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Jesus appears to five hundred brethren in Galilee:

SECT. sheep, and promoting the interest and edification of his church. cci. Let ministers especially do it; and let them not forget those dear Ver. creatures, the lambs of the flock. Jesus the compassionate Shep15 herd, as we see, did not forget them; but taught his servants with the greatest tenderness both by his precepts, and by his example, to gather them in their arms, and carry them in their bosom. (Isa. xl. 11.)


Happy are those ministers who, instead of indulging a vain curiosity in things wherein they are not at all, or but very little concerned, are spending their lives in such faithful services; feeding the flock of God; and taking the oversight of it, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; that when the chief Shepherd shall appear, they may receive an unfading crown of glory: (1 Pet. v. 2, 4.) A crown which will infinitely more than repay, not only their labours, but their sufferings too!

18 Happy Peter, who, having worn out his better years in the service of Christ, courageously stretched out his aged arms to be bound, and, being borne away to tortures and death, shed the last slow ebb of his blood as a martyr for him who had loved him and 20--23 given himself for him.-And not less happy the beloved disciple, so willing to hazard his life in the same cause; though he was not in fact called to lay it down as a martyr! Our gracious Lord, who sees every purpose, and every affection, as it rises in the heart, favourably accepts of the willing mind, and will, through the riches of his grace, entitle them to the reward of equal suffering, who have waited with a like readiness, though they have not been called out to the severity of the like trial.




Christ appears to the whole body of the disciples at the appointed mountain in Galilee, and afterwards meets the apostles several times at Jerusalem, and discourses with them concerning the affairs of his kingdom. Mat. XXVIII. 16, to the end. Mark XVI. 15-18. Luke XXIV, 44-43. Acts I.—2, 3.



NOW, quickly after the late interview which THEN the eleven Jesus had with his disciples at Jerusalem, disciples went athe eleven disciples went into Galilee, to a certain way into Galilee, inte a mountain where Je XXVIII mountain not far from the sea of Tiberias, where sus had appointed 16 Jesus had appointed to meet them. "And he them. appeared to them, and above five hundred brethren at once, who came together from all parts of the country on that important occasion.


aw him, they worshipped him: some doubted.



And after that, is seen of James, and then of all the apostles. 481 17 And when they And having seen him, they bowed down and SECT. You worshipped him; and though some of the company had doubted at first, yet they were afterwards fully convinced "." "And the greater XXVIII part of them continued alive, as witnesses of 17 the truth of his resurrection for several years after; though others of them died in a short time, and went to their glorified and triumphant Lord in heaven." See 1 Cor. xv. 6. Thus did he manifest himself in Galilee to a considerable number of his disciples at once; and after that, he appeared to James, and then (as we shall see hereafter) to all the apostles." See 1 Cor. xv. 7.

But, though he shewed himself thus openly to his disciples," he did not publicly appear at any time to all the people; nor indeed did he shew himself, in any other instance, to so large an assembly even of his own disciples: but in the several appearances he made he chiefly conversed with the apostles, and confined his visits to those witnesses that were chosen before by God to attest the truth of his resurrection; who had frequent opportunities of a free conversation with him, and, as we have seen before (Luke xxiv. 30, 42, 43; and John xxi. 12, 13), did eat and drink with him

Though some of the company had doubted at first, &c.] There is no room to think that this refers to some of the apostles, when Christ had so lately satisfied the most incredulous among them; but we are certainly to understand it (as Mr. West has fully shewn) of some that were in company with them, though Matthew has not mentioned them. (See West's Observ. p. 25, 29.) Yet still it is not casy to imagine how any of the rest of this company could continue to doubt of the truth of Christ's resurrection, when they actually saw him, and that in the presence of so many others; a circumstance incomparably more convincing to each than if he had appeared to any one alone. I therefore chose to render and paraphrase the words, di disacar, as above. Those learned critics, Albert (Observ. p. 163, 164), and Bos (Exercit. p. 23), have produced many instances, in which is put for TV. And all the difficulty is removed, if we allow a small change in the tense, and take the rendering of the Prussian Testament, Even they who had before doubled; or, which is much the same, though some had doubted,

b Several years after] It is generally granted that the first Epistle to the Corinthi ans was written at least twenty years after Christ's resurrection; and Paul there tells us, that the greater part of these five hundred then continued alive. And by the way it was a wise and gracious dispensation of Divine Providence to continue their lives so long, as each of them, wherever Providence led them, would be an authentic witness of that important fact, the resurrection of our Lord, the great fundamental of the Christian faith.

c After that he appeared to James.] It is probable this was James the son of Al pheus, who was still living when the apostle Paul wrote his first epistle to the Corinthians, whereas the other James, the son of Zebe. dee, had suffered martyrdom some years before. (Acts xii. 2.) But the circumstances of this appearance are no where recorded, nor have we any credible account where or when it happened; only we learn from the order in which it is placed by the apostle Paul, that it was after Christ's appearance to the five hundred brethren. See note b on Luke xxiv. 34, p. 464.

d And


He shews them that the scriptures were fulfilled in him.

SECT. him after he rose from he dead." See Acts
X. 41.



ACTS I. 2.-[And]

[he gave] commandments unto the apostles whom he had chosen;

And at these times of his conversing with 1.2. them, he more particularly opened to them through the Holy Ghost what was the nature and design of their office; [and] through the Holy Spirit, which was given not by measure to himself, and which he had Jately breathed into them, he gave commandments and instructions to the apostles whom he had 3 chosen, how they were to act: To whom also 3 To whom also he he gave abundant evidences of the truth of his shewed himself alive after his passion, by resurrection, and shewed himself to be alive after many infallible proofs, he had suffered death, by many infallible proofs being seen of them and tokens; being seen of them at various times forty days, and speakfor the space of forty days after his resurrection, taining to the kingdom and speaking to them of the things which related of God.


to the kingdom of God.

ing of the things per

the law of Moses, and

And these his last interviews with them were LUKE XXIV. 44. XXIV. chiefly at Jerusalem, to which they returned soon spake unto them, sayAnd [Jesus came, and 4+ after his appearance to them on the mountain in ing], These are the Galilee; and Jesus also came thither, and made words which I spake unto you, while I was them repeated visits: and on one of these occayet with you, that all sions, he spake unto them, saying, These [are] things must be fulfilled the words which I spake to you, and these the which were written in intimations that I often gave you, while I was in the prophets, and in yet dwelling among you, that all the things must the Psalms, concerning be exactly fulfilled which are written in the me. [MAT. XXVIII, scriptures concerning me, both in the pentateuch which is called the law of Moses, and in the books of the succeeding prophets, and in the Psalms and other poetical books of the Old Testament.


45 Then opened he their understanding,

45 And at the same time he not only in words expounded to them the sense of the sacred writers, that they might under but also by a secret operation on their intellec- stand the scriptures, tual faculties opened their minds, that they might understand the scriptures in their reference to

46 him. And in a most convincing manner he 46 And said unto

d And at these times of his conversing with them.] As I have inserted in the first paragraph of this section what is said in the first epistle to the Corinthians, of our Lord's appearance to the five hundred brethren, and to James, so I have thought it proper to introduce in this and the next section what relates to this story in the beginning of the Acts (chap. i.-2-12), which renders the narration more complete, and finishes the account which the sacred writers give us of the history of our Lord to the time of his


On one of these occasions he spake,



&c.] I use this indeterminate form of expression, because I see no mark by which we can particularly ascertain the time when the following discourse was delivered; only, I think it very plain it must be after their return to Jerusalem (see Luke xxiv. 49), and consequently a very few days before our Lord's ascension.

I have thrown all that the three evangelists say of these discourses into one continued discourse, though perhaps some of them might be delivered at different times.


All power was given them, and they should be his witnesses.

them, Thus it is written, and thus it be and to rise from the

hoved Christ to suffer,

dead the third day:




enlarged upon the important subject, and said to SECT. them, When you consider all these things, you must certainly perceive, that thus it was written, and thus it was necessary, in conformity to XXIV. the counsel of God, and for the manifestation 46 of his glory, that the Messiah should suffer; and should rise again from the dead, as I have done, 47 And that repen- on the third day; And that, in consequence 47 tance and remission of of this, and on this great foundation, the imed in his name, among portant doctrines of repentance and forgiveness all nations, beginning of sins through faith in him should be preached at Jerusalem. in his name, and by his authority, to all the nations of the earth, beginning first at Jerusalem itself, though polluted with the blood of the Prince of life f.

sins should be preach


unto me in heaven and in earth.


You know indeed (added he) how cruelly Mat. 18. All power is given the Jews have treated me, and how ungratefully XXVIII they have rejected me; but their outrageous malice has now done its utmost, and my heavenly Father has not only rescued me from their hands but is exalting me to all that height of dignity and glory which the sacred oracles have so pathetically described; for all authority is now given unto me, both in heaven and on earth, and, in accomplishment of what was promised to the Messiah, I am raised to a kingdom which comprehends both the upper and the lower worlds, and entitles me to the homage of angels as well as of men. And yet, though I could so easily Luke command the ministry of those more glorious.XXIV. creatures, it suits best with the scheme of my gospel to make use of you; who shall accordingly be wisnesses of all these things, by publishing the certain knowledge that you have of the important truths of my death and resurrections;

LUKE XXIV. 48. And ye are witnesses of these things.

f Beginning at Jerusalem.] As for the grammatical construction of the Greek word favor, it would be foreign from the design of these notes to enter into it farther than to refer the learned reader to Eisner (Observ. Vol. I. p. 288. and Raphelius (Annot. ex. Herod. p. 276, 277.) and to the original of Luke xxiii. 5. xxiv. 27. and Acts x. 37.-It was both graciously and wisely appointed by our Lord, that the gospel should begin to be preached at Jerusalem; graciously, as it encouraged the repentance of the greatest sinners, when they saw that even the murderers of Christ were not exempted from the offers of gospel mercy; and wisely, as hereby Christianity was more abundantly attested, the



facts being published just on the spot where
they happened; and as the vast concourse
of people of various nations, present there
at the feast of pentecost, would contribute
greatly to its more speedy spread.

g You shall be witnesses of these things.]
That this was the grand business of the
apostles, is evident; and the ingenious au-
thor of Miscellanea Sacra (Essay iii. p.17-
23.) has taken great pains to shew how the
title of witnesses and the office of testifying
is in the sacred writings appropriated to the
apostles. But after all, though it was in-
deed essential to the apostolic office, that
they who bore it should be able to testify
the facts as of their own personal know-
ledge; yet it is certain, that a great many
3 P






He bids them tarry at Jerusalem till they receive the Spirit.


from on high.

SECT. and who are therefore to look upon it as the great business of your lives to spread the notices and evidences of these facts. And, that 49 And behold, I XXIV. may be fully qualified for so high an office, send the promise of my Father upon you: but 49 behold, I am shortly to send upon you the great tarry ye in the city of promise of my Father, relating to the miraculous Jerusalem, until ye be effusion of the Holy Spirit upon you. (Com- endued with power pare Joel ii. 28. and Acts ii. 16, 17.) And as the Divine Wisdom sees fit to honour this place, sinful as it is, with the first view of this surprising appearance, I charge you not to go from hence before you have received those gifts and graces you shall be furnished with for the discharge of your ministry; but do you continue here in the city of Jerusalem till you are invested with this power from on high h; whereby you will be enabled to bear your testimony in so advantageous and convincing a manner, that no falsehood or sophistry will be able finally to stand before you.


MARK XVI. 15. And he said unto them,

And further he said to them, When you shall XVI. 15. thus be furnished with the extraordinary gifts of Go ye into all the the Spirit, go forth into all parts of the world, world, and preach the and preach the gospel to every human creature gospel to every creaunder heaven to whom Providence


may lead


shall be damned.

you, whether Jew or Gentile: And take care 16 He that believ-
that you deliver it with becoming seriousness; eth, and is baptized,
and let them see to it that they receive it with shall be saved: but
proportionable regard; for it is a matter of infi- he that believeth not,
nite importance. And accordingly I now solemn-
ly declare, That he who sincerely believes your
testimony, and, in token of that cordial faith,
is baptized in my name, and continues to main-
tain a temper and conduct suitable to that en-
gagement, shall certainly be saved with a com-
plete and everlasting salvation; but he who
believeth not this my gospel, when opened with

others, who were not apostles, were able
to testify the same; and it was their duty,
and no doubt their care to do it, as Pro-
vidence gave them an opportunity; and
the apostles had many other duties incum-
bent upon them for the edification of the
church, and in order to the performance of
them were furnished with extraordinary
gifts and powers, for which they would
have had little occasion had it been their
only business to testify these facts.

h Continue in the city of Jerusalem till
you are invested, &c.] This passage ut-
terly overthrows Mr. Whiston's assertion,


that all this discourse was delivered on the night Christ rose from the dead; and that the ascension related by Luke in the conclusion of this chapter, is not that at the end of forty days, when he quitted this earth, to return to it no more, but a previous ascension which was made on the resurrection-day. For nothing can be more certain, than that the apostles did quit Jerusalem between Christ's resurrection and the descent of the Spirit, and went into Gallee by Christ's appointment, which was signified to them by the angel and by himself too.

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