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November 2nd-14th, 1835.

MONDAY, November 2, 1835.

This day being fixed by the constitution of the state of Michigan, for the meeting of the legislature, the senate assembled at 10 A. M.

The Hon. John McDonell, of the first district, offered the following resolutions which were adopted:

Resolved, That the senate proceed to elect a president pro tem. in accordance with the fifth article of the constitution. Resolved, That the senate proceed to elect a secretary pro


Resolved, That the senate proceed to elect a sergeant-atarms or door keeper, pro tem.

On motion of the Hon. Olmsted Hough, of the second district, the Hon. John S. Barry was appointed president of the senate pro tem.

On motion of Hon. H. H. Comstock, of the third district, Kintzing Pritchette was appointed secretary pro tem.

On motion of Mr. McDonell, Martin Story was appointed sergeant-at-arms pro tem.

On motion of Mr. Hough, George W. Dexter was appointed door keeper pro tem.

Mr. McDonell offered the following resolution which was adopted.

Resolved, That a committee of privileges and elections be appointed by the president to consist of three, and that said

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