Barré, Col. attacks the profusion Bill, punishment of seamen for se and extravagance of administration 151 - threatens Lord North with a future charge 193 waits with astonishment to hear something of the state of Europe and America from admi. nistration 210 creting themselves 33 officers allowed to visit ships at sea, and take the names of the 31 - not entering within a limited time to be considered as fugi. tives 32 Bunbury, 1 Byng, Mr. rises to speak to the ib. insists that nothing can be --insists that the demand is 97 mentions all the promis. ing circumstances of the war 215 replies to Col. Barré 216 Gough, Sir Henry, opposes the Birmingham play-house bill Grenville, Mr. opposes the proposed augmentation to the civil list 114. insisted that 800,000l. was a noble, competent, and ample 139 115 and the validity of the accounts laid before the House 118 revenue Griffin, 194 List Jenkinson, Mr.supports Lord North on the opening of the budget 191 laments the necessity of the war, and the loss it was to the kingdom ६ 213 Indies points out the intrigues of government in East-India affairs 221 animadverts on the scan dalous means made use of to vilify Lord Pigot 222 moves six resolutions on the conduct of Lord Pigot, &c. 225 King, the, puts an end to the session, and is addressed by the Speaker 263 Laroche, Sir James, opposes admitting strangers into the lobby |