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Quarterly Review.

ART. 1.-1. Copernicus in Walhalla (Kopernik w Walhalli). By Professor Adrian Krzyzanowski. Warsaw. 1843.

2. Rozprawa o Koperniku (The Life and the Writings of Copernicus). By John Sniadecki. Warsaw.

WHETHER the object of our contemplation be man or the universe-whether human communities, with their varied scenes of activity, or the creation around, teeming with life and beauty, we cannot avoid observing, in their individual as well as aggregate elements, certain marks typical of change and periodicity. Epochs, eras, cycles, are only different names for them, and history is nothing but a record of those periodical phases in nature, society, and science. In surveying the whole range of events that thus occur to our mind, every thing appears to be subject to change, and every thing to be periodical.

One of these particular segments of the past the Association of the Friends of Poland assembled to commemorate on the 30th of December last. They were then just at the close of a year, and the Earth had but one turn more to complete around its axis, when a period of 300 years was to roll down to eternity, one signalized by the discovery of a particular system of laws governing the universe-laws determining the measurement of time and space, two conceptions of the Supreme Intelligence the most incomprehensible, without which the existence of things could not be comprehended, and which, combined with what they lead into, have ever been the purest and sublimest objects for man's speculation. This cycle, above all others, stands eminent in the annals of science. Since 1543, three centuries have been completed. In that year, the renowned work on the Revolutions of the Celestial Bodies (De Revolutionibus Orbium Cœlestium) appeared in print, and in that very year, 300 years ago, Copernicus, its immortal author, died.

At the name of Copernicus, countless associations of ideas crowd at once upon our mind. Previous to his epoch, astro



nomy was in its cradle, and in gazing with admiration on the expanse of the heavens, man saw no more than the stars revolving around the earth in a firmament, to which they served merely as an ornament. The apparent movements of some of them, which in the length of time could not remain unnoticed, were a riddle to the ancients, that none of their greatest philosophers could solve; and if some writers, as Nicetas, Philolaus, and Heraclides, admitted that the earth moved, it was only an indefinite and random assertion, unsupported by any conclusive demonstration; it could not be made available for the advancement of science, and still less for the real comprehension of the true system of the universe, and of its complicated mechanism. The knowledge of the heavens possessed by Hipparchus consisted in the enumeration of only 1022 stars discoverable by the naked eye. What countless hosts of them have since been observed! Ptolemy, in the year 130 of the Christian era, made an attempt to reduce astronomy to a system; but in adopting, as he did, the vulgar idea of the earth being immoveable in the centre of the universe, and the firmament with its sun and other stars and planets moving around it in twenty-four hours, his system, far from producing that good, which had it been founded on just views must have resulted to the science, only gave additional weight to ancient errors. Absurd as the Ptolemean system appears to us, still it was popular for many centuries, and recognized as true by all nations. To speak against it was considered as equivalent to speaking against one's own senses; and those who dared to doubt it, came within the canon assigned to the most dangerous heresiarchs. Still the architecture of the heavens, according to that system, presented itself in a form too gross and palpable, and too discordant with the order and harmony universally prevalent in nature, for its defects to escape entirely the penetration of many reflecting minds. On its being explained to Alphonsus X. king of Castile, by the Jewish and Arabian sages, by whom he, as a lover of science, was surrounded, struck with its incongruity, he exclaimed, what no man, who had not a crown upon his head, could have pronounced with impunity, "that had he been in the council at the creation, the edifice of the universe would have been more perfectly constructed." The only concession antiquity made in this system was as regards the small planets nearest the Sun, Mercury and Venus, which Martianus Capella held to move around him. The celebrated astronomer, Purbach, and his still more celebrated pupil, Regiomontanus, conceded this with respect to some other planets, but they obstinately main

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