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He showeth his | word-unto | Jacob,

His statutes and his judgments | un-to | Israel.

He hath not dealt so with | a-ny | nation: And as for his judgments, they have not known them. | Praise | ye-the | Lord.

OUT of the depths


Have I cried-unto | thee,-O | Lord.

Lord, hear-my voice:

Let thine ears be attentive to the voiceof my sup-pli | cations.

If thou, Lord, shouldst | mark-in | iquities,

O Lord, who-shall | stand?

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But there is forgiveness-with | thee,
That-thou mayest-be | feared.

I wait for the Lord,

My soul doth wait, and | in-his | word-do I | hope.

My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch-for the morning :

I say, more than they-that | watch-for the | morning.

Let Israel hope-in the | Lord :

For with the Lord there is mercy, and with |
him-is plenteous-redemption;
And he shall re | de-em | Israel
From all his-in | iquities.

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PRAISE ye-the | Lord.

Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: | praisehim in the | heights.

Praise ye him, all-his | angels:
Praise ye hi-m, | all-his hosts.

Praise ye him, sun-and | moon :
Praise him all-ye | stars-of light.
Praise him, ye | heavens-of | heavens,

And ye waters that | be-a | bove-the | heavens.

Let them praise the name of-the | Lord : For he commanded, and they were-cre | ated.

He hath also stablished them for | ever-and |


He hath made a de | cree-which | shall—not | pass.

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Praise the Lord-from the earth,
Ye dragons, | and-all | deeps:

Fire, and hail;

snow, and vapours;

Stormy | wind-ful | filling-his word:

Mountains and—all | hills;

Fruitful tree-s, and-all | cedars:

Beasts, and-all | cattle:

Creeping things,-and | fly-ing | fowl:

Kings of the earth, and—all | people;
Princes, and all | jud—ges | of—the | earth;
Both young men—and | maidens;

Old me-na-nd | children:

Let them praise the | name of-the | Lord :
For his name-a | lone-is | excellent;
His glory | is-a | bove

The earth-and | heaven.

He also exalteth the horn of his people, the

praise of all-his | saints; |

Even of the | children-of | Israel,

A people near-unto | him.

Praise ye-the | Lord.




WE | praise thee,―O | God:

We acknowledge | thee-to | be-the | Lord.
All the earth doth | wor-ship | thee:
The | Fa―ther | e-ver | lasting.

To thee all angels | cry-a | loud;

The heavens, and all-the powers-there | in: To thee cherubin-and | seraphin |

Contin-ual | ly—do | cry,

Holy, holy, holy :

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Lord God-of | Sabaoth
Heaven-and | earth


Are full of the | majesty | of-thy | glory.
The glorious company | of the-a | postles
Praise thee.

The goodly fellowship | of-the | prophets
Praise | thee.

The noble army-of | martyrs
Praise thee.

The holy church throughout all the world doth acknowledge | thee;

The Father of-an | infin-ite | majesty ;

Thine honourable, true, and | on-ly | Son;
Also the Ho-ly | Ghost,-the comforter.
Thou art the king of | glory,-O | Christ;
Thou art the ever | last-ing | Son-of the [

When thou tookest upon thee to de | li-ver |


Thou didst not ab | hor-the | virgin's | womb.

When thou hadst overcome the | sharpness-of | death,

Thou didst open the kingdom of | heaven-to | all-believers.

Thou sittest at the | right hand-of | God
In the glory of the | Father.

We believe that | thou

Shalt | come-to | be-our | judge.

We therefore pray thee, | help-thy | servants, Whom thou hast redeemed

cious blood:

with-thy | pre—

Make them to be numbered | with-thy | saints, In glo-ry | e-ver | lasting.

O Lord, save thy people, and | bless-thine | heritage.

Govern them, and | lift-them | up-for | ever. Day by day we | magni-fy | thee;

And we worship thy

without | end.

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Vouch | safe,-0 | Lord,

name-ever | world

To keep us-this | day-without | sin.
O Lord have mercy-up | on us,

Have mer- cy—up | on us.

O Lord, let thy mercy | lighten-up | on us,

As our trust | is-in | thee.

O Lord, in thee have I trusted,

Let me ne-ver | be-con | founded.

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