Sidor som bilder

On another occasion, he says

Hitherto the internal course of our Congregation has not been disturbed by these outward calamities. On the contrary, I have reason to believe that many an one, by these trials, has been induced, with more than common earnestness, to consider his ways and turn with full purpose of heart to the only helper in every time of need. These are delightful and encouraging facts in the midst of much outward misery.

Of the spiritual state of the Settlement, he writes, in October 1821

We have just finished speaking with all the individuals, not yet Communicants; and found abundant cause to thank the Lord, for the blessing and encouragement which this employment has afforded us. In the hearts of most of them, the Holy Spirit has begun a good work: by far the greater number prove that they are truly in earnest. We stand astonished at the mercy shown unto them by Him, who is indeed no respecter of persons. His work is truly marvellous in our eyes.

He adds, in July of last year

Though some unpleasant things have lately occurred with a few individuals, in consequence of the distress, we may say, with truth, that, in general, this trying season has been a time of much blessing. We also notice, with peculiar gratitude. more traces of the divine life in the hearts of the children than in former years.

Summary for the year 1821 :Inhabitants, 277; admitted, £7; excluded, 1; Births, 9; Deaths, none; Marriages 28-Communicants, 93; admitted, 10, excluded, 13; re-admitted, 8.

Cattle, 320-Horses, 21-Sheep, 150-She Goats, 74-Wagons, 6.

The School flourishes. A Mission House has been begun. Most of the Gardens are in a good state.


About 600 miles east of Cape Town, in the District of Uitenhage, and near Algoa Bay. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 1802.

James Kitchingman, Missionary ;
with Native Teachers.

The labours of Mr. Kitchingman are very acceptable to the people; whose confidence he bas acquired, by combining firmness with gentleness in his conduct and proceedings. His Ministry is well attended. It is stated, in the last Report—

Measures were on the point of being concerted with a view to the long-projected removal of this

The state of the Settlement, for the Institution to a more eligible spot, when unforeyear 1820, is thus reported

Fifty-four children have been baptized, 54 persons become inhabitants of the place, 9 removed hither from Enon and Groenekloof; in all 117. Forty-nine have departed this life, 15 have removed to the other settlements, 30 have left us, or been struck off our list on account of their continued absence from the place; in all, 94.. The Congregation has consequently had an increase of 23: it consists of 512 communicants, 236 baptized not yet communicants, 410 baptized children, 105 candidates for haptism, 150 new people and unbaptized children. Total, 1413. The Settlement consists of 288 houses, 90 of which are built of unburnt brick.

The Report for 1821 is as followsPorn, 42; baptized, children and adults, 98; obtained leave to live in the place, 28; departed this life, 42; excluded or withdrawn, 21. The Congregation at Gnadenthal consists, at the close of the year, of 587 communicants; 250 baptized, not yet communicants; 417 baptized children; 91 candidates for baptism; and 125 new people-in all,


Repeated presents of clothing, particularly for the children, sent by friends in England, have been most thankfully received.


About 300 miles east of Cape Town, three miles from the Town of George, and two from the sea. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 1813.

W. Anderson, Missionary.‚¦

Mr. Anderson arrived here on the 18th of January from Caledon Institution.

The Directors state→→

seen and apparently insurmountable obstacles presented themselves: which left no alternative, but either to commence an entirely new Institution; or to supply, as far as possible, the external defects of the existing Settlement.

Bethelsdorp includes an excellent grazing-farm, but no grain can be sown therein another farm, near the Gamtoos River, has been therefore purchased on account of the Society, which is reputed Ito be one of the best corn-farms in that part of the Colony.

Dr. Philip, who was at this time at Bethelsdorp, on his late tour, prudently refused to give his consent to the purchase, unless the people first engaged to exert themselves in the improvement of the town, by the erection of better dwelling-houses, &c. in which proposal they cheerfully acquiesced. A plan was subsequently agreed upon, at a General Meeting of the inhabitants, in conformity to which the projected improvements were to be made. These measures, together with some judicious regulations suggested by Dr. Philip, seem to have awakened among the people a spirit of exertion, and in other respects to have been attended with good effect. Preparations for rebuilding the town were immediately commenced, in which

every class of the population actively engaged.

Dr. Philip says, in a late Letter

I can now meet the calumniators of Missions and the enemies of the Hottentots on their own ground; and challenge them to show me, in any part of the world, a people inore capable of being improved than the abused Hottentots of South Africa, or attempts at civilization more complete in their success than what may now be seen at Bethelsdorp.



J. Monro, Missionary. Efforts have been made to carry into execution To this place, mentioned under the last more fully the plans of Mr. Pacalt for the im-head, Mr. Monro, who had newly arrived, provement of this Institution; but the distress which has prevailed among the Hottentots crippled their exertions. Amidst their deep poverty, however, they had commendably exemplified the influence of Christianity, by resignation to the will of God.

was appointed. He left Bethelsdorp, with his family, on the 5th of April. In the night of the 6th, they were attacked by robbers; and escaped, with difficulty to a

neighbouring farm: but their wagon was burnt, and their property all stolen or destroyed. Mr. Monro writes from Gamtoos River, April the 8th

I had thoughts, at first, of returning to Bethelsdorp, but that would be like yielding to the enemy; so I have come hither, in the strength of the Lord my God. The poor Hottentots, who reside here, visit us, and every meeting is a Bochim. They weep, and we cannot comfort them. But I hope, that, after all, God will yet be glorified at Gamtoos River.


On the Witte River, near Algoa Bay.



Schmitt, Hoffman, Hornig, Lemmer, and Halter, Missionaries. Br. Halter arrived at the Cape in July. Br. Hallbeck and his Wife, from Gnadenthal, spent a month here in the close of the year 1821. He was greatly struck with the change which had taken place, since he witnessed the first beginnings of the Settlement.

Of the difficulties which were felt here, in common with other parts of the Colony, though not so severely as in the western parts from the additional calamity of storms and floods, Mr. Schmitt writes, in January last

In our own family, we find it difficult to come through; but as to the poor Hottentots, they can get neither money nor food. It is, however, edifying to perceive, with what resignation and firm trust in the help of the Lord they bear every privation. Not only has the harvest failed, but the drought is so great, that the garden-crops have been almost wholly destroyed for want of moisture.

Of the progress of the Settlement, we collect the following notices :

During the year 1820, ten children were born, three persons died, and 23 came to live on our land. Our numbers, at the close of the year 1820, are as follows: 20 communicants, 56 baptized and candidates for baptism, 43 baptized children, 84 new people-in all, 203.

During the year 1821, there were baptized 19 adults and 12 children, and 13 persons obtained leave to live here: the inhabitants are 197: 54 children attend School.

From the beginning of the Mission, 42 adults and 33 children have been baptized.


In the District of Albany-about 60 miles north-east of Bethelsdorp-Inhabitants, 500. LONDON MISSIONARY SOCIETY.


G. Barker, Missionary.

Jan Tzatzoe (Caffre), Native Teacher. The Directors state

During the protracted illness of the late Mr. UIIbricht, the affairs of this Institution rather retrograded than advanced. Since the return of Mr. Barker they have begun to assume a more promis. ing aspect.

The local situation of Theopolis having been attended with serious inconveniences, it was determined, during Dr. Philip's late visit there, that the Institution should be immediately removed to a more eligible spot. The site and plan of the new village were accordingly fixed upon; and the people have since exerted themselves in carrying the design into execution.


A Settlement of New Colonists, in the District of Albany, 16 miles from Graham's Town, about 30 from Bathurst, and 100 from Algoa Bay. WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 1820.

W. Shaw, W. Threlfall, Missionaries. Mr. Shaw writes

Albany is of importance, because of the desti tute state of the settlers, Dutch and English; but also because Missionaries in Albany may have regular access to more than 3000 Heathen, who are connected with no Missionary Station. Above all, it is at the very gates of Caffreland; and a Mission in Albany cannot fail, sooner or later, to extend itself into that important field.

The Committee observe

An immense tract of unexplored and unoccupied country lies to the north-east of this Station, many parts of which are known to be exceedingly popu lous, and where the light of the Gospel has not yet penetrated.

Mr. Shaw's labours have been successful. The attendance of the Settlers is large; and many have become truly religious. On this subject, he says—

The means which have been particularly instrumental in the hands of GOD, in effecting the good which we have witnessed, are a steady attention to all our usual means of grace, and a systematic and weekly distribution of tracts and other books. The painful dispensations of Providence have been sanctified. Want of bread has humbled many

"Of the first half of 1822, Mrs. Schmitt hearts, and disposed them to listen to the consolawrites

The state of the young people is remarkably pleasing. Our congregation has this year had an increase of 19 persons: 10 children were born; three children and one adult departed this life; 11 adults and 10 children were baptized; 7 admitted to the Lord's Supper. The number of inhabitants is 220. Mr. Hallbeck thus speaks of the state of the people::

When I was there, 15 of the Scholars could read their Bibles, and all were very diligent and attentive. The internal state of the Congregation was truly pleasing; and the conversations which my Wife and I had with the adult inhabitants,

tions of the Gospel.

The English Congregation at Graham's Town is large and attentive. The Hot. tentot Congregation at that place increases and improves the Communicants are 10. Chapels were building at Salem and at Graham's Town.


On the Zondags River.

AUXILIARY MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Rev. A. Faure, Dutch Minister at

were highly edifying to us. The outward deport- this place, of whom we have before spoken,

ment of the Hottentots proved an honour to the Gospel.

was formerly a Student at Gosport, and is

zealous in promoting Missions, and the instruction of the Slaves. He has lately established a Mission among the Bosjesmans, to be supplied by Native Teachers,

Mr. Shaw, of Salem, states that the Heathen Population of Graaff Reynet is, according to Official Returns, 6000; none of whom are under the care of Missionaries, and to the greater part of whom access might be had if Missionaries could be supplied.


J. Brownlee, W.R.Thomson, Missionaries.
John Bennie, Assistant.

The Missionaries are supported by Government, and the Assistant by the Glasgow Missionary Society, Mr. Brownlee writes, under date of Jan. 28, 1822

We have no reason to be discouraged. We have

had a considerable addition to the Institution. the members exceed 200. Some of them have made

considerable increase in knowledge; and from what I can learn from close observation, it appears there

is a sort of general desire for Teachers expressed by many of the distant Caffres. I believe were Missionaries to go to any part of Caffreland, if not too near to Gaika, they would be able, in a very short time, to collect a congregation.

All the people who came here lately belonged to a kraal, that was formerly near the Institution on the Cat River. The head of the kraal died in May last; and his conduct ever since the death of Mr.

Williams was like that of one, who had tasted that the Lord is gracious. It was his constant practice, after he had gained a little knowledge, to communicate the same; and, for this purpose, they met in a large hut, built on purpose, twice a day for worship: and in all the vicissitudes which they experienced since the above mentioned period, wherever they wandered they erected a hut for the worship of God, amidst the reproach and persecu tion of the surrounding Caffres.

On the day in which Sicana died, all the people of the kraal met as usual for worship in the morn ing. He was present; and addressed his audience, in a very solemn and affecting manner. to the following effect-" I now speak to you for the last time, from a conviction that this day I shall die. It has pleased God to afflict me with sickness but to this I have been resigned, knowing that God can both give health or disease as He sees fit: my soul and body are both in His hands. You are in the midst of wolves: therefore, as quickly as possible remove to the Teacher, as he is the only friend you have in this land; and, rather than give up the service of God, suffer death; as the situation of all without Christ is wretched. They are dead, and without God. On my deccase, go and say to all the Chiefs among the Caffres, that God's Word is sent among them, and they will do well to listen to it; otherwise they may expect the most serious consequences."

He died at the time which he signified: his last injunction has been complied with, and the whole of the people that belonged to his kraal came here in June; and I am happy to say that their conduct, for the most part, is superior to that of the other people who have been much longer at the Institution.

Dr. Philip, to whom this communication was addressed, says

hope Mr. Brownlee, with his associates, will, by the blessing of God, be enabled to carry on this great work among the Caffres, happily begun by our late

excellent Missionary, Mr. Williams. Considering the short time that Mr. Williams was engaged in that interesting Mission, the good which he appears to have been the instrument of doing is truly great.. Griquas.

Bosjesmans and Corannas also are taught in various parts of this Mission.


North of the Orange River-about 700 miles northeast of Cape Town.



Henry Helm, Missionary.


Andrew Waterboer, Native Teacher. The Congregation is increased. indifference, however, still prevails among the people as to the concerns of religion; but there are many individuals who walk worthy of the Christian Profession. Scholars, about 100.

A weekly meeting, for the benefit of the Bosjesmans in the neighbourhood, has been kept up for two or three years at Griqua Town. From 20 to 40 attend; and, in some of them, the benefit is manifest.

The external circumstances of the Settlement are improving. Agriculture, in particular, is on the increase.

The total population of the district is computed at 5000./

In the last Report, the following view is given of the Mission:-

The Griquas, when the Society's Missionaries, Anderson and Kramer, first joined them, were a horde of savages, almost as destitute of knowledge as they were of clothing. After travelling about with them for several years, the Missionaries at length induced them to settle on the spot where Griqua Town now stands. Here they have acquired fixed, though not as yet sufficiently regulated, habits-many of them much useful knowledge-and some of them respectable property. They have uniformly manifested a disposition to cultivate a friendly intercourse with the Colony; and the rapid increase of their numbers, their incipient advances in civilization, and their active and enterprising character, have, of late years, given them a conse. quence in the eyes of the Colonists, and even of the Colonial Government, which has not only led to the establishment, by order of the Government, of a public market near the borders of the Colony to which the Griquas resort for the purposes of traffic; but, more recently, to the appointment, by the same authority, of a stated Resident at Griqua Town-a measure, which, it is to be hoped, will contribute not a little to aid the efforts of the Missionary, by repressing those occasional irregularities among the people, to which all communities, in the earlier stages of society, are more or less exposed; and also by promoting the general improve. ment of their civil and social condition.

From the Gentleman appointed to this office, John Melville, Esq. every benefit to the Griquas and the Mission may be expected.

The Directors have received no information, during the year, relative to the Out-Stations at Hardcastle, Konnah, and Ramah.


About 40 miles eastward of Griqua Town.

Christopher Sass, Missionary. The Directors give the following melancholy view of Mr. Sass's labours:

Since the removal of Mr. Sass to Campbell, his health has improved, but his encouragements have diminished. Few of the people attend his ministry; and those who do, show much unconcern. He oc

casionally visits the Corannas on the Great River, but neither does any fruit appear among them. He also preaches to the Bosjesmans, by means of an Interpreter; but of these few attend, and of those few some are so bold as to deny the truth of his statements. He has likewise encountered many trials and mortifications, connected with the external affairs of the Mission.



Robert Hamilton, Robert Moffat,

Jan Goeyman, Jan Hendrick,
Native Teachers.

Mr. and Mrs. Moffat, who had laboured for some time at Griqua Town, returned to Lattakoo in May 1821; and were received by the King and Chiefs with cordiality.

It is stated in the last Report :

Mr. Hamilton continues his usual labours, and devotes a considerable portion of his attention to the care of the School.

Public Worship is kept up for the benefit of the Bootsuannas; of whom, however, few attend. The

in which they meet with no better encouragement."

But they add what cannot fail to ani- Brethren alternately visit the neighbouring villages, mate a truly pious and laborious Missio-Indifference continues to prevail among the people, nary, under such circumstances

In the midst, however, of all his sufferings, he has been supported by faith in the promises of God: and if this brief enumeration of his discouragements should lead the friends of the Society to give him a distinct remembrance in their prayers, the darknéss of his circumstances may soon be exchanged for light, and his complaints converted into praise. Even the hope that he will be thus remembered at the Throne of Mercy, which his perusal of this part of our Report may inspire, cannot fail to cheer his mind, and to impart new vigour to his exertions.


while the Brethren prosecute their labours in faith and hope.

Mr. Moffat, soon after his return to Lattakoo, had applied himself to the study of Bootsuanna; and hoped, at no remote period, to acquire such a knowledge of it, as would enable him to address the people without the intervention of an Interpreter. The Directors very justly add

Indeed, until the Natives of any country are addressed by a Christian Preacher in their own language, it is unreasonable to expect that their attention to the subject of religion should be properly awakened or kept up, or that an extensive harvest should crown the Missionary's labour.



It is the intention of the London Missionary Society, in consequence of Mr. Campbell's favourable representations, to send out Missionaries for Mashow and The Village of a Chief of that name, in Great NaKurreechane, principal towns of the Boot-maqualand, about 18 days' journey northward of the suannas. Mr. Peter Wright, an artisan, with his Wife, embarked, in August, for this destination.

WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The following extract from the Report, just issued, will explain the state of the Society's measures with respect to the Bootsuannas :

In the last Report it was stated that Messrs. Kay and Broadbent had set out on a journey to the Bootsuannas, for the purpose of fixing upon a suitable place in which to commence a Mission among some of the numerous tribes who spread over a vast portion of the continent to the North and East. Mr. Broadbent, we regret to state, was taken extremely ill, and obliged to be conducted to Graaff Reynet; and Mr. Kay, leaving him there, proceeded to join Mr. W. Shaw, at Albany, until he should receive direction from the Committee. Mr. Hodgson, from the Cape, is on a visit to the Bootsuanna Ccountry, and will be joined by Mr. Broadbent upon his recovery.

Some particulars of the Journey here referred to were given at p. 25 of the last Survey.


About 900 miles north-east of Cape Town, near the Krooman River-among the Matchappees, one of the principal tribes of the Bootsuannas-Inhabitants, about 4600.

Qrange River,


James Archbell, Missionary. Jacob Links (Hottentot), Assistant, Mr. Archbell arrived at this Station, in October 1821. He and his family have endured many hardships; but he began to see some fruit of his labours.

In relation to their difficulties, we select the following paragraphs: —

An alarm was at first raised by some of the Natives, that I had come to make peace for the purpose of enabling their enemies to gain advantage over them: they sought therefore to destroy,my life; which, I thank God, has hitherto been preserved.

The clothes which I used to wear while I was yet with you, hang now upon me like rags.

It is no small trial to have our two little children crying for something to eat or drink, when we have often nothing to give them but dried flesh, which, whenever I eat myself, makes me ill the whole of the next day. Pray for us. But you do: we feel the benefit thereof in our own hearts, as well as in giving our lives to Him who hath loved us, andwashed us from our sins in his own blood.

Means have been adopted to supply food and clothing, by means of the Whalers which frequent the neighbouring Bay of Angra Pequena.

Of his encouragements, Mr. Archbell thus speaks

I found every thing in confusion, on account of the various wars existing among the Bosjesmans and Namaquas. It is impossible for me to state my feelings on the occasion, as my forming a station here seemed to depend entirely upon the blessing of God on my endeavouring to make peace. My endeavours seemed to have the desired effect; and, in less than a week, I was surrounded with Bosjesmans and Namaquas, all desirous to hear the Word of Life.

Since my arrival the preaching of Christ Crucified has been the power of God to the conversion of four; and many others appear to be earnestly seeking an acquaintance with the Gospel.

Our beginning, it is true, is feeble; but, when once we are established, the land is so thickly peopled, that this place, by the Divine blessing, will become a station of importance.

I request that another Missionary may be sent to join me in so perilous a situation. I would have been content to remain alone, had I not seen the probability of great success.

"Tsaummap, my head Chieftain, has more than once said, "Should any body take away my all, and I lie upon a duughill, like that man in the Bible you tell us of (Job), it would give me no such pain as that which would tear my heart should the Gospel be taken from me,"


A little north of the Orange River.

The Directors give the following satisfactory information respecting this singular man:

Africaner remains sted fast in his Christian Profession, and constantly observes the worship of God in his family. On the Sabbath, he regularly meets the people of his kraal for Public Worship: on which occasion he expounds the Scriptures to


Africaner had been several times at Pella, to inquire whether a Missionary for his kraal were comng; and to obtain instructions, as to the manner in which he should conduct himself toward certain tribes, who steal his cattle, so as to avoid infringing on the obligations of his Christian Profession.

The Directors lament, that this Station, from varibus causes, has so long remained destitute of a Missionary; yet cannot but rejoice, that the place of a Missionary has been so efficiently supplied by Africaner himself; a man, let it be remembered, who was not long since the terror and scourge of the whole country!


little to the south of the Orange River,

Native Catechist.

The Directors report

This Settlement was, some time since, extremely. promising. The Namaquas amounted to about 350 of whom between 60 and 70 made an open profession of Christianity: in the school were nearly 100 children: the people possessed from 500 to 600 head of cattle, 15 waggons, and about 30 good gardens; and were advancing in knowledge, industry, and civilization. In this promising state of affairs, they were compelled, by excessive droughts, to dis peise in separate companies, in order to find pasturage for their cattle; and attendance both at the Chapel and the School had been, in consequence, suspended.

Notwithstanding these disadvantages, several Namaquas have been led to think seriously of religion, which has been followed by a manifest improvement in conduct. One of them is the Captain of the Settlement; and the change which has appeared in him has had a very favourable influence on others. They were all under instruction, as candidates for baptism.


In Little Namaqualand, near the Khamies Berg. WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY. Barnabas Shaw, Edward Edwards, Missionaries.

Circumstances have required Mr. Shaw's residence, the last year, chiefly at Cape Town. He spent a week at Lily Fountain in the beginning of February, to assist Mr. Edwards in the arrangement of affairs with the Namaquas; and was much rejoiced, on contrasting the state of the people with their condition when he first entered among them.

The testimony of a South-African Traveller, who staid some time at the Settlement, addressed to his friend, under date of Nov. 6, 1821, is decisive of the beneficial effect of the Mission:

You know I was formerly averse to Missionaries, thinking that they came out to get a living; but I have now learned to correct my opinion. I do assure you, that theirs is a most laborious life; and I should prefer being a Slave to the being obliged to teach the Namaquas: yet the good done among them is astonishing. They are now, for the most part, in a state of civilization, of which you can form no adequate idea. They have learned to reason most acutely; and put the most pertinent questions. A considerable number of them reside at this place the greater part of the year, and they have cattle in abundance, so much so, that the place is not large enough to feed them.

African Eslands,

GOVERNOR FARQUHAR, of Mauritius, continues to exert himself with zeal in the suppression of the Slave Trade in these seas. The Directors of the African Institution remark, in the last Report-" At the time that the Board was engaged, during the last year, in a correspondence with the Court of Directors of the East-India Company, to induce them to employ their influence with the Imaum of Muscat, to put an end to the Slave Trade so extensively carried on at Zanzebar, and had the satisfaction of obtaining the prompt and cordial concurrence of that distinguished body in their appli cation, Governor Farquhar, by a singulár and gratifying coincidence, was Jan. 1823.


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