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Formation of the Prescot Association. An Association, in aid of that for Liverpool and West-Lancashire, was formed at Prescot, in the evening of the 8th of July; the Rev. G. Driffield, Vicar of the Parish, in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders.
Rev. W. Rawson, and Rev. R. W. Allix-Rev. T.
Tattershall, and Rev. B. Powell-Rev. John Jones,
and Rev. W. Hutching-and Rev. John Cooper, and
Rev. A. Dawson.

Twelve persons gave in their names as Collectors. The proceeds of the first month, including Benefactions and Subscriptions, were 197

Rev. G. Driffield, M.A. President.

Mr. W. Ackers, Treasurer. Messrs. Threlfall and Southern, Secretaries.

Formation of St. Helen's Association.

Another Association, in aid of the Liverpool and West-Lancashire, was formed, at St. Helen's, on the 18th of August; the Rev. T. Pigot, Minister of St. Helen's, in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders.

Rev. W. Rawson, and Mr. Greenall - Rev. T.
Tattershall, and Mr. James Bromilow-Rev. John

Jones, aud Rev. G. Jeckel-and Rev. R. W. Allis.

and Rev. John Cooper.

Thirty-six Collectors gave in their names, and nearly 301. was contributed at the Meeting.

Robert Sherbourne, Esq. Patron.
Rev. T. Pigot, M. A. President.
Mr. Peter Greenall, Treasurer.
Mr. James Bromilow, Secretary.
First Anniversary of the Deddington.
The Meeting of this Association, which
embraces Deddington, in Oxfordshire,
and its vicinity, was held at Lower
Worton, in the evening of Nov. 17th;
the Rev. Walter Mayers, in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders.
Professor Macbride, Principal of Magdalen Hall-
Rev. R. Greaves - Rev. John Hughes-Rev G.
Browne-Rev. C. Smalley-Rev. T. Woodroffe-
and Rev. G. Gilbert.

First Anniversary of the Epperston.
On Sunday, Nov. 16th, Sermons were
preached at Arnold, Calverton, and
Epperston, Nottinghamshire, by the Rev.
J. D. Wawn; and, at Arnold, by the
Rev. H. Jenour. The Meeting was held
at Epperston, on Monday Evening; the
Rev. H. Jenour, Rector, in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders.

Hon. and Rev. H. D. Erskine, and Rev. J. Ison-
Rev. J. Storer, and Mr. Greaves-and Rev. J. G.
Breay, and Rev. J. D. Wawn.
Collection, 147. 78. 7§d.

Formation of the Pinner Association. On Wednesday, Nov. 19th, the assistant Secretary attended at Pinner, to aid in organizing an Association. Contributions had been collected there for some time. A Meeting was held for the purpose, in the evening; and was addressed by him, and by the Rev. Messrs. Burnett, Munro, and Cunningham. Several persons gave in their names as Collectors.

Formation of the Southgate Ladies' Association.

On Thursday Evening, Nov. 20th, a Meeting was held in the School Room, at Southgate; the Rev. Dawson Warren, Vicar of the Parish, in the Chair; when an Association of Ladies was formed, in aid of the Edmonton Association.

Movers and Seconders. Rev. Martin Boswell, and the Assistant Secretary-Rev. Francis Ellaby, and Mr.Joseph Beddy -and Mr. Nicholas Maniakes, and Rev. James Scholefield.

Rev. Dawson Warren, President.
Mrs. Boswell, Treasurer.
Rev. Martin Boswell, Secretary.
Formation of the Hertfordshire Association.
On Sunday Nov. the 23d, the Assistant
Secretary preached at Watton and Sta-
pleford, near Hertford; and, on Monday
Evening, at Ickleford, near Hitchin;
preparatory to the formation of an Associ-
ation for the County. A Meeting, for that
purpose, was held on Tuesday, the 25th,
in the Town Hall of Hertford; the Rev.
W. W. Pym, Rector of Radwell and
Vicar of Willian, in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders.
Colonel Latter, and the Assistant Secretary-
Rev. J. H. Michell, and Rev. R. Pym-Rev. W. B.
Hayne, and Rev. C. Prowett - Rev. Professor
Farish, and Rev. J.W. Niblock-Rev. John Hunter,
and Rev. Mr. Munro-and Rev. F. Close, and
Rev. J. W. Cunningham.
The Collections and Contributions
amounted to 1077. 19s. 9d.

Patron and President.

Rt. Hon. the Earl of Roden.

Rt. Hon. Lord John Townshend,
Rt. Hon. Richard Ryder, M.P.
Sir John Sanders Sebright, Bart. M.P.
Sir Culling Smith, Bart.
Nicolson Calvert, Esq. M.P.
Samuel Smith, Esq. M.P.
Abel Smith, Esq. M.P.
Robert Williams, Esq. M.P.
Rev. W. Dealtry, M.A. F.R.S.

Rev. Professor Lewton.

Rev. J. H. Michell, M.A. Rev. W. W. Pym, M.A. Colonel Brown,

Colonel Latter.


Messrs. Samuel Adams and Co.


Rev. C. Prowett, Rev. John Hunter, Rev. T. Boys.

Formation of the St. Neot's Association.

On Sunday, the 30th of November, the Rev. Professor Farish preached two Sermons at St. Neot's: and on Monday, Dec. the 1st, a Meeting was held, for the formation of an Association; Owsley Rowley, Esq., in the Chair.

Movers and Seconders.

Rev. Professors Farish and Lee-Rev. Messrs. Obins, Holmes, Cooper. Howard, John Jowett, Whittingham, Sperling, Clarkson, Dowell, Matthews, Maberley, Blackden, Beachcroft, and Scholefield-and G. J. Gorham, Esq. Contributions & Subscriptions,241.138.3d.


Right Hon. Viscount Mandeville.


Owsley Rowley, Esq.


G. J. Gorham, Esq.


Rev. G. Freer, Rev. J. Holmes. A Ladies' Association was formed, the next day.

Sermons in the Neighbourhood of London. On Sunday, Nov. the 9th, the Assistant Secretary preached at Taplow, Bisham, and Maidenhead: on Sunday, the 16th, the Rev. Dr. Thorpe preached at Ram's Chapel, Homerton, in the morning; and the Assistant Secretary in the evening: and, on Sunday the 30th, the Assistant Secretary preached thrice at the Parish Church of Edmonton. The Collections

amounted to about 100 Guineas.

It is gratifying to see that the Towns and Villages in the neighbourhood of London are beginning to take more interest than heretofore in the objects of the Society. Much, however, remains to be done among them. There are no Associations in most of the Towns near the Metropolis, while places from one to three hundred miles distant contribute liberally year by year. If all the wealthy places within but five-and-twenty miles of London contributed to the Society in the

proportion of Blackheath, Clapham, Edmonton, Hackney, Harrow, Richmond, Staines, and other Parishes within that distance, a very great and efficient augmentation would be made to the Society's means of diffusing Christian Knowledge among the Heathen.

Minute on the Death of Charles Grant, Esq.

At a Meeting of the Committee, held on the 10th of November, it was resolved, on the Motion of Sir Robert Harry Inglis, Bart.,_seconded by Zachary Macaulay, Esq., that a record of the respect which the Committee bear to the memory of Charles Grant, Esq., late one of the Vice-Presidents of the Society, be placed on the Minutes of Proceedings; a copy of which record we subjoin.

The Death of Charles Grant, Esq., one of the Vice-Presidents of this Society, having been communicated to the Meeting, the Committee, in recording the event, feel that it is due to the memory of their lamented friend and to their own sense of his value, to record, also, the expression of their deep regret for the loss of one, who, for more than half a century, was the cordial and consistent Friend of the Principles of their Society. In early life, and amidst the multiplied disadvantages and temptations of India, as it then was, he maintained the purity and integrity of the Christian Character; and, before he quitted that country, which he had benefited alike by his public labours and by his private example, he was enabled through the Divine Mercy, to provide, for those whom he left behind, the Blessings of Christian Instruction, by purchasing the Mission Charch excellent David Brown. He conferred at Calcutta, and presenting to it the late his first appointment on Buchanan also -a name ever to be associated, in the gratitude of England and of India, with the growth of the Missionary Spirit in this country: and he promoted the nomination of a large number of pious dency of India. In all his labours for and active Chaplains to every Presithe benefit of the Church, he united a cool and correct judgment and talents of the highest order, with an affectionate,

zeal for the cause of Christ and the Salvation of his Brethren; and, in his more immediate connexion with this Society, of which he was one of the First Seven Governors, he established lasting claims to its grateful recollections. He assisted it in every season of difficulty by his counsel; and continued, to his death, his cordial support of its objects. Even in the last evening which he spent on earth, he mingled his thankful contemplation of the light actually spreading in the East, with the Hope that his children would be permitted to behold the fulness of that day, of which He had lived to enjoy

the dawn.


25, at

MARCH 19, Sevenoaks Biggleswade, Second of the Bedfordshire: Sermons, by Rev. Robert Hall from Is. viii. 20, by Professor Woods from Heb. xiii. 14, and by Rev. H. Lacey from Heb. v. 1, 2: Coll.364--ÁPRIL 1 & 2,at Bridgewater, the Fifth Half-yearly of Part of the Western District: Sermons from Acts iv, 12, and Luke vi. 36

-29 & 30, at Chatham, the Kent: Sermons from John iii, 30, He must increase, and from Luke xiv. 23, Compel them to come in-— MAY 1, at Battersea, First of the West-Middlesex: Sermon from 1 Cor. xiii. 5, Charity seeketh not her own: Coll. 24/.: Income, 100/.-—20, at Manchester, First of the East-Lancashire--JUNE 1 to 5, First of the Liverpool: Coll. 89l. 5s. 2d.: Income, 262l. Os. 5d. -JULY 11, Truro-15, Redruth--17, Helston-18, Falmouth--21, Penzance- -AUG. 5 to 8, at Bristol, Fifth of the Bristol and Bath: Sermons, from Is. xi. 9, Luke xxiv. 26, and Acts ii. 1-4: Coll. 260l.: Income, 8941.--SEPT. 16 & 17, at Collumpton, the Sixth Halfyearly of Part of the Western District: Sermons, from Gal. iii. 13, and Phil.i. 12-23, at Colchester, Third of the Essex: Sermons, from Matt. xiii. 39, The harvest is the end of the world, and from Is. ii. 2, 3

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MAY 27, at High Wycombe, First of the South-Bucks: Coll. and Sub. 59l. Os. 1d.-27,at Foulmire, Eleventh of the CambridgeshireJUNE 3 to 5, at Leeds, Tenth of the West-Riding: Coll. 300l.- -4 to 6, at Hull, Tenth of the Hull and EastRiding 11 and 12, Lincoln18, Howden: Sermon from Is. xxvii. 13- -19, Third of the Barton-onHumber: Sermon from 1 Cor. xv. 58-JULY 8 and 9, at Dursley, Eighth of the Gloucestershire: Coll. gol.- -9, at Sandwich, Third of the Kent: Income, 646l. 4s. 8d.-22, at Dublin, Fourth of the Hibernian: Income, upward of 1000l.- AUG. 6 and 7, at Trowbridge, Wilts and North-East Somerset-8, First of the Bridlington-10 to 12, at Liverpool, West-Lancashire 15, Londonderry-18, Thorne: Sermons from Acts xi. 23. and 2 Cor. v. 19- 18 and 19, Tenth of the Kendal - 19, Hatfield: Sermon from John iv. 28, 29 - 21, Sligo

-21, Sunderland- -22, NorthShields Shields 25, Newcastle-on-Tyne

-25 to 28, Eleventh of the Plymouth, Plymouth-Dock, and Stonehouse- -26, Durham- -29, Edinburgh: Coll. 70l. 10s. 8d.- -SEPT. 3, at Wincanton, Eleventh of the Somersetshire: Sermons from Ezek. xxxvi. 24-27, and Is. xi. 9: Contributions since formation, upward of 19004.8 and 9,at Truro, Eleventh of the Cornwall: Sermons from Is. lx. 1. and Gal. iv. 189 to 11, at Birmingham, Ninth of the Warwickshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire: Coll. 400l.- 14 to 16 at Manchester, East-Lancashire: Coll. nearly 700l. Brigg-19, Gainsboroughat Edmonton, North-Middlesex and South-Herts 30 to Ocт. 2, Eleventh of the Bristol: Coll. 6217. 11s. 8d. -8, at St. Ives, Ninth of the Huntingdonshire-15 and 16, at Dolgelly, Sixth of the North-Wales -21 to 23, at Swansea, Ninth of the South-Wales.




New Auxiliaries. APRIL 9, for Middlewich, Cheshire--MAY. 26, for Colne, Lancashire--AUG, 18, at Exeter, for East-Devonshire- 21, at Bideford, for North-Devonshireat Ashburton, for South-Devonshire SEPT.8 and 9 for Kidderminster: Collections, 681. 26. for Whitchurch, Shropshire-OCT. 13 to -OCT. 13 to 16, for Pembrokeshire, by Meetings or Sermons at Milford, Haverfordwest, Pembroke, Tenby, and Narberth.

Notice respecting the Supply of the

Society's Publications.

The Directors extract the following passage from the Letter of a friend in the country, who is zeadously engaged in promoting the interests of the Society. The subject deserves the attention of all who wish to render Missionary and Bible Publications really efficient.

A prompt and judicious circulation of these Publications, so that a copy of each may without delay reach every person entitled to it according to the regulations of the respective Societies, while any surplus

copies are employed with activity for the augmentation of Contributors, and the Officers of the Society are regularly apprized of all fluctuations and prospects, whether favourable or otherwise-this is the course of a truly efficient Agent. Such an Officer of an Association or Auxiliary becomes a host in himself.

In one of the recent Chronicles, I observe that reference is made to complaints, in some quarters, of prodigality in the article of printing; and the Society seems to be charged with printing and issuing an undue and excessive quantity of Reports, and Papers of various kinds.

It is possible that you may have laid yourself open to an imputation of this sort, by sending more of your publications than were required in some places: but I can assure you, that it is not the case with us, and that the quantity sent has been by far too small; so that, in apportioning the large and small Reports of the Society to the different Congregations in our Auxiliary, I have felt considerable difficulty, and have had my fears of giving offence, from the small number which it was in my power to send to each place. If, therefore, you could take, in future years, from those places which have been deluged with them, 40 or 50 additional copies to bestow upon us, I am sure they will be very acceptable.

One thing which may contribute to raise this outcry, I must beg leave to mention, as a fact very well known to me. When Reports have been sent for a Town or Congregation, instead of being speedily distributed among the subscribers, or those likely to become such, they have been suffered to lie neglected' in a corner; and when they have been discovered at the expiration of a year or two, there is an exclamation against the profligacy of our great Public Institutions, which spend so much money in printing more Reports than are wanted; whereas the waste is attributable to those, who have so little consideration, or so little zeal, that they could not be at the trifling pains to put them into circulation.


1822. Oct. 30, GroombridgeNov. 11, Brighton-12, Lewes

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14, Knaresborough: Income, 1661.-19, Eastbourne- -27, Seventh of the Woodhouse-Grove School: since commencement, 1007.-29, First of Liverpool Juvenile: Coll. 58l. 13s. 10d.: since commencement, 170l.- -DEC. 20, LondonEast Juvenile Income, 359l. 6s. 3d., being an increase of 59l. 25, Eighth of Bradford (Yorkshire) Juvenile Coll. 411. 16s. being an increase of 13l. 13s. Income, 110l. 19s. 25, Seventh of Huddersfield Juvenile: Income, 112/. being an increase of 301.


1823. JAN. 7, Hackney: Income, 104/. 1s.- -FEB. 7, Newcastleunder-Line-12, SouthwarkMARCH 13, St.Austle-14, Truro

-17, Penzance-18, Helston -19, Redruth-20, Falmouth -21, Bodmin -24, Plymouth --28 (Good Friday) Rochdale: Coll. 601-28, Leek: Income, 2001.-28, Warrington: Coll. 60l. -28, Leeds Juvenile-30 and 31, Bath: Coll. 110.- -30 to APRIL 1, Eighth of Manchester: Coll. 5204-30 to APRIL 3, Liverpool-3 and 4, Chester6 and 7, York: Coll. 136l. 6s. 6d. -6 to 8, Belper- -13 and 14, Halifax Coll. 125l. 6s. 1d.- -13 to 15, Guernsey- -19, Second of Stockton Coll. 52l. 15s. 6d.—20 to 22, Jersey-21, Newcastleon-Tyne -22, Sunderland 23, North-Shields: Coll. 501.24, Durham--25, Bacup: Coll. 651. 11s, -28, Pontefract: Coll. 3gl. 30, London Districts: Income, 5106l. 3s. 2d.; being an increase of 8061. 4s. 1d.--MAY 5, Seventh of Rotherham Coll. 30l. -9, Loughborough: Coll. 711. gs. -12, Norwich: Coll. 511.15s.2d. -13, Thetford: Coll. 204-13, Worcester: Coll. 451.-13 and 14, Fifth of the Derby: Coll. 113. 11s. 6d.--14, Diss: Coll. 201.--15, Bury St. Edmond's15, Burnley: Coll. 514-18 and 19, Birmingham: Income, 14297. 14s. 4d. ; being an increase

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Dec. 1823.


of 811. 136-18 to 21, Staffordshire Potteries, at Burslem, Tunstall, and Lane-End: Income, 286/.; being an increase of 100%.- -18 to 21, Bristol: Coll. nearly 300l.19, Second of Dudley: Coll. 1187.: Income, 300l.; being an increase of more than 150l.-—20, Kidderminster: Coll: 50%.- -20, Ninth of Selby: Income, 937. 13s. 2d.; being an increase of 237. 11s. 8d.22, Boston-22,First of Coventry: Coll. 681.: Income, 1381.; being an increase of 761.- -25 to 28, Halifax District, at Bradford: increase in the District, 350l.-27, Redditch: Coll. 261. -28, Third of Market-Raisin 29, MeltonMowbray Coll. 29l.--JUNE 4, Lincoln: Coll. 71.4, MarketHarborough- -4, Sandhurst12, Barnard-Castle: Coll. 56l.: Income, 158/16, First of the Daventry: Coll. 317.-16, First of the Kettering: Coll. 55l.16, Gloucester-17,Tewkesbury17, Fourth of the Northampton: Coll. 511-22 and 23, Eighth of the Wakefield: Coll. 961.30, Oxford-JULY 21 and 22, Bury, Lancashire: Coll. 116.-SEPT. 13, Horncastle-16, First of the Hanley: Income, 100l. 3s. 4d. -23, Glasgow-OCT. 7, Third of the Wolverhampton: Income, 867.18s. ; being an increase of 451.-12 and 13, Tenth of Leeds District, at Leeds: Coll. 210l.: Income, 2229/.; being an increase of 210l. 12 to 14, Darlington: Coll. 514. 13, Coningsby and Tattershall14, Doncaster: Income, 370l.14, Spilsby-15, Waynfleet 16, Alford- -20, Tunbridge-Wells

22, Third of the Colchester: Coll. 30l.: Income, 1817. 7s. 4d. New Auxiliaries.

FEB 3, Chelmsford: Coll. 28l.13s.3d.

MAY13, Penrith--15, LongMartin-28, Cambridge-JUNE 20, Leighton-Buzzard-30, Ashburton-JULY 1, Buckfastleigh10, Burton-on-Trent: Coll. 651.17, Whitchurch-SEPT. 30, Big

3 Y

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