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Some little memory of me will ftir him,

I know his noble nature, not to let

Thy hopeful fervice perifh too. Good Cromwell,
Neglect him not; make ufe now, and provide
For thine own future fafety.

Crom. O my Lord,

Muft I then leave you? muft I needs forgo
So good, fo noble, and fo true a master?

Bear witnefs, all that have not hearts of iron,
With what a forrow Cromwell leaves his Lord.
The King fhall have my fervice, but my prayers-
For ever and for ever fhall be yours.

Wol. Cromwell, I did not think to fhed a tear
In all my miferies; but thou haft forc'd me,
Out of thy honeft truth, to play the woman.
Let's dry our eyes, and thus far hear me, Cromwell;
And when I am forgotten, as I shall be,

And fleep in dull cold marble, where no mention
Of me muft more be heard, fay, then, I taught thee;
Say Wolfey, that once trod the ways of glory,
And founded all the depths and fhoals of honour,
Found thee a way, out of his wreck, to rife in,
A fure and fafe one, though thy mafter mifs'd it.
Mark but my fall, and that which ruin'd me:
Cromwell, charge thee fling away ambition;
By that fin fell the angels; how can man then,
The image of his Maker, hope to win by't?
Love thyfelf laft; cherish those hearts that hate thee;
Corruption wins not more than honesty.

Still in thy right hand carry gentle Peace,

To filence envious tongues. Be juft, and fear not..
Let all the ends thou aim'ft at be thy Country's,
Thy God's, and Truth's; then if thou fall'ft, Crom-

Thou fall'ft a bleffed martyr. Serve the King;
And-pr'ythee lead me in;

There, take an inventory of all I have,

To the laft penny, 'tis the King's. My robe,
And my integrity to Heav'n, is all

I dare now call mine own.

Cromwell, Cromwell!

Had but ferv'd my God with half the zeal

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I ferv'd my King, he would not, in mine age,
Have left me naked to mine enemies.

Crom. Good Sir, have patience.

Wol.. So I have. Farewell

The hopes of court: my hopes in heav'n do dwell.




A Street in Westminster.

Enter two Gentlemen, meeting one another.
1 Gentleman.

Ou're well met once again.


2 Gen. And fo are you.

1 Gen. You come to take your stand here, and 4 behold

The Lady Anne pass from her coronation.

2 Gen. 'Tis all my bufinefs. At our laft encounter The Duke of Buckingham came from his trial.

1 Gen. 'Tis very true: but that time offer'd for-This general joy.

2 Gen. Tis well; the citizens,

I'm fure, have fhewn at full their loyal minds:


And let them have their rights, they're ever forward In celebration of this day with fhows,

Pageants, and fights of honour.

1 Gen. Never greater,

Nor, I'll aflure you, better taken, Sir.

2 Gen. May I be bold to ask what that contains,

That paper in your hand?

1 Gen. Yes, 'tis the lift

Of thofe that claim their offices this day,

By cuftom of the coronation.

The Duke of Suffolk is the firft, and claims

To be High Steward; next, the Duke of Norfolk To be Earl Marshal. You may read the rest.

2 Gen. I thank you, customs,

Sir; had I not known those


I fhould have been beholden to your paper.
But, I beseech you, what's become of Catharine,
The Princess Dowager? how goes her businels?

! Gen. That I can tell you too; the Archbishop Of Canterbury, accompany'd with other Learned and rev'rend fathers of his order, Held a late court at Dunftable, fix miles From Ampthill, where the Princess lay, to which She oft was cited by them, but appear'd not : And, to be fort, for not appearance and The King's late fcruple, by the main affent Of all these learned men fhe was divorced, And the late marriage made of none effect: Since which fhe was remov'd to Kimbolton, Where the remains now fick.

2 Gen. Alas, good Lady!.

The trumpets found; ftand close, the Queen is co



The Order of the Coronation.

1. A lively flourish of trumpets.

2. Then two Judges.

3. Lord Chancellor, with the purfe and mace before him.

4. Choristers finging.

[Mufic. 5. Mayor of London, bearing the mace. Then Garter in his coat of arms, and on his head a gilt copper crown.

6. Marquis of Dorfet bearing a fceptre of gold, on his head a demi-coronal of gold. With him the Earl of Surrey, bearing the rod of filver with the dove, crown'd with an Earl's coronet. Col lars of SS.

7. Duke of Suffolk in his robe of state, his coroner on his head, bearing a long white wand, as High Steward. With him the Duke of Norfolk, with the rod of Marfbal/hip, a coronet on his head. Collars of SS.

8. A canopy borne by four of the Cinque Ports, under it the Queen in her robe; in her hair richly ·

adorned with pearl, crown'd. On each fide her the Bishops of London and Winchester.

9. The old Duchefs of Norfolk, in a coronal of gold wrought with flowers, bearing the Queen's train. 10. Certain Ladies or Counteffes, with plain circlets of gold without flowers.

They pass over the stage in order and state, and then exeunt with a great flourish of trumpets.

2 Gen. A royal train, believe me.-These I know. -Who's that who bears the fceptre ?

1 Gen. Marquis Dorfet.

And that the Earl of Surrey with the rod.

2 Gen. A bold brave gentleman. That fhould be. The Duke of Suffolk.

1.Gen. 'Tis the fame; High Steward.

2. Gen. And that my Lord of Norfolk.

I Gen. Yes.

2 Gen. Heav'n blefs thee! [Looking on the Queen. Thou haft the sweetest face I ever look'd on. Sir, as I have a foul fhe is an angel;

Our King has all the Indies in his arms,

And more and richer when he strains that lady;
I'cannot blame his confcience.

Gen. They that bear

The cloth of ftate above her, are four Barons
Of the Cinque Ports.

2 Gen. Those men are happy; fo are all are near I take it, fhe that carries up the train


Is that old noble Lady, the Duchefs of Norfolk. 1 Gen. It is, and all the reft are Counteffes. 2 Gen. Their coronets fay fo. These are stars indeed,

And fometimes falling ones.

1 Gen. No more of that.

Enter a third Gentleman.

God fave you, Sir! Where have you been broiling? 3 Gen. Among the crowd. i' th' Abbey, where a funger

Could not be wedg'd in more. I am stifled
With the mere ranknefs of their joy.
2 Gen. You faw the ceremony?

3 Gen. I did.

1 Gen. How was it?

3 Gen. Well worth the feeing.

2 Gen. Good Sir, fpeak it to us.

3 Gen. As well as I am able. The rich ftream Of lords and ladies having brought the Queen To a prepar'd place in the choir, fell off

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A diftance from her, while her Grace fat down
To reft a while, feme half an hour or fo,
In a rich chair of ftate, oppofing freely
The beauty of her perfon to the people;
(Believe me, Sir, fhe is the goodlieft woman
That ever lay by man); which when the people,
Had the full view of, fuch a noise arose
As the fhrouds make at fea in a stiff tempeft,
As loud, and to as many tunes. Hats, cloaks,
Doublets, I think, flew up; and had their faces
Been loofe, this day they had been loft. Such joy
I never faw before. Great-belly'd women,
That had not half a week to go, like rams
In the old time of war, would fhake the prefs,
And make them reel before 'em. No man living
Could fay, this is my wife there; all were woven
So ftrangely in one piece

2 Gen. But pray what follow'd?

3 Gen. At length her Grace 'rofe, and, with medeft paces,

Came to the altar, where the kneel'd; and, faint


Caft her fair eyes to heav'n, and pray'd devoutly;
Then rofe again, and bow'd her to the people;
When by the Archbishop of Canterbury

Sh' had all the royal makings of a Queen;
As holy oil, Edward Confeffor's crown,

The rod, and bird of peace, and all fuch emblems
Laid nobly on her; which perform'd, the choir,
With all the choiceft mufic of the kingdom,"
Together fung Te Deum. So he parted,

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