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I WILL lift up mine eyes | unto-the | hills,
From when-ce | cometh-my | help.
My help cometh | from-the | Lord,
Which made | heaven-and | earth.

He will not suffer thy | foot-to be moved :

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He that keepeth | th-ee | will-not | slumber. Behold, he that | keep-eth Israel

Shall | neither | slumber-nor | sleep.

The Lord is-thy | keeper :


The Lord is thy | shade-up


on thy—right |

The sun shall not | smite thee-by | day,
Nor-the moon-by | night.

The Lord shall preserve thee | from-all | evil: He shall-pre serve-thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out, and thy | com-ing | in,

From this time forth, and even-for | ev-er |



O GIVE thanks unto the Lord; for | he-is | good:

For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.
O give thanks unto the | God-of | gods:
For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

O give thanks to the Lord-of | lords:
For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.
To him who alone | doeth-great | wonders:
For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

To him that by wisdom | made-the heavens:
For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.
To him that stretched out the earth above-
the waters:

For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

To him that made-great lights:
For his mercy-en | dureth-for ever;
The sun to rule-by | day:

For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever :

The moon and stars to | rule-by | night :
For his mercy-en | dureth-for ever.
To him that smote Egypt | in-their | firstborn;
For his mercy-endureth-forever:

And brought out Israel | from-a | mong them: For his mercy-en | dureth-forever:

With a strong hand, and with a stretchedout | arm:

For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

To him which divided the Red sea | in-to | parts:

For his mercy-en | dureth-forever:

And made Israel to pass through the | mid—st | of it:

For his mercy-en | dureth-forever:

But overthrew Pharaoh, and his host | in the1 Red sea:

For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

To him which led his people | through-the | wilderness :

For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

To him which | smote-great | kings:

For his mercy-en | dureth-forever:
And slew famous | kings:

For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever :

Sihon, king-of the | Amorites :
For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever:
And Og, the king-of | Bashan :

For his mercy-en | dureth-forever:

And gave their | land-for an heritage:
For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever:
Even an heritage unto | Israel-his servant :
For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

Who remembered us in our low- -e | state: For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever : And hath redeemed us | from-our enemies : For his mercy-en | dureth-for | ever.

Who giveth | food to-all | flesh :
For his mercy-en | dureth-for ever.
O give thanks unto the | God-of | heaven :
For his mercy-en | dureth-forever.


I WILL praise thee | with my-whole | heart; Before the gods will I sing | prai—se | un—to | thee.

I will worship toward thy | ho-ly | temple, And praise thy name for thy loving | kindnessand | for-thy | truth:

For thou hast magnified

Thy word abo-ve | all-thy | name.

In the day when I cried thou answer-edst |


And strengthenedst | me-with | strength inmy soul.

All the kings of the earth shall | praise thee,— O Lord,

When they hear the | words of-thy | mouth. Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the | Lord:

For great is the | glo-ry | of-the | Lord.

Though the Lord—be | high,

Yet hath he re | spe-ct | unto-the | lowly:
But-the proud

He knoweth-a | fa―r | off.

Though I walk in the | midst of | trouble,
Thou wilt-re | vive me;

Thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of-mine | enemies,

And | thy—right | hand-shall | save me.

The Lord-will | perfect

That which-concern-eth | me:

Thy mercy, O Lord, en | dureth-forever:

Forsake not the


works of thine-own [


O LORD, thou hast search-ed me,

And know-n me. | |

Thou knowest my downsitting and | mine


Thou understandest my


thought-a | fa-r |

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