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oppreffion and tyranny in the hands of
ambitious demagogues, who, under the
beguiling pretence of cherishing and pro-
moting liberty, are aiming to rivet on the
necks of the people the heavy and galling
yoke of ariftocracy.

We had formerly beheld our nation, under that rope of fand, the old confede ration, funk into a condition of contempt OU are again called upon to at home and abroad ;-without revenue, exercife the right and to perform the duty without money, without credit-fuffering of freemen, in choofing men to reprefent the horrors of anarchy, and brought to the you in the Senate and general Affembly brink of that yawning deep, which had of this State. With great care and atten- fwallowed up all the former free republics. tion to the public good, fuch a ticket has We beheld the fwift progrefs to national been formed and voted, at the late county- deftruction inftantly arrelled. A convenmeeting, as, it is confidently hoped, will tion of the states was fummoned, and met: embrace the general interefts. To your the federal conftitution was formed, ratifi. judgment and candour its merits are cheer. ed and accepted: Washington was placed fully fubmitted. The prefent is a very at cur head, in peace, as in war.-His folemn and interesting crifis in our public politics were honeft, confiftent, wife and affairs; and demands the vigilance and noble. The nation was new-born : it the vigorous exertions of every intelligent threw off its fackcloth, and clad itfelf in friend to this country. United, we the robe of joy. A national revenue was fland; divided, we fall." eftablished; private and public credit was In Connecticut, in Miffachufetts, in revived; money, in great plenty, was New-Hampshire, the principles of our thrown into circulation; the wheels of revolution-the principles of the immortal bufinefs were put in vigorous motion; the Washington, are increafing and triumph- farmer and the mechanic reaped the ample ing. Let the STAR that we behold rif rewards of induftry; commerce and naviing in the EAST, encourage our hearts,gation flourifhed; ftreams of plenty and animate our hopes, and quicken our ex- of wealth flowed over the country. Neiertions. It is not for men that we contend,ther ancient nor modern hiftory records but for the free principles of our confti

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the inftance of any nation that rofe in tution. The question is not what partic-wealth and refpectability so rapidly, as did ular men fhall bear the honours and reap the profits of government; but the great queftion is, whether our government fhall continue to exift on the establishment of free republican principles; or, fapped in its foundation, shall become an engine of

this nation, under the twelve years admin-
iftration of Washington and Adams. Un-
feduced by flatteries, unawed by threats,
the federal government, purfuing the line
of a dignified neutrality, repelled the weight
and fury of that horrible tempeft, which,

from the diforganifing principles and the conflicting powers of Europe, menaced its deftruction.

Public happiness has been poifoned at the fountain.--The federal government was oppofed in its firft outfet. From the revolutionary contagion imported from France, that has fpread like a peftilence; from foreign intrigues, and from difappointed ambition, this oppofition to the federal fyftem received a conftant acceffion of numbers and ftrength. Many of the original oppofers of the federal conftitution obtained feats in the firft Con


grefs: they formed a phalanx in oppofi tion to thofe meafures, which were neceffary to give confiftency, ftrength and dignity to the government they oppofed the fyftem of neutrality, and zealously efpoufed the caufe of France.-Soon the character of Washington began to be af failed horrid attempts were made to gib. bet his fair fame. Againft the adminiftration of Adams the fyftem of calumny was purfued with increafing virulence. principled foreigners were hired to blacken the characters of the federal officers; the bafeft falfhoods were invented and were published over the country. Thefe wicked plots were fuccefsful. The people, tho' enjoying the highest degree of profperity, became difcontented. The federal adminiftration was difcarded; and anti-federal men have been gathering the fruit of the tree, which the federalifts had planted, watered and tended with conftant care and culture.

Under this new order of things, we have feen the judiciary, which was a main pillar of the conftitution, weakened and crippled. Our infant navy, that, in cafe

Columbian Eloquence.


From the Speech of Mr. MORRIS in the Senate of
the United States on the resolutions of Mr. Ross.

affection, the resemblance of him whom fhe has loft forever. We fee the aged matron bending over the afhes of her fon. He was her darling: for he was generous and brave, and therefore his fpirit led him to the field in defence of his country.We can obferve another oppreffed with unutterable anguilh. Condemned to conceal her affection; forced to hide that paffion which is at once the torment and de. light of life; he learns that thofe eyes which beamed with fentiment, are clofed in death; and his lips, the ruby harbinger of joy, lie pale and cold, the miferable appendage of a mangled corpfe. Hard, hard indeed must be that heart which can be infenfible to fcenes like these, and bold the man who dare prefent to the Almighty Father a confcience crimfoned with the blood of his children.

of a war with which the country is now threatened, would be effentially needed, has been reduced, and partly fold for an inconfiderable fum. Taxes have been taken from the luxuries, and continued on the neceffaries of life. Congrels has aeliberated with clofed doors, in the feciccy of a conclave; and the refult has been, a THERE are many fubjects which are vote of more than two millions of dollars not eafy to underfland, but it is always to be at the difpofal of the prefident ;- eafy to mifreprefent; and when arguments but for what particular objects, the public cannot be controverted, it is not difficult is not informed. Mr. Monroe, with a to calumniate motives. That which canlarge outfit and falary, has been fent an not be confuted may be miftated. The ambaffador to Europe -the fame who pureft intentions may be blackened by was cafhiered and cenfured by Wafhing-malice; and envy will ever tofter the ton -the fame who faid, in subflance, to fouleft imputations. This calumny is athe French directory, that if their law au- mong the fore evils of our country. It thorifing depredations on the American began with our earlieft fuccefs in feventycommerce were for the benefit of France, eight, and has gone on with accelerated ve the Americans would bear it "not only locity, and encreafing force, to the prefent with patience, but with pleasure!" hour. It is no longer to be checked, nor Yes, fir, we wish for peace: but how is will it terminate but in that fweep of gen- the bleffing to be preferved? I fhall here eral deftruction, to which it tends, with a repeat a fentiment I have often had occa. flep as fure as time, and fatal as death.fion to exprefs. In my opinion there is I know that what I utter will be mifunder-nothing worth fighting for but national flood, mifreprefented, deformed and diftort- honor for in the national honor is in. ed; but we must do our duty. This, Ivolved the national independence. I know believe, is the laft fcene of my public life; and it fhall like thofe which preceded, be performed with candor and truth. Yes, performed with candor and truth. Yes, my noble friends, [addreffing himself to the federal fenators near him] we fhall foon part to meet no more. But, however feparated, and wherever difperfed, we know@hance which happen to all fhall bring that we are united by juft principle and true fentiment. A fentiment, my country, ever devoted to you, which will expire only with expiring life, and beat in the laft pulfation of our hearts.

We have feen the treasures of the nation committed to the hands of a Geneve. an, who was a conftant oppofer of the adminiftration of Wafhington, and an actor in the Western infurre&tion. We have seen a fyftem of "political intolerance defpotic and wicked," cominenced and purfued over the whole country; and more efpecially in this ftate. We have feen the friends and followers of Wafh ington, fripped of the offices to which he had appointed them, and chafed from their flations, merely becaufe they were federalifts. We have feen the bread of office fnatched from the mouths of war-worne foldiers, the brave defenders of their coun

try, and given to fycophants whofe only merit was a violent party zeal. We have recently feen a legislature altering the charter of a great city and multiplying its wards, without the confent of its corpora tion; eftablishing a large bank, in the direction of which a political party is exclufively concerned; changing and fplicing together election-districts; and confuming its time in other fimilar matters, the objects whereof are but too notorious,

In a word, there is eftablifhing in this country a frightful ariftocracy, under the fpecious and impofing cloak of patriotifm and veneration for the people. To check the growth of this aristocracy, and to bring back the government to the orig. inal principles of the conflitution, is the fummit of our withes and under thefe impreffions, and with fuch views, we invite all honeft men to form a union; and to exert themselves by their fuffrages, and in every fair and conftitutional method, to fave this falling republic.

By order of the county meeting,
S. EDMONDS, Chairman.


Mr. Prefident, my object is peace. 1 could affign many reafons to thew that this declaration is fincere. But can it be necellary to give this fenate any other affus rances than my word? Notwithstanding the acerbity of temper which results from party hate, gentlemen will believe me on my word.

that a flate may find itfelf in fuch unpropitious circumftances that prudence may torce a wife government to conceal the fenle of indignity. But the infult should be engraven on tablets of brafs with a pencil of steel. And when that time and

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forward the favorable moment, then let the avenging arm itrike home. It is by a vowing and maintaining this flern principle honor, that it can be preserved. But let it not be fuppofed that any thing I fay has the lightest allufion to the injuries fuitained from France while fuffering in the pangs of her revolution. As foon fhould I upbraid a fick man for what he might have done in the paroxisms of dif


Nor is this a new fentiment: it was felt and avowed at the time when these wrongs were heaped upon us, and I appeal for the proof to the files of our fecretary of fate.-The deftinies of France were then in the hands of monsters. By the decree of heaven fhe was broken on the wheel, in the face of the world, to warn mankind of her folly and madnefs. thefe fcenes are paft away.-On the throne of the Bourbons is now feated the first of the Gallic Cæfars. At the head of that


I will not pretend like my ho o. ab'e colleague (Mr. Clinton,) to defcribe to you the walle, the ravages and the horrors of war. I have not the fame harmonious periods, nor the fame mufical tones; neither fhall I boaft of chriftian charity, nor attempt to difplay that ingenious glow of benevolence fo decorous to the cheek of youth, which gave a vivid tint to every fentence he uttered, and was, if poffible, as impreflive even as his elo-gallant nation is the great, the greatest man quence. But though we poffefs not the fame pomp of words, our hearts are not infenfible to the woes of humanity. We can feel for the mifery of plundered towns, the conflagration of defencelefs villages, and the devastation of cultured fields. Turning from thefe features of general diftrefs, we can enter the abode of private affliction, and behold the widow, weeping as the traces, in the pledges of connubial

in the prefent age. It becomes us well to confider his fituation. The things he has atchieved compel him to the atchievement of things more great. In his vaft career we mult foon become objects to command vaft attention. We too in our turn mu contend or fubmit. By fubmiffion we may indeed have peace alike precarious and ignominious. But is this the peace which we ought to feek? will this fatis

fy the just expectations of our country? No. Let us have peace permanent, secure, and if I may ufe the term, inde. pendant. Peace which depends not on the pity of others, but on our own force. Let us have the only peace worth having; a peace confiftent with honor.

A gentleman near me (Mr. Jackfon) has told us the anecdote of an old courtier who faid that the intereft of his nation was the honor of his nation. I was furprifed to hear THAT idea from THAT gentleman. But it was not his own. Such is that gentleman's high fenfe of his perfonal honor, that no intereft would induce him to facrifice it. He would not permit the proudest prince on earth to blot or foil it. Millions would not purchafe his honor, and will he feel lefs for the honor of his country? No, he will defend it with his best blood. He will feel with me that our national honor is the beft fecurity for peace and our profperity. That it involves at once our wealth and power. And in this view of the fubje&t I must contradict a fentiment which fell from my honorable colleague (Mr. Clinton.) He tells us the principle of this country is peace and commerce. Sir, the avowal of fuch principles will leave us neither commerce nor peace. It invites others to prey on that commerce which we will not protect, and Share the wealth we dare not defend. But let it be known that you fland ready to facrifice the laft man and the lift fhilling in defence of our national honor, and thofe who have affailed will beware of you.

Balance Closet.


Last week the editor of the Bee had a fair oppertunity for shewing his candor. He had it in his power to obliterate, by a single honest act, that black mark which his conduct towards Major Ten Broeck had fixed upon his front. The calls of honor, justice and truth, were loud and strong-but, alas! Holt heeded them not. Yielding up to the embraces of the foul fiend of jacobinism, he resolved to remain a ******* still. Never was a man more shamefully abused, and wrongfully calumniatednever was a man treated with more cruelty and injustice than Major Ten Broeck has been in the case of which we are now speaking. We do not exag. gerate. We will state facts and leave the public to judge.

It was found that the removal of Major Ten Broeck from the office of surveyor and inspector had excited the public indignation, and was likely to injure the cause of democracy and the popularity of the president. Holt, therefore, undertook the task of defending the conduct of the president." And this he attempted in a truly democratic manner-that

is, by slandering Major Ten Brocck. We repelled his charges as our readers have seen, and nothing now remains but to take a view which was omitted last week for reasons then stated.

In the Bee of the 12th inst. the following paragraph appeared, among several others equally false, but relating principally to ourselves :--

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"We declare to the world that Mr. "Ten Broeck was confiderably in deb "to the fupervifor at the time of his dif miflal; that of the fum which he ow ed, not a fingle cent has ever found its way to the treafury or any of the officers of the United States; and that "there is nearly 3000 dollars ftill due on "his account. We challenge a contra"diction of this ftatement, and call upon "Mr. Sampfon to difprove it. And if "he will not yet acknowledge its cor"rectness, we pledge ourselves to con"vince the public of its truth, and the "falfhood of those who deny it."


Until this time, Major Ten Broeck had treated. the slanders of the Bee with the utmost contempt. He had long since settled his accounts with the supervisor, and had taken up his bond, with a receipt in full endorsed on the back by the Attorney of the United States, for every cent which he found himself indebted on set.lement. With true integrity in his heart, and ample proof of it in his hands, what had he to fear from the base attacks of an hired slanderer? For himself he had nothing to fear.-Buthe had a family, the peace and happiness of which was to be destroyed-Actuated by the feelings of a husband and a father, Major Ten Broeck was at length induced to come forward in defence of his reputation. He knew he had a right to demand from the editor of the Bee full and complete satisfaction; but probably calling to mind an old and fa. miliar adage, he chose to proceed in a different He procured a certificate from two gen. tlemen of the party opposed to him in politics-gentlemen of respectability, who had both seen his o riginal bond, with his discharge and receipt in full on the back of it. [Copies of the receipt and certificates were publi.bed in the Balance of last week] The receipt proved that every cent which was due from Major Ten Broeck to the United States was actually paid on settlement in January last, to Edward Livingston, Attorney of the United States, in whose hands the bond had been placed. Major Ten Broeck called on Holt, shewed him the original bond and receipts, and requested him to publish the latter in his paper, together with the certificate of the gentlemen above mentioned. Holt pretended to feel the greatest pleasure in having an opportu nity to do Major Ten Broeck justice, and promised to comply with his request. We, shail now see in what manner Holt conducted., Instead of making that ample and explicit recantation which justice demanded;-instead of acknowledging the falshood

* If Holt should not perfectly understand this, we would bint to him, that there are men, who are such compleat bankrupts in honor and honesty, as to be incapable of rendering any satisfaction for injury.

of his former assertions ;--instead of making that apology which was justly due to Major Ten Broeck, he wholly suppressed the certificate of Messrs. Lawrence and Dayton, and introduced the receipts by an invidions preface, with intent to destroy their validity. The baseness of this conduct will more obviously appear, on reading the following sentence, which formed a part of the before-mentioned publi cation in the Bee :-


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"The neceffity of faying fo much of "Mr. Ten Broeck is fincerely regretted, efpecially if, as we are informed, the publications in the Balance are contrary to his wifh and particular request. "But to defend the conduct of the Prefi "dent in his removal, and to exculpate "ourfelves from the charge of falfhood, "this courfe has become neceffary; and "we cheerfully leave it to the public to "decide on our motives and intentions."

This paragraph, connected with Holt's conduct, throws more light on his editorial character, than a ny thing we have before seen. It discovers so much shameless duplicity, meanness, hardihood, and hy. pocrisy, that we can hardly find terms of expression suitable for the person who can be capable of it.

After "declaring to the world that of the sum which Major Broeck owed, not a single cent has ev er found its way to the treasury or any of the officers of the United States; and that there is nearly $3,000 still due on his account," Helt " sincerely (yes, reader, sincerely) regrets the necessity of saying so much," &c. Now let us put the dissembling slanderer's" sincerity" to the test. Immediately after the publication above quoted, he was convinc ed by sufficient proof, that all his charges against Major Ten Broeck were utterly false. And what then became of his sincere regrets? Did he offer any atonement to the injured man? No! Instead of pouring balm into the wound he had inhumanly inflicted, he applied to it nothing but rankling poison. And yet, reader, Holt has been known to prate about his candor, his sincerity, his humanity. It is much to be regretted that any man is so far blinded by party prejudice, as to believe that he possesses either. After such conduct, does Holt deserve to be trusted or believed? Will any man, who is in pursuit of truth, ever hereafter place any reliance on the Bee Will the sober, the serious, and the virtuous, lend their aid to such a paper?

The following correct, elegant and sullime lines, were lately placed over an electioning communication, in the Portsmouth Republican Ledger, for the purpose of promoting the election of Mr. Lang


"The true Republic patriot sense
"That animates the breast
"Will crown our country's wishes now,
"With happiest success !!!

In the same paper, about one hundred exclamation points are dispersed over a column of electionecring matter Webster's Speling bock informs us that an exclamation point marks out a passage like O, the felly of sinners!"







like this is very derogatory to the nature and dignity of man, and highly fubverfive of true honour and greatnefs of foul, fuffer us alfo to fuggeft to the ferious confidera. tion of thofe of our fellow citizens who are members of legiflative bodies, whether, fhould this great and growing evil of duel

that to this fource many of the predominant
evils in our land may be traced. Some of
thofe places are evidently nurferies of vice
and licentioufnefs, and in which it is to be
feared the humane mind is prepared for the
perpetration of crimes, fhocking in their
nature, and repugnant to every feeling of
humanity, ferioufnefs, and religion; wit-ling continue to prevail, it will not become
nefs amongst other things the direful oaths a fubject demanding further legislative in-
and execrations, with the drunkennefs and terpofition.
debauchery that fo greatly reproach many
places of public and private refort.

By the attendance of Stage Plays and other Theatrical Exhibitions, to which people are invited by public advertisements and otherwife, and by which a number of

URNIPS are fo frequently def-perfons are fupported at the expenfe of thofe who yield to the temptation, much pre. troyed by a fall fly, which feeds on them cious time is foolishly fpent, and money while quite young, that farmers are, in a great mealure, deterred from attempting burt of the community at large; but when fquandered, to the injury of families, and to cultivate that valuable root. The folwe add thereto the powerful influence fuch lowing receipts, to prevent the ravages of vain amulements have on the human mind, that deftructive infect, having been pub-by indifpofing it to concerns of the greatest lifhed in Europe; be pleafed to infert them by indifpofing it to concerns of the greatest importance, lulling into a state of forgetfulin your Museum, for the benefit of that nefs refpecting its trueft interefts, and exvery ufetul clafs of citizens, the yeoman-citing corrupt and hurtful paffions, how ry of the country.


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painful is the reflection! We fhall clofe
this fubject with the following quotation
from the writings of Archbishop Tillotson,
who fays, "They are intolerable, and not
"fit to be permitted in a civilized, much
"lefs a Chriflian nation. They do moft
notoricully minifier to vice and infideli

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ty by their profanenefs. They are ap "to inftil bad principles in the minds of men, and leffen that awe and reverence "which all men ought to have of God and



Religion and by their lewdnels they "teach vice, and are apt to infect the minds "of men, and difpofe them to lewd an diffolute practices."

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ed our very




I WAS lately amufed in reading

an extract from the proceedings of the 1787. The queftion betore the houfe general affembly of Connecticut, May 12, was, whether delegates fhould be fent from the ftate of Connecticut to the general con. vention, to be held at Philadelphia, for the purpose of revifing and altering the articles of confederation. The members generally were in favour of fending delegates; and feveral of them, particularly General Huntington, Colonel Seymour, Colonel Wadfworth, and Mr. Davenport offered powerful arguments evincive of the neceffity of fuperfeding the old con federation by a government that thould be fficient and adequate to the exigencies of

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vention: he conceived it would be difa. greeable to his conflituents; he thought The fubje&t of Dewelling has alfo claim-the liberties of the people would be endan ferious confideration; it being gered by it; that the conftitution of this a crime of great magnitude, which, with its tate (Connecticut) was already fufficient late frequency, mufi be viewed by every fe- for every purpole, added to the articles of rious relating mind, and particularly fo confederation, in which fufficient power by thole who believe in the mild and be- was already delegated to Congress; and nign doctrines of the Gospel, with much concluded by faying that he imaginel regret and abhorrence. We wish to arreft thefe things would have a tendency to pro the attention of thofe who have fuch falfe duce a regal government in this country." and delufive ideas of honour; we with This fpecimen of Mr. Granger's early pro them deliberately to reflect on the confe- feffions and artifice afforded a fure prog quences that may refult to themfelves, and noftic of his fubfequent political conduct. that must refult to fociety, by an indul From the days of Abfalom to the prefent gence of that ferocious difpofition that can, generation, artful cunning demagogues that dare, premeditatedly deprive a fellow have always cloaked their ambitious views being of life, and plunge him into an end-with the plaufible pretence of a violent love lefs eternity, in an unprepared ftate; the prefumption being very frong, that men who are in fuch a difpofition of mind as to give way to a practice fo barbarous, in order to obtain revenge of a fellow creature, are not likely to be in a fituation prepared to meet their God. And while we are de to meet their God. And while we are defirous of fhowing, if poffible, that a conduct

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dolls. 2,256,895 lefs than the year preceding.

of public and private credit, it had become contemptible even in its own eyes: but Mr. Granger was opposed to fending delegates to revife and alter the articles of confederation; becaufe" he conceived it would be difagreeable to his conftituents;" because he thought the liberties. of the people would be endangered by it" becaufe, in the old confederation, fufficient power was already delegated to congrefs;" and becaufe that giving congreis more power" would have a tendency of producing a regal (or royal) governmently in this country."

This fame Mr. Granger now holds an important and lucrative office under that government, the very germ of whofe exift ence he thus oppofed; and the partial and arbitrary manner in which he has exercif ed that power is notorious over all parts of the United States.

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The expenditures of the government in the fame period were dolls. 13,668,501 27 cents.

The payments into the Treafury from duties on imports and tonnage being derived from bonds due for duties accruing before the late peace, the Prefident reminds us that the effect of peace is not yet fully afcertained."-This effect, tho' not fully afcertained, has yet evinced its operation. It appears from the statements. from the Treafury department, that the a mount of duties on goods imported and tonnage fecured in the last year, and which will form the receipt of the next, is


The funds annually appropriated to the difcharge of our debt are by act of Congrefs under the direction of the VicePrefident, the Secretary of the Treafury, the Secretary of State, the Attorney-General, and the Chief Juftice of the United States, who are filed the Commiflioners of the Sinking Fund.' Of thefe Commillioners the Secretary of the Treafury is the agent, the power of the others is barenominal. The Commiflioners have laid before Congrefs at the prefent feffion, a report of the Secretary of the Treafury made to them, containing a detail of the meafures purlued in the year 1802, in relation to their duty. It does not appear that the Chief Juftice of the United States had been confulted on thefe proceedings; his name does not appear to the report.

"This report of the Secretary of the Treasury states that during the year 1802, there has been drawn from the Treasury of the United States on account of principal and interest of the domestic debt, the sum of 9,372,752 20

"That of the money drawn from the Treasury in the year 1801, which remained unapplied at the expiration of that year, and was applicable to the Dutch debt, there was guilders 2,313,846 10 stivers, equal to 40 cents each guilder, to

Forming the sum in their hands in the year 1802,

925,538 40

Dolls. 10,298,290 68

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"From thefe facts I am led to remark, that the aft of laft feflion, placed among the proudeft plumes of the prefent adminitration, entitled" An Act providing for the redemption of the whole public debt of the United States, makes it exprefsly the duty of the commiflioners of the finking fund to apply annually the fum of dolls. 7,300,000 to the difcharge of the debtand that it appears the fum of dollars 6,699,738 47 only has been applied in the year 1802-leaving a deficit of dollars 600,261 53. As to the large fum of dolls. 3,483,711, drawn from the Treafury, and not applied, it would have been more fatisfactory to" that jealoufy which, however deteftable in private, is the lovlieft trait of political character," had we been informed in whole hands as agents this immense sum was refting. As to myfelf, I fhould be glad to have been informed what neceflity induced the drawing fo large a fum from the treafury, fo long before it was to be appli ed. Why money was remitted to Europe (if the fact be fo) to meet a debt not vet due, At a time that a balance of dolls. 600,000 remained, as it ftill does, unpaid of the fum exprefsly required to be paid in each year. and I cannot reprefs the expreffion of my aftonifhment and alarm, that the Secretary of the Treafury in an official report, profeffing to account for the due application of dolls. 10,298,190 63, after vaguely ftating dolls. 3,483 711 77 to be unapplied and in the hands of agents; thould, notwithstanding, leave a balance wholly unaccounted for of dolls. 114. 74 44.

The Prefident in addreffing the prefent Congrefs after a review of our revenue, and the payments on account of the debt, remarks, When effe&ts to falutary refult from the plans you have already fanc tioned; when merely by avoiding falfe objets of expenfe, we are able without a dirett tax, without internal taxes and with out borrowing, to make large and effectual payments towards the difcharge of our public debt, and the emancipation of our pofterity from that mortal canker, it is an encouragement of the higheft order to proceed as we have began in fubftituting economy for taxation, and in procuring what is ufeful for a nation placed as we are, rather than what is practifed by others under different circumftances." The conftitution requires of the Prefident that he fhould give Congress information of the ftate of the Union, and recommend fuch meafures as he may judge neceffary and expedient. Perhaps it would comport better with the dignity of the fift Magistrate, if in difcharging this duty he should not feel himfelf emancipated from the obliga tions impofed by official propriety.

If he fhould refrain from fuch reflections as are evidently intended to establish his own reputation by cafting reproach on

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