: the compass and harmony of the best instrument can never be perceived, by touching the keys at random, or playing a few simple

tunes upon it, learned by the ear.

When sailing-on this troubled sea
Of pain, and tears, and agony ;
Though wildly roar the waves around,
With restless and repeated sound,
"Tis sweet-to think, that on our eyes,
A lovelier clime-shall yet arise;
That we shall wake-from sorrow's dream,
Beside a pure-and living stream.

are subjects that you have industriously investigated, and which you well understand: but religion-is a subject on which I hear you with great pain; for this is a subject which you have not seriously examined, and do not understand; you despise it, because you have not studied it; and you will not study it, because you despise it.

Laconics. In the scale of pleasure, the ceeded by the more enlarged views and gay lowest are sensual delights, which are sucportraitures of a lively imagination; and these give way to the sublimer pleasures of reason, which discover the causes and de-signs, the form, connection, and symmetry of things, and fill the mind with the contem-plation of intellectual beauty, order, and truth.

Varieties. 1. The greatest learning-is to be seen in the greatest simplicity. 2. Prefer the happiness and independence of a private station, to the trouble and vexation of a public one. 3. It is very foolish-for any one, to suppose, that he excels all others -in understanding. 4. Never take the humble, nor the proud, at their own valuation; the estimate of the former-is too little, and that of the latter too much. 5. Every order of good is found by an order of truth, agreeing with it. 6. As there is much to enjoy in the world, so is there much to endure; and wise are they, who enjoy gratefully, and endure patiently. 7. What is the meaning of the expression, in the first chapter of Genesis,- Let us make man, in our image, and after our likeness?"

All farewells-should be sudden, when forever ;
Else, they make an eternity-of moments,-
And clog the last-sad sands of life-with tears.

184. In teaching spelling to children, exercise them on the forty-four sounds of the letters; then in speaking in concert, after the preceptor, and also individually, interspersing the exercises with analyzing words, by giving the various sounds of which they are composed. At first, let them give each sound in a syllable by itself, (after you ;) then let them give all the sounds in a syllable before pronouncing it; and finally, let them give all the sounds in a word, and then pronounce it: thus, there are three modes of spelling by ear, easy, difficult, and more difcult. Those, however, taught in the old way, must expect that their younger pupils, especially, will soon get ahead of them; unless they apply themselves very closely to their work.

then their shapes, and names, together with their uses; the same
course should be pursued in teaching music, the ear, always
predominating; and then there will be ease, grace, and power
Proverbs. 1. Virtue-grows under every
weight imposed on it. 2. He, who envies the
lot of another, must be discontented with his
own. 3. When fortune fails us, the supposed
friends of our prosperous days-vanish. 4. The
love of ruling-is the most powerful affection of
the human mind. 5. A quarrelsome man-must
expect many wounds. 6. Many condemn, what
they do not understand. 7. Property, dishonestly
tion. 3. He, who has well begun, has half done
acquired, seldom descends to the third genera-
his task. 9. The difference between hypocrisy
and sincerity—is infinite. 10. When our atten-
tion is directed to two objects, we rarely succeed
in either. 11. Recompence every one for his la-
bor. 12. Zealously pursue the right path.

Anecdote. Patience. The priest of a certain village, observing a man, (who had just lost his wife,) very much oppressed with grief, told him," he must have Patience;" whereupon, the mourner replied, "I have been trying her sir, but she will not consent to have me."

185. The second division of the Consonants is into SIMPLE, and COMPOUND; or single and double: of the former, there are twenty, including the duplicates: viz: c, in city; c, cab; d, do; d, pip'd; f, fifty; g, gull; h, hope; k, make; l, bill; m, mile; n, no; p, pop; q, quote; r, corn; s, see; t, tune; ch, chyle; gh, tough; gh, ghastly; into three classes. corresponding to the scienThe range of knowledge-is divided and ph, epha: omitting the duplicate repre- tific, rational and affectuous faculties of man. sentatives, there are but eleven; viz: c, (cy- The first, is knowledge of the outward press;) c, (ac-me;) d, (day ;) d, (tripp'd;) creation,-involving every thing material, f, (foe;) g, (give;) l, (lay;) m, (mote;)-all that is addressed to our five senses; n, (nine;) p, (passed;) r, (more :) compare, and see.


the second, is knowledge of human existences, as it respects man's spiritual, or im186. Origin of Language. Plato says, the Divine Being, including his nature, and mortal nature and the third, knowledge of that language—is of Divine institution; that laws, and their modes of operation. There human reason, from a defect in the knowl-is a certain point where matter-ends, and edge of natures and qualities, which are in- spirit-begins: i. e. a boundary, where they dicated by names, could not determine the come in contact, where spirit-operates on cog-nom-i-na of things. He also maintains, matter: there is a state, where finite spiritthat names are the vehicles of substances:ual existences-receive life and light-from that a fixed analogy, or correspondence, ex- the Infinite, who is the Lord of all; that ists between the name and thing; that lan- Spirit, guage, therefore, is not arbitrary in its origin, but fixed by the laws of analogy; and that God alone, who knows the nature of things, originally imposed names, strictly expressive of their qualities. Zeno, Cle-anthes, Chry-sip-pus, and others, were of the same opinion.

Notes. 1. This work is not designed to exhibit the whole subject of Oratory; which is as boundless and profound as are the thoughts and feelings of the human mind; but to present in a plain

and familiar form, the essentials of this God-like art; in the hopes of being useful in this day and generation. In the course of another twelve years, there may be a nearer approach to truth and nature. 2. Observe the difference between the sounds, heard in spel

ling the following words, by the names of the letters, and those sounds, heard in the words after being spelt: d,-g-e; if the sounds heard in calling the letters by name, are pronounced, the word is ay-je-ee; i,-s, in like manner, spell eye-ess; c,-o,-r,-n, spell, see o-ar-en; 00,-z,-e, spell doub-le-o-ze-ee; a,-1,-m-,-s, spell, a,-el-em-ess; o,-n, spell-ow-en; &c. 3. The common arrangement of words in columns, without meaning, seems at variance with common sense; but this mode is perfectly mathematical, as well as philosophical; and of course, in accordance with nature, science, and the structure of mind. 4. The proper formation of words, out of letters, or sounds, is word-making. 5. Abcdari-ans should first be taught the sounds of letters, and then their uses, and

"That warms-in the sun; refreshes-in the breeze;
Glows-in the stars; and blossoms-in the trees."

The omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent
Being, that

"Lives-through all life, extends thro' all extent;

Whose body nature is,-and God-the soul."

Varieties. 1. Are monopolies consistoften makes the most clever persons act ent with republican institutions? 2. Love like fools, and the most foolish, act like wise ones. 3. Patience is the surest remedy against calumny time, sooner or later, wil disclose the truth. 4. The fickleness of fortune-is felt all over the world. 5. It is easy to criticise the productions of art, tho' it is difficult to make them. 6. Do not defer till to-morrow, what ought to be done to-day. 7. The precepts and truths of the word of God,-are the very laws of divine order; and so far as our minds are receptive of thein, we are so far in the divine order, and the divine order in us, if in a life agreeing with them.

Guard well thy thoughts;-our thoughts are heard in heaven.

187. The method, here recommended, of | that a, in far, is the original element of all giving the sounds, of spelling, and of teach- the vowel and vocal consonant sounds, and ing children to read without a book, and then the aspirate h, is the original element, out with a book, will save three-fourths of the la- which all the aspirate consonant sounds are bor of both teacher and pupil; and, in addi- made, as well as the vocal sounds; thus, that tion to these important considerations, there which the letter h represents, seems to inwill be an immense amount of time and ex-volve something of infinity in variety, so pense saved, and the young prevented from far as sounds, and their corresponding affeccontracting the common bad habits of read-tions are concerned; for breath-is air: and ing unnaturally; which not only obstructs without air, there can be no sound. Why the proper development of body and mind, was the letter h, added to the names of Abram but sows the seeds of sickness and premature and Sarai? death. Our motto should be, "cease to do evil, and learn to do well."

188. Modes of Spelling. In the old, or common mode of spelling, there are many more sounds introduced, than the words contain: this always perplexes new beginners, whose ear-has had much more practice, in reference to language, than their eye. The great difficulty seems to be-to dispose of the parts, which amount to more than the whole: for, in philosophy, it is an acknowledged principle, that the parts-are only equal to the whole. Hence, spelling by sounds of letters, instead of by names is vastly preferable: the former being perfectly philosophical, involving orderly, analysis and synthesis, and it is also mathematical, because the parts are just equal to the whole: while the latter mode is the very reverse of all this; and instead of aiding, essentially, in the development of body and mind, tends directly to prevent both.

189. Of the compound, or diphthongal and triphthongal consonants, we have twentythree; viz: c, (z,) discern; c, (sh,) social; f, (v,) thereof; g, (dg,) gibe; g, (zh,) badinage; j, (dg,) judge; n, (ng,) bank; r, (burr'd,) trill; 8, (z,) was; 8, (sh,) sure; s, (zh,) leisure; t, (sh,) rațional; v, vivacity; w, wist; x, (ks,) ox; x, (z,) Xenia; y, youth; z, zigzag; ch, (tch,) such; ch, (sh,) chagrin; ph, (v,) nephew; th, thick; th, tho'; wh, why: deducting the duplicates, we have but twelve; c, (z,) c, (sh,) ƒ, (v,) g, (zh,) n, (ng,) r, (trill'd,) x, (ks,) x, (gz,) ch, (tch,) th, (think,) th, (that,) and wh, (when:) let them be exemplified.

190. It has previously been remarked, that, strictly speaking, a, in far, is the only natural vowel sound in our language; and that the other fifteen are modifications of it; also, that on the same principle, the aspirate, or breath sound, heard in pronouncing the sound of h, (huh, in a whisper,) is the material, out of which all sounds are made; for it is by condensing the breath, in the larynx, through the agency of the vocal chords, that the voice sound, of grave a is made; and, by the peculiar modification, at certain points of interception, that any aspirate consonant sound is produced; hence, it may be said,

Proverbs. 1. He, who reckons without his host, must reckon again. 2. When we despise 3. danger, it often overtakes us the sooner. but their minds are still the same. 4. The corThey, who cross the ocean, may change climate, ruption, or perversion of the best things-produces the worst. 5. We must not judge of persons by their clothing, or by the sanctity of their appearance. 6. If we indulge our passions, they will daily become more violent. 7. Light griefmay find utterance; but deeper sorrow can find none. 8. The difference is great-between words and deeds. 9. Poverty - wants many things; avarice-every thing. 10. Let us avoid having too many irons in the fire. 11. Faithfully perform every duty, small and great. 12. Govern your thoughts, when alone, and your tongue, when in company. 13. Ill got,-ill spent.

Anecdote. Finishing our Studies. Several young physicians were conversing, in the hearing of Dr. Rush, and one of them observed, When I have finished my studies,' "When you have finished your studies!" said the doctor, abruptly; "why, you must be a happy man, to have finished them so young: I do not expect to finish mine while I live."

Laconics. The kindnesses, which most men receive from others, are like traces drawn in the sand. The breath of every passion sweeps them away, and they are remembered no more. inscriptions on monuments of brass, or pilBut injuries are like lars of marble, which endure, unimpaired, the revolutions of time.

Varieties. 1. We rarely regret-having spoken too little; but often-of saying too much. 2. Which is the more extensively useful,-fire, or water? 3. A speaker, who expresses himself with fluency and discre tion, will always have attentive listeners. 4. The spirit of party, sometimes leads even the greatest men-to descend to the meanness of the vulgar. 5. Without virtue, happiness- can never be real, or permanent. 6. When we are convinced that our opinions are erroneous, it is always right to acknowledge it, and exchange them for truths. 7. Every love-contains its own truth. Serve God before the world! let him not go, Until thou hast a blessing; then, resign The whole unto him, and remember who Prevailed by wrestling-ere the sun did shine; Pour oil upon the stones, weep for thy sin, Then journey on, and have an eye to heaven.

191. Here a new field is open for the clas- Proverbs. 1. Do as much good as you can sification of our letters, involving the struc- and make but little noise about it. 2. The Bible. ture of all languages, and presenting us is a book of laws, to show us what is right, and with an infinite variety, terminating in uni- what is wrong. 3. What maintains one vice, ty, all languages being merely dialects of would bring up two children. 4. A little wrong the original one; but in this work, nothing done to another, is a great wrong done to ourmore is attempted, than an abridgment of selves. 5. Sermons should be steeped in the the subject. As every effect must have an attractive industry is always a happy one. 7. heart-before they are delivered. 6. A life of adequate cause, and as in material things, Drive your business before you, and it will go such as we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel, easily. 8. Good fences—make good neighbors. there can be no primary, but only secondary 9. Pride wishes not to owe; self-love-wishes not causes, we must look to the mind for the to pay. 10. The rotten apple injures its companfeelings and thoughts, that have given rise to ion. 11. Make a virtue of necessity. 12. You all the peculiarities and modifications of lan- can't make an auger hole with a gimblet. guage; being assured, that in the original Anecdote. Mathematical Honor. A stulanguage, each state of the will and the un-dent-of a certain college, gave his fellowderstanding, had its external sign, as a medi- student the lie; and a challenge followed. The mathematical tutor-heard of the diffi

um of manifestation.




192. Uses of Spelling. The object of spel-culty, and sent for the young man that gave ling, in the manner here recommended, is the challenge, who insisted, that he must two-fold; to spell by sound, in order to be fight-to shield his honor. Why," said the tutor? "Because he gave me the lie." able to distinguish the sounds, of which Very well; let him prove it: if he words are composed, and to pronounce it,-you did lie; but if he does not prove it, them correctly: thus developing and train- then he lies. Why should you shoot one ing the voice and ear to the highest pitch another? Will that make a lie-any more of perfection. The use of spelling by the honorable?" names of letters is, to make us acquainted with them, and the order in which they are placed in the words, so as to be able, not only to read, but to write the language: hence, we must become acquainted with both our spoken and written language, if we would avail ourselves of their wonderful capabilities, and the treasures of which they are possessed.

CICERO says, the poet-is born such; the orator is made such. But reading books of rhetoric, and eloquent extracts-choice morsels of poetry and eloquence· will never make one an orator: these are only the ef fects of oratory. The cause of eloquence human mind-the true philosophy of man, and is to be sought for, only in the depths of the the practice of unadulterated goodness and truth. You must feel rightly, think wisely, and act accordingly: then gracefulness of style and eloquence will fit you; otherwise, you will be like the ass, clothed with the lion's skin. Accomplishment should not be an end, but a means. Seek, then, for the

theology, and the human mind profound, if in the study of geometry, language, physics, you would attain that suavity of graceful periods, engaging looks and gestures, which steal from men their hearts, and reason, and make them, for the time being, your willing captives.

193. In partially applying this doctrine, we may say, B, (bib,) represents a gutteral labial sound; 1st. c, (cent,) a dental aspirate: 2d. c, (clock,) a gulteral aspirate: 3d. c, (sacrifice,) a dental vocal consonant: 4th. c, (ocean,) a dental aspirate : 1st ƒ, (if,) a sub-philosophy of oratory, where it is to be found, labial and super-dental aspirate: 2d f, (of) a sub-labial super-dental, vocal: 1st g, (gem,) a posterior lingual dental vocal, terminating in an aspirate; 2d g, (go,) a glottal vocal consonant: 3d g, (rouge,) a vocal dental aspirate: h, a pure aspirate, with open mouth and throat; l, a lingual dental; and so on to Varieties. 1. Is there any line of dethe end of our sounds, of analysis and syn-marcation between temperance and intemthesis, of which a volume might be written; perance? 2. We rarely repent-of eating and although the writer has practiced on too little; but often-of eating too much. them many thousands of times, he never has 3. Truth-is clothed in white; but a lie done it once, without learning something comes forth in all the colors of a rainbow. 4. St. Augustin says, "Love God; and then do what you wish." 5. We must not do evil, that good may come of it; the means— must answer, and correspond to the end. 6. Assumed qualities may catch the fancy of some, but we must possess those that are good, to fix the heart. 7. When a thing is doubtful, refer it to the Word in sincerity; if it is not clear to you, let it alone, for the present, at least, till it is made so.


Notes. 1. Don't forget to understand and master every thing that relates to the subject of study and practice: the only royal highway to truth is the straight way. 2. Become as familiar

with the sounds of our language as you are with the alphabet. 3.
As you proceed, acquire more ease and grace in reading and

An honest man-is still an unmoved rock,
Wash'd whiter, but not shaken-with the shock;

Whose heart-conceives no sinister device;
Fearless-he plays with flames, and treads on ice.

Mind, not money-makes the man.

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