The Laws of Short Whist

Harrison, 1865 - 111 sidor

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Sida 9 - If the dealer declare himself unable to recollect the trump card, his highest or lowest trump may be called at any time during that hand, and unless it cause him to revoke, must be played ; the call may...
Sida 10 - If a player, or players, under the impression that the game is lost — or won — or for other reasons — throw his or their cards on the table face upwards, such cards are exposed, and liable to be called, eacli player's by the adversary; but should one player alone retain his hand, he cannot be forced to abandon it.
Sida 10 - If a player leads a card better than any his adversaries hold of the suit, and then leads one or more other cards without waiting for his partner to play, the latter may be called upon by either adversary...
Sida 15 - ... 86. If any one, prior to his partner playing, should call attention to the trick — either by saying that it is his, or by naming his card, or, without being required so to do, by drawing it towards him — the adversaries may require that opponent's partner to play the highest or lowest of the suit then led, or to win or lose f the trick.
Sida 17 - It is unfair to revoke purposely ; having made a revoke, a player is not justified in making a second in order to conceal the first. Until the players have made such bets as they wish, bets should not be made with bystanders.
Sida 14 - ... examined by the adversaries, the revoke is established. The mixing of the cards only renders the proof of a revoke difficult, but does not prevent the claim, and possible establishment, of the penalty. 78. A revoke cannot be claimed after the cards have been cut for the following deal. 79. The revoking player and his partner may, under all circumstances, require the hand in which the revoke has been detected to be played out. 80. If a revoke occur, be claimed and proved, bets on the odd trick,...
Sida 11 - ... are taken back ; there is no penalty against any one excepting the original offender, whose card may be called — or he, or his partner, when either of them ' has next the lead, may be compelled to play any suit demanded by the adversaries.
Sida 4 - At the end of a rubber, should admission be claimed by any one, or by two candidates, he who has, or they who have, played a greater number of consecutive rubbers than the others is, or are, out; but when all have played the same number, they must cut to decide upon the out-goers ; the highest are out.
Sida 3 - ... 19. Three players cutting cards of equal value cut again ; should the fourth (or remaining) card be the highest, the two lowest of the new cut are partners, the lower of those two the dealer ; should the fourth card be the lowest, the two highest are partners, the original lowest the dealer.t UUTX1HQ OUT.
Sida 28 - Bath, a very good whist-player, and without a superior at piquet, was one of this party, and has more than once told me the story. The new game was found to be so lively, and money changed hands with such increased rapidity, that these gentlemen and their friends, all of them members of the leading clubs of the day, continued to play it. It became general in the clubs — thence was introduced in private houses — travelled into the country — went to Paris, and has long since * * entirely superseded...

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