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William 3d,



1672 In 1795, William was

William 3d, of Eng-driven from his country, land, was Stadtholder of Holland, and Prince of Orange; on the death of whom,the office of Stadtholder was suppressed; but in the year, 1747, it was revived and made Holland.

thro' the rage of revolutionary factions,and sought refuge in England. Several forms of Government have since that period taken place in


Prussia was formerly a part of the Dominions of the Elector of Brandenburgh, to whom it gave the title of Duke.

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Victor Amadeus 1st, 1720 || Victor Amadeus 2d, 1773 Chas. Emanuel 1st, 1750 Chas. Emanuel 2d, 1796

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The Method which I recommend to Associate Facts and Dates, &c.

If only one fact is attached to a date, take part of the word which you want to recollect, and unite a word, or words, to express the date.-Example, Eno's fox cap. The first word will remind you of Enoch's translation to Heaven; and the words fox cap, give you the date, 3017. If many things are to be remembered under the same date, take the first part of each leading word in a sentence, as are sufficient to bring to your recollection the whole of the facts; as that of Ninus, &c. the 7th date forward: Nin, for Ninus,-Bel, Belus, Ass, Assyria, -written thus, Nin-Bel-Ass, it will read as one word; and the words, doze late, will express the date. Read the sentence, as associated below, and be assured that this method will always produce the desired effect, for any thing being once committed to memory in this way will not be easily forgotten, for any one of the facts being at any time named, the whole of the association will


Before Chr.

4004 The creation of the world, and of Adanı and Eve. Cre jaw-joe.

3017 Enoch translated to Heaven. Eno's fox cap. 2348 The old world destroyed by a deluge. Delu dig hair.

2247 The tower of Babel is built by Noah's pos

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