worth, Vicar, in the Chair-on Wednesday Evening, the 21st. The Parents of several of the Missionaries whom Mr. Hough had seen labouring with success in India, were present; and much of the true Missionary Spirit was manifested. Several new Collectors were added. A Meeting was also held, in the National School Room, at Liversege, early on Thursday Morning; the Rev. Ham Roberson, Incumbent of the New Church, in the Chair. Another Meeting took place at Mirfield, on Friday the 23d, at which Professor Farish assisted; the Rev. Mr. Sedgwick, Vicar, in the Chair. Including 217. given to the New Seminary, nearly 1301. was contributed on these occasions. Fifth Anniversary of the Doncaster. The Meeting was held in the Mansion House, on Friday the 23d of May; the Rev. M. Vincent in the Chair. A Sermon was preached, in the evening, by the Assistant Secretary, at Braithwell. Collections 121. Movers and Seconders. Ninth Anniversary of the Hull and Sermons were preached-on Friday, May the 23d, at St. John's, by the Rev. J. D. Wawn-on Sunday the 25th, at St. John's and the Holy Trinity, by the Rev. T. S. Grimshaw; at St. Mary's, Beverley, and St. Mary's, Hull, by the Assistant Secretary; at Hessle and the Minster, Beverley, by the Rev. James Hough; at Wilton and Ferriby, by the Rev. J. D. Wawn; and, at Cottingham, by the Rev. G. S. Bull, late of Sierra Leone-on Monday and Tuesday Evenings, at Christ Church and St. John's, by the Rev. James Hough-on Wednesday at Sutton, and on Thursday at Scullcoates, by the Rev. G. S. Bull. The Meeting was held in the National-School Room, on Monday the 26th; Christopher Bolton, Esq. Mayor, in the Chair. The Collections amounted to about 2601., and the Meeting was more numerously attended than usual. Movers and Seconders. Rev. John Scott, and the Assistant SecretaryRev. James Hough, and Captain Jacob-Rev. G. S. Bull, and Rev. J. D. Wawn-Rev. W. Knight, jun. and Rev. Professor Farish-Rev. J. King, and Rev. T. S. Grimshaw-and Rev. T. Dikes, and Rev. John Scott. Ninth Anniversary of the Knares- The Meeting was held in the Sessions House, on Tuesday the 26th of May; the Rev. Andrew Cheap, Vicar, in the Chair: and was addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Bickersteth, Farish, Almond, E. Wilson, and Grimshaw. Professor Farish preached in the evening. Nearly 301. was collected. Ninth Anniversary of the York. Professor Farish preached, on Sunday the 25th of May, at St. Crux and St. Saviour's; and the Rev. T. S. Grimshaw, on Wednesday the 28th, at St. Saviour's. The Meeting was held on the 28th, in the Large Assembly Room; which was filled more numerously than at any former Anniversary. About Thirty Clergymen were present. W. Gray, Esq. the aged and venerable President, was in the Chair. An admirable spirit of piety and devotion pervaded the Addresses; Guineas, 501., and 107.) to the Seminary, and, including three Donations (of 50 2401, was contributed. Movers and Seconders. Rev. John Overton, and the Assistant SecretaryA. Thorpe. Esq. and Rev. T. S. Grimshaw-Rev. James Hough, and Rev. B. Lumley-David Russell, Esq. and Rev. G. Briggs-T. Price, Esq. and Rev. Professor Farish-Rev. James Dallin, and T. Hall, Esq.-Mr. Alderman Wilson, and Rev. John Graham--and Rev. G.Wright, and Rev. J. Acaster. Third Anniversary of the Pontefract, The Meeting was held on Thursday, the 29th of May, in the Town Hall; Robert Smith, Esq., the Mayor, in the Chair: and was addressed by the Rev. Messrs. Bickersteth, Farish, G. Wright, T. Barnes, and Grimshaw, and by Dr. Jefferson. Tenth Anniversary of the Leeds. Sermons were preached-on Sunday, May the 25th, by the Rev. John Graham, at St. Paul's; and, on Sunday, June the 1st, by the Rev. Professor Farish at Hunslet, Holbeck, and Wortley. The Meeting was held in the Music Hall; Henry Hall, Esq., President, in the Chair. The Collections were about 1207. Movers and Seconders. The Assistant Secretary, and B. Sadler, Esq.-Rev. James Hough, and Rev. T, Mortimer-Rev. T. S. Grimshaw, and W. Hey, Esq.-Rev. Professor Farish, and Rev. A. G. Kinsman-Rev. G. Walker, and Rev. C. F. Ramfler-and Rev. R. Holmes, and Mr. Joshua Dixon. Eighth Anniversary of the Manchester and East-Lancashire. The friends of the Society in this quarter have zealously exerted them selves, that this Association may rise to its just station in the scale of Missionary Efforts. Nineteen Sermons (including three at Preston, which locally belongs, however, to the District of North Lancashire) were preached by the Deputation; and a far more general interest was excited, than was ever before witnessed. With a Donation from the President and Benefactions to the Seminary, above 420l. was contributed. On Sunday, June the 1st, the Assistant Secretary preached at Heywood, Bury, and St. James's Manchester the Rev. James Scholefield at Oldham, All Saints, and St. Paul's; the Rev. T. Mortimer at Colne, morning and evening, and at Marsden; the Rev. James Hough at St. Stephen's and St. Luke's; and the Rev. F. Parry at Ellenbrook and Bowden. On Tuesday Evening, Mr. Mortimer preached at St. Michael's: on Wednesday Evening, Mr. Phillipps preached at St. Clement's: and, on Friday Evening, Mr. Scholefield preach ed at St. James's. the Missionary Details and Statements, and the warmth of feeling which they manifested. Such Meetings, held. at hours at which Labouring People can attend, are as important for the diffusion of the Missionary Feeling among the Labouring Orders, as the meetings in the middle of the day are for the higher classes. Fifth Anniversary of the Preston. The Rev. E. T. M. Phillipps having preached thrice in the Parish Church, on Sunday the 1st of June,' the Annual Meeting was held, on Tuesday the 3d., Wilson, Vicar, in the Chair: besides the in the Town Hall; the Rev. R. C. Deputation from the Parent Society, the Meeting was addressed by T. B. Addison, W. W. Fell, G. Horrock, and John Bairston, Esqrs., and by the Rev. W. Dixon, and Mr. T. Leach. Fifth Anniversary of the Kirkby-Lonsdale. The Meeting was held in the Assembly Room, on Wednesday, June the 4th; and was addressed by the Assistant Secretary, the Rev. W. C. Wilson, the Rev. R. C. Wilson, and the Rev. W. Dobson. Three Public Meetings were held: one, of the General Association-a second, of the Members of the Ladies' Association-and the third, of the Labouring Classes. The effect produced First Anniversary of the Warrington by these Meetings may well encourage the Society's friends to hold similar Meetings in all the large towns. The Association Meeting was held on Monday, June the 2d, in the Exchange Room, Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart., the President, in the Chair. The day was exceedingly unfavourable, the rain being very heavy; yet the large room was nearly filled. Movers and Seconders. The Assistant Secretary, and Rev. Melville Horne -Rev. E. T. M. Phillipps, and Rev. W. H. MannRev. James Hough, and Rev. John Hollist-Rev. T. Mortimer, and Mr. S. Moxon-Rev. James Scholefield, and Rev. F. Parry-and the Assistant Secretary, and Rev. T. Selkirk. The Meeting of the Manchester Ladies' Association was held on Wednesday Afternoon, in St. James's School Room. The Manchester Branch and Congregational Association Meeting was held in the Manor Court Room, Sir Oswald Mosley, Bart. in the Chair, on Thursday Evening-beginning at half-pastseven o'clock, and finishing at ten. Upward of 1200 persons, chiefly of the Labouring Class, were present; and it is difficult to describe the eager and fixed attention with which they listened to Branch. The Meeting was held in the Town Hall, on Friday, June the 6th.; J. Cockshott, Esq. in the Chair. The Annual Sermon was preached at Latchford, on Sunday the 8th, by the Rev. E. Parry. Movers and Seconders. The Assistant Secretary, and Rev. G. DriffieldRev. E. T. M. Phillipps, and Rev. Wm. Jeff-Rev. James Hough, and Rev. H. Mann-and Rev. R. W. Alix, and Rev. T. Mortimer. Third Anniversary of the Liverpool and West-Lancashire. Sermons were preached-on Sunday the 8th of June, at Everton and St. Andrew's, by the Rev. James Hough; and at St. Matthew's, morning and evening, by the Assistant Secretary-on Monday the 9th, at Prescot, by the Rev. James Hough-and, on Thursday the 12th, at St. Andrew's, by the Rev. E. T. M. Phillipps. Two Meetings of the Ladies' Association were held-one on Monday, and the other on Wednesday Evening, in St. Andrew's School Room-for the purpose of giving information, and of adopting plans for interesting the inhabitants of Liverpool more generally in aid of the Society. These Meetings were nume 256 The Rev. Hugh Stowell, of the Isle of Man, greatly assisted the Deputation of the Parent Society. The Annual Meeting was held in the Music Hall, on Tuesday Evening, the 10th of June. Between 1200 and 1300 persons were present. Admiral Mur. ray was in the Chair. It was very gratifying to see the Large Room completely filled, and to witness the deep attention which prevailed. About 150l. was contributed. Movers and Seconders. Fifth Anniversary of the North Staf- Sermons were preached-on Sunday, the 8th of June, at Newcastle and Burs lem, by the Rev. Messrs. Phillipps and Scholefield, and at Lane End by Mr. Movers and Seconders. Rev. Delabere Pritchett, and the Assistant Secre- Formation of the Lane End Branch. On Friday, June the 13th, the Subscribers and Friends of the Society at Lane End, at a Public Meeting held in the National-School Room, the Rev. T. Brooke in the Chair, formed themselves into a Branch Association in aid of the North Staffordshire. The Deputation of the Parent Society attended. President-Rev. Thos. Brooke. Formation of the Burslem Branch. In the evening of the same day, a similar Meeting was held in the Burslem National-School Room, the Rev. E. Whieldon in the Chair, for the like purpose. President-Rev. E. Whieldon. Treasurer and Secretary-Rev. Jas. Irvine. About 100l. was contributed at Newcastle, Lane End, and Burslem. Ninth Anniversary of the Leicester shire. Sermons were preached-on Sunday, June the 15th, at Desford, New Town, and at St. Mary's Leicester, by the Leicester, and at Foston and Great Rev. James Scholefield; at St. Martin's Glen, by the Assistant Secretary; at Kegworth and Wimeswould, by the Rev. James Hough; and at Whatton, by the Rev. John Babington-on Monday Evening, at St. Martin's, by the Rev. James Hough-and on Sunday, the 22d, at Dashley, by the Rev. E. T. M. Phillips, and, at Cossington, by the Rev. John Babington. The Annual Meeting was held in the Guildhall, at Leicester, on Monday, the 16th, T. Babington, Esq. in the Chair. Twenty Clergymen were present. A Meeting was held on Tuesday Evening, the 17th, of the St. Mary's Association. Movers and Seconders. The Anniversary of the Loughborough Annual Sermons at Nollingham. These were preached on Sunday, Farish, when the sum of 421. was conJune the 15th, by the Rev. Professor tributed. The Committee of the Association are taking active measures to increase the number of Subscribers. Seventh Anniversary of the Sheffield. Sermons were preached-on Sunday, June the 15th, at St. Paul's and Attercliffe, by the Rev. E. T. M. Phillipps; and at Ecclesal, by the Rev. E. Goodwin: and, on Wednesday the 18th, at the Parish Church, by the Assistant Secretary. Another Sermon is to be by the Rev. T. Best. Meetings were preached at St. James's, on July the 6th, held at Grimethorpe, Rotherham, and Altercliffe, on Thursday and Friday, the 19th and 20th. The Annual Meeting of the Sheffield Association was held in the National School Room, on Wednesday the 18th; the Rev. T. Sutton, the Vicar, in the Chair. Another Meeting, very numerously attended, of the School Children and their Parents, was held there on Friday Evening. Movers and Seconders. Rev. T. Cotterill, and the Assistant SecretaryRev. James Hough, and Rev. W. Bull-Rev. W. H. Vale, aud Rev. W. Spencer-Rev. Professor Farish, and C. Brookfield, Esq.-and James Montgomery, Esq., and Rowland Hodgson, Esq. Collections, about 1507. This extensive Journey has been the means of adding upward of 2000 Guineas to the Funds of the Society; and of laying the foundation, in various places, of enlarged interest in the Society's concerns. To those Clergymen who acted, with the Assistant Secretary, as a Deputation from the Society, the Committee beg to return their cordial thanks, for the very efficient aid rendered by them; and they beg, also, to offer their sincere acknowledgments to the numerous Friends of the Society, who, either from a distance or from the respective vicinities, assisted at the various Anniversaries. BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY. THIS Anniversary was introduced by an open Meeting of the Committee, on Tuesday Morning, the 17th of June, at the Society's Rooms, Fen Court, Fenchurch Street. Sermons were preached, on Wednesday at Great Queen-Street Chapel, in the morning, by the Rev. Dr. Steadman, of Bradford, Yorkshire, from Isaiah lii. 10, when the sum of 1047. 1s. 10d. was collected -and, in the evening, at Surrey Chapel, by the Rev. G. Barclay, of Irvine, in Scotland, from Num. xiv. 21: Collection, 901. 4s. 2d. A Prayer Meeting for the Mission was held at Eagle-Street, on Thursday Morning; on which ocJune, 1823. casion an Address was delivered by the Rev. J. Wilkinson, of Saffron Walden. Collection, upward of 81. At the Annual Meeting of the Society, held in Great Queen-Street Chapel, the Chair was taken, at Eleven o'clock, by the Treasurer, Benjamin Shaw, Esq. Movers and Seconders. Rev. Josephi Kinghorn, and W. W. C. Wilson, Esq. M. P.-Rev. G. Barclay, and Rev. John Leifchild --Rev. Edward Irving, and Joseph Butterworth, Esq. M. P.-Edward Phillips, Esq., and Rev. J.H. Hinton-John Shepherd, Esq., and Rev. John Arundel-Rev. S. Kilpin, and Rev. W. Gilesand Rev. James Hoby, and Rev. Jabez Bunting. State of the Funds. On the subject of the finances, the Friends of the Mission have much reatheir past difficulties of this kind, the son for thankfulness and joy. Under all Committee have never cherished the feelings of despondency; and they desire this day gratefully to acknowledge that the Divine Goodness has gone beyond their expectations. It is well known, that, some time ago, the Committee large sum of money to carry on the opewere under the necessity of borrowing a rations of the Society, and save it from dishonour and ruin. Of this sum, 3000l. remained unpaid at the last Anniversary; soon after which, the plan was proposed, by a zealous friend of the Society, of a Separate Subscription for the liquidation of the debt, payable only in case the whole amount should be engaged for. This plan was recommended, by its simplicity; and by the encouraging assurance held out to every subscriber, that if his contribution were called for, the extinction of the debt was certain. Such was the liberality shown by the friends of the Society, both in town and country, including many distinguished and excellent persons of different Christian Communions, that, in a short period, comparatively, a sum was subscribed, not only sufficient to pay off the loans due, but realizing a surplus beyond it. While the Committee feel an unusual gratification in recording this noble instance of Christian Munificence, they are happy to add, that the ordinary receipts of the Society, instead of suffering any diminution by this extra effort, have risen to an amount exceeding that of any former year. It is true that considerable payments will shortly become due, and that a large sum will probably be required in the year ensuing to 2 L ment. The Receipts of the Year, exclusive of the contributions for the discharge of the debt, have been about 14,500l. The Payments amounted to about 13,3001. defray the expenses of sending Missio- in its support, than at the present monaries to their Stations: but, still, the Committee are persuaded that their friends will concur with them in the sentiment, that, after such proofs of Divine care and bounty, it becomes us to thank God and take courage; and that never did the history of the Society supply a more enlivening argument for cordial, generous, and persevering exertions The Collection at the Meeting was 1031. 13s. 10d. ABSTRACTS OF ADDRESSES AT VARIOUS RECENT ANNIVERSARIES. THE Annual Meetings of the Societies engaged in promoting the Kingdom of Christ, are now become occasions of bringing together eye-witnesses of the state of the World in its different quarters; and of the necessity and benefit, every where, of Christian Labourers. The testimony of these intelligent witnesses, delivered as it usually is with a simplicity worthy of the subject, never fails to make a deep impression on our crowded assemblies; and becomes, not seldom, the ground-work of enlarged views and truly eloquent appeals, on the part of other speakers. Our limits will not allow very extended extracts of the Addresses delivered at the late Anniversaries; but we have endeavoured to make a selection of the most interesting statements of Facts and Sentiments which were then made. The Facts are first given, in the geographical order usually adopted in our Work; and are followed by some extracts which develop the Principles and Feelings on which these great deeds of Charity are conducted. In six districts of this city, which I have visited, lying remote from one another, let me state to you the facts which I have found, in order to stir up every Christian to exert himself more. In the first district, out of 60 children, we found only 4 at Sunday Schools: out of 40 who were of suitable age, only 4 attended. When you consider the extent of this population, 1,400,000, of whom perhaps 300,000 are in a state to attend Sunday Schools, you will not wonder at the fact which this observation discloses of a district near Fitzroy Square. Another district, Crown Street, Westminster, I had the honour of visiting with the Lord Chief Baron's only daughter, whom God has inclined to watch over the interests of the poor in that quarter. I found the same proportion here, though it was situated in the close vicinity of the National School of Westminster. We found many children who were not receiving the advantages of the School; though unlettered, and though they might obtain education without expense. This I mention in order to shew that your labours are required, to excite a taste for education, which the people have not. In no one instance did the people receive us ungraciously: in no one instance did we fail of success. When I went down to the National School, we found things admirably conducted; but, unfortunately, the School, which could accommodate 600 children of both sexes, was only half filled; and yet, around this School, within half a mile, there were as many children as would have filled it twice: there were the people starving, while the food was near at hand; and there only wanted one to tell them that the food was there, and that their children might partake of it, and be saved. Yesterday morning and evening, I visited two other districts. In Compton-Court Compton-Street, a benevolent Lady has established an Infant School for girls and boys. She had no sooner planted it, than the people came forward, and even paid for the instruction of their children, though they were in the lower classes. Let me mention one thing to encourage the benevolent, that though the district be much disturbed by riot and turbulence, though the night before the Sabbath a most bloody fight had taken place which a body of the police had to quell; yet a Lady, patronized by nothing but the grace of God and the majesty of goodness, is able to go abroad singly, without protectors, and receives a most gracious welcome from the daring invaders |