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has maintained, in a work lately publifhed, that the destruction of Jerufalem is the principal, or at least one of the principal, objects exhibited in the Revelations) that the differtation before us is defigned.

XI. Under the title of London fome obfcure fcribbler has publifhed a treatife, differtation, or declamation (whichever you please to call it) that can only impofe upon the grofsly ignorant and credulous, and which is intitled, Coup d'Oeil fur la Grande Bretagne, &c. i. e. A rapid View of Great Britain. 8vo. 1776. This is a factious bundle of lies, calumny, and bad reafoning.

XII. One of the first aftronomers of this age, whose Treatife on Comets we made formerly the fubject of an ample Article, has lately enriched aftronomical fcience with a learned production, intitled, Effai fur les Phenomenes relatifs aux Disparitions Periodiques de l'Anneau de Saturne, &c. i. e. An Efay concerning the Phenomena that relate to the periodical disappearing of Saturn's Ring. By Mr. DIONIS DU SEJOUR, Member of the Royal Society of London, the Academy of Sciences at Paris, and Counfelior in Parliament. The exiftence of two luminous points, obferved by Galilei, at the extremities of Saturn, which appeared and difappeared at certain times, and thus made that planet affume a variety of fingular phafes, led Huyghens, by improving ftill farther the telescope, to discover a ring, of which thefe points were but a small part. But the elements of that ring yet remained to be determined, and, confequently, the true principle was yet wanting which might afcertain the phenomena that were to take place in future ages. The methods, hitherto employed by astronomers, for this purpose have been various, but indirect; and, at beft, can only ferve to fix the appearances to a given point of time. Mr. DIONIS DU SEJOUR has therefore endeavoured, by a nice and profound analyfis, to determine the general law which is observed by the phenomena in question. In this effay, which contains nineteen fections, he first gives an account of the different causes, to which the disappearing of Saturn's ring are to be imputed; and then he proceeds to the folution of all the problems which can be propofed with respect to the different phafes of that ring. The manner in which he afcertains the number of these phases is elegant and ingenious, and may be justly confidered as one of the niceft and happieft inftances of the fuccefsful application of algebra in aftronomical calculation. The work is terminated by feveral remarks on this famous ring, on the method of determining its inclination towards the plane of the ecliptic, and on feveral circumftances that precede its difappearing and that accompany or follow its re-appearance. The ingenious Author mentions, with a perfpicuous brevity, the opinions of philofophers concerning the primitive formation of this extraordinary phenomenon,


phenomenon, and enumerates the most plaufible accounts of the causes that contribute to keep this ring in equilibrio about the planet. To give the Reader a very high idea of the merit of this performance, we have only to obferve, that it has been unanimously applauded by thofe members of the Royal Academy of Sciences, who were appointed to examine it, and these examiners were D'Alembert, Borda, Vandermonde, Bezout, and La Place.

XIII. Mr. BUCHOZ, whofe voluminous labours in natural history in general, and in that of his country in particular, fucceed each other with fuch amazing rapidity, has lately published, in four vols. 8vo. a work, whose title alone is fufficient to indicate its contents. This title is, Dictionnaire Mineralegique & Hydrologique de la France, &c. i. e. A Mineralogical and Hydrographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of France; "contain ing a defcription of the mines, foffils, flowers, chrystals, foils, fands, Яints, &c. of that country, the art of working the mines, of melting and refining the metals, the various chymical preparations of the latter, and their different ufes in phyfic, veterinarian prefcriptions, and the mechanic arts; as also the natural hiftory of all the mineral fprings in that kingdom, their chymical analyfis, and an enumeration of the difcafes which they are adapted to alleviate or cure." This work, in connexion with the Dictionary of French Plants, Trees, and Shrubs, and the Veterinarian Dictionary of the fame Author (which de fcribes the nature, education, ufes, characters of domeftic animals) forms a complete natural and economical history of the kingdom of France.-To the work now before us is fubjoined an Appendix, which the Author calls Gneumon Gallicus, and which is defigned partly as a continuation of the Flora Gallica in the Dictionary of Plants, and partly as a fupplement to the Fauna Gallica in the Veterinarian. Dictionary. This Appendix is followed by feveral mineralogical memoirs, an account of all the noted collections of natural curiofities that have been formed in France, a bibliography of the authors who have treated the mineralogy of that kingdom, and alphabetical tables of the places where the foffils, here defcribed, are to be found, of the difeafes in which the minerals and mineral springs are to be employed, and of the chymical preparations that may be drawn from these minerals, as alfo a catalogue of the mineralogical fubftances that may be employed in the arts.

XIV. Mr. JOSEPH FRANCIS CARRERE (whofe literary titles would fill a whole page) has published the first volume of his Bibliotheque Litteraire, Hiflorique & Critique de la Medicine ancienne & moderne, &c. i. e. A Literary, Hiftorical, and Critical Library of ancient and modern Phyfic; containing the hiftory of phyficians in all paft ages, as well as in the prefent, and

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of all those who have cultivated any branches of medical science, or contributed to its advancement, fuch as anatomifts, furgeons, botanists, and chymifts, with an account of the honours and dignities to which they have been raifed; the monuments that have been erected to their memory, a catalogue, and the different editions of their works, an account of their fentiments, the history of their discoveries, and the manner in which we ought to judge of their productions. This work also contains an account of the origin of phyfic, its progrefs, revolutions, and fects, and its ftate in different countries." 4to. 1776. There is certainly a great treafure of medical erudition in this first volume, which is to be followed by seven more.

XV. The fame Author has lately publifhed an ingenious treatife, intitled, Le Medicin, Miniftre de la Nature, ou Recherches Obfervations fur le Pepafme ou Cortion Pathologique : i. e. The Phyfician, the Servant of Nature; or Refearches and Obfervations relative to the Pepafmus or Pathological Coction. The crudity, arifing from a defect in the fecretions and excretions, which difturbs the animal functions, and prevents the evacuation of those heterogeneous and corrupt particles that mingle themfelves with the blood, is the principal object to which Mr. CARRERE directs his learned and judicious reftarches and illuftrations in this treatife.

XVI. Mr. LAFOUETTE, Doctor-Regent in the univerfity of Paris, has published a new Method of curing Venereal Disorders by Fumigation, together with an Account of the Cures performed in this Manner. This new method of curing a fhameful and peftilential diforder is worthy of being recommended to medical practitioners, but improper to be prefented to modeft readers.



XVII. Notwithstanding the multitude of treatifes that have been published of late years on Mineral Waters, the following work, on the fame fubject, compofed by Mr. ANDRIA, and intitled, Trattato de Acque Minerali, deferves a peculiar degree of attention, and will be well received by all the lovers of chymical knowledge. The most approved principles that have been laid down by the writers that have preceded our Author in this walk, are affembled in this work, which is divided into two parts. In the first, Mr. Andria confiders the nature of mineral waters in general, points out the caufes of their mineralization, reduces them to a fyftem much more complete than that of Vallerius, prescribes excellent directions for the manner of afcertaining their various qualities, and fhews their medicinal uses and efficacy. The fecond part contains our Author's observations on the mineral waters in the neighbourhood of Naples, fuch as thofe of Gurgitello, Capua, Olmitello, Citara, Pifcia

relli, Riardo, &c. in which we find many proofs of experimental knowledge, and of an intimate acquaintance with chymical ícience.

XVIII. The Abbé JEROME TIRABOSCHI has published, in 4to. the fifth volume of his Hiftory of Italian Literature (Storia della Letteratura Italiana) in which we find a very interesting account of the progrefs of letters in that country, in the 14th century. During this period, indeed, the ftate of Italy governed by a King of Naples and a multitude of petty tyrants, who rofe upon the ruins of free republics, feemed unfavourable to the progress of human knowledge and the culture of the arts; but amidst all the tumults of inteftine difcord, emulation, rivalship, and the love of glory, rendered the contending.princes of Italy patrons of letters, and feveral of the Italian nobles formed libraries and founded feminaries of learning during these troubles and divifions. It was at this period that Petrarch difcovered the Inftitutions of Quintilian and the Epiftole Fami liares of Cicero, and that Boccace enriched his country with the poems of Homer. It was during this period that the Greek language was the most cultivated in Italy, that Dante, Petrarch, and a numerous lift of eminent writers, carried Latin poetry to a high degree of purity and perfection, and that the elegant art of fculpture, painting, mufic, and architecture began to dawn, and thus the prefent volume contains a variety of interefting objects, which are difplayed with learning and taste. VERON A.

XIX. The ingenious Mr. A. MARIA LORGNA, Colonel of Engineers and Profeffor of Mathematics in the public Military College of Verona, has published, in Latin, an Essay concerning Converging Seriefes (Specimen de Seriebus Convergentibus). 4to. This deep and intricate fubject has exercifed the researches of feveral mathematicians of the firft rank, fuch as Leibnitz, the Bernouillis, Taylor, Maclaurin, Ricati, Euler, and others, whofe methods of proceeding have appeared unfatisfactory to our Author. Whether the method he has purfued be preferable must be left to the decifion of firft-rate geometricians.


XX. Mr. RASPE, bookfeller, has published an immense collection of pieces, relative to the particular jurisprudence and municipal laws of the provinces and cities of Germany. This collection, compofed of 1659 pieces in Latin, to which is prefixed an Introduction in the German language, defigned to convey a proper notion of the ftatute law of the empire. All these pieces are ranged under feparate titles, as they relate to private, provincial and ftatute-laws, either of the kingdom of Bohemia and the German electorates,or to those of the principalities of the empire whether secular


or ecclefiaftic-or to thofe of the counties and dynafties of Germany-or to thofe of the free and imperial towns and states. The title of the whole collection is as follows: Fontium atque Commentarium Juris privati Specialis, provinciarum & urbium Germania perrara Collectio, que conflituit partem Bibliotheca J. Theoph. Staudneri Juris confulti, cum Introductione in Notitiam Statutorum; To which is added, an Appendix entitled Fontium Juris privati Provinciarum & Urbium . P. G.-Ereptarum vel faltem Teutonica Originis.-There is a prodigious mafs of erudition and a weighty treasure of political jurifprudence in the collection.


XXI. Mr. OBERLIN's Treatife concerning all the navigable canals that have been undertaken and executed in the different ages of the world, efcaped our notice at the time of its publication. In point of learning, knowledge of antiquity, and curious refearches on a fubject, which at prefent attracts the attention of almoft all civilized nations, this is undoubtedly a production of the firft rank. Its Author is a Profeffor in the univerfity of Strafbourg, and a member of the moft illuftrious literary focieties in Europe; and its title is: Jungendorum Marium Fluviorumque omnis ævi molimina.


XXII. There is a variety of interefting fubjects treated with learning and tafte in the following work: "Meiner's Vermifchte Philofophifche Schriften, &c. i. e. MEINER's Philofophical Mifcellanies, 1ft Part. This volume contains the following articles: 1. Confiderations on the Greeks, the Age of Plato, the Timæus of that Philofopher and his Hypothefis concerning the Soul of the World.-2. On the Paderaftia of the Greeks, with an Extract from the Symposium, or Feaft of Plato. 3. On good Tafte. 4. An Allegory relative to the Nature of the Soul. 5. Some remarkable Anecdotes relative to the Characters, Opinions and Manners of the Inhabitants of Kamfcatscha. 6. A Compendious Hiftory of the Nile. 7. A Differtation concerning the Worfhip of Animals among the Egyptians, and the probable Caufes of its Origin and Progrefs. 9. A Latin Piece concerning the Philofophy of Cicero, under the Title of Oratio de Philofophia Ciceronis, ejufque in univerfam Philofophiam meritis.


XXIII. Mr. THYM, infpector of the plantations of his Pruffian majefty, has publifhed a Treatife concerning the Advantages that refult from the Introduction of foreign Animals, Trees and Plants, to Manufactures, Agriculture, &c. The German title is: Die Nutzbarkheit fremde thiere, baume, und Pflanzen


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