OR THE ART OF PRESERVING GAME; AND AN IMPROVED METHOD OF MAKING PLANTATIONS AND COVERS, EXPLAINED AND ILLUSTRATED. BY LAWRENCE RAWSTORNE, ESQ. WITH FIFTEEN COLOURED DRAWINGS BY J. T. RAWLINS, TAKEN ON THE SPOT. NEW YORK BRARY LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETOR, BY RUDOLPH ACKERMANN, ECLIPSE SPORTING GALLERY, 191, REGENT STREET. 1837. I have been induced to in scribe your name at the head of the following pages, not only from long uninterrupted friendship, and from my unmixed feelings of regard and respect for your character, but from my admiration of the zeal and perseverance with which you have enlarged the bounds of science, and extended the field of improvement in the creation of what is new in picturesque beauty, and the embellishment of what is old. Nature has not laid open before you her volumes in vain. Your zoological acquirements, far exceeding any private collection, have stamped in deep and indelible characters the infinite variety of her works; whilst the study of these has opened to you new sources of philosophical research, and a never failing resource and delight from contemplative inquiries. I have another motive for addressing you of a more personal nature. We have both followed the same pursuits, we have endeavoured as I hope to render the amusement they afford not incompatible with more useful employments. I am therefore vain enough to |