Suicidal Behaviour in Adolescents and Adults: Research, Taxonomy and Prevention

Ashgate, 1997 - 267 sidor
The chapters in this study reflect 15 years of research in the Canadian province of Alberta, a region which has the highest suicide rate in young males in Canada. The book attempts to answer questions such as: what meanings and values do contrasted groups attach to the concept of suicide?; is the greater prevalence of suicidal behaviour in the young reflected in the meanings they attach to suicidal actions?; are young people experiencing more stress than the older generation?; do some forms of child abuse, particularly sexual abuse, have a sequel in suicidal behaviours and related mental health problems in young adult women, and in adolescent males and females; are the struggles for homosexual identity associated with suicidal behaviours in young males; and the role of poor self-esteem.

Från bokens innehåll


Social stress and urban suicidal behaviours
Attitudes to suicide and suicidal behaviours

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