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Philip. I know what coveting is, but that is not gaming.

Mr. Elmer. What is coveting?

Philip. Wishing to have what does not belong to you.

Mr. Elmer. When you play pitch-penny you wish?

what do

Philip. To get cents from the boy that I play with.

Mr. Elmer. And is not that the very thing that you say coveting is?" wishing to have what does not belong to you?" the boy you play with has the same wish, and thus you are both breaking the command of God; and, from his all-seeing eye, you cannot escape. If the boy you play with wins your money, how do you like that?

Philip. No one likes to lose their money for nothing; it is enough to put any one into a passion.

Mr. Elmer. And that passion of the disappointed coveter, often leads to dreadful sequences.


Frank. I read a tract called "Anecdotes of Gamblers," it gives an account of three,

who put themselves to death, because they lost their money; and of one, who shot the man he had been playing with.

Mr. Elmer. If we were to go into the prison, that gloomy building opposite, and see the guilty beings who are barred in there, from all the comforts which liberty, with an upright character gives, and ask them what were the vices that placed them there: almost all of them could answer, drunkenness and gambling; beware, boys, of the beginning of those evils, beer, pitch-penny, and toss-up; and remember that "the wages of sin is death," so the word of God assures us; but, in the same verse, we have the gracious truth that the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord," and that gift he has promised to all who truly desire and seek it.

Mr. Elmer now turned to leave the boys, and George said "are you going to vote, sir?"

Mr. Elmer. Yes, George; and I desire to use with thankfulness, the privilege (granted to me by the God of nations,) of choosing who shall govern my country.

Philip Who are you for, sir?

Mr. Elmer. If that election question could have a right answer given in sincerity, and practised by every voter, our country would, indeed, prove to the world that "righteousness exalteth a nation."

Frank. What would be a right answer, sir? Mr. Elmer. I will repeat a passage from the farewell address of general Washington, to the people, when he was going to withdraw from public service. You shall judge from that, what he would have called a right answer to "who are you for?”—“ Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.-In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labour to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens." "Now tell me, George, what do you understand from what I have repeated, that general Washington said?”

George. I think it means that if we wish our country to prosper, we must choose good men to govern it.

Mr. Elmer. Yes, such men as shall show

the truth of the scripture assertion, that "God layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous." No matter to what party they belong, they will act as those who are to give an account to God, the great ruler of the universe: "knowing him, they will be honoured." In the choice of such men we shall deserve to have said of us- "Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people;" and, "happy are the people where God is the Lord."

George. Grandfather told me that Washington warned the people against dividing into parties.

Mr. Elmer. Yes, he said that—“ The continual mischiefs of the spirit of party, are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it.” I have answered your question now, Philip; and shall, I hope, give my vote "for the right side."

Mr. Elmer now left them and the boys, walked to the corner of the yard. "What is that beautiful place called," said Frank, pointing across the street to a large grassy

square, with gravel walks winding through it, and ornamented with a variety of trees.

Philip. Washington square; it is well enough to have places with his name, for then we shall not forget him.

George. Forget Washington! could an American ever do that?

Frank. Why, Georgy, you are quite spunky. Philip. You should have seen him as I did the other day. Would you believe the quiet Georgy can fight?

Frank. No, indeed.

George. I know what you mean, Phil; but you say wrong, I did not fight, I only shook Jim Dorton and sent him off; and so I would any boy who was doing what he did. Frank. What was he doing?

Philip. Only having a little fun.

George. He was calling a decent old woman ill names, and throwing dirt at her, because she spoke to him for swearing.

Philip. I wonder how you managed to whip him, for he is a great fighter and always at it.

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