Parliamentary Register; O R, HISTORY OF THE 1 PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS; CONTAINING AN ACCOUNT OF The most interesting SPEECHES and MOTIONS; accurate RE-PRINTED FOR JOHN STOCKDALE, PICCADILLY; J. WALKER R. LEA, AND J. NUNN: BY B. M'MILLAN, BOW-STREET, COVENT-GARDEN. 10-21-30 THE HISTORY OF THE PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES Of the THIRD SESSION of the HOUSE OF COMMONS, OF THE Fourteenth Parliament of Great-Britain. February 26. : HE House in committee on importing lumber from T the Baltic. For the resolutions agreed to by the com mittee, see page 274. Adjourned to the 28th. February 28. Private business. Adjourned to the 3d of March. March 3. March 7. Bills passed. Adjourned to the 7th. Private business. Adjourned to the Iith. March 11. Hon. Temple Luttrell (in consequence of having given notice some days ago) moved to bring in a bill, for manning the navy in times of war, &c. It is a fundamental maxim, he said, with the excellent writer on the spirit of laws, that when any law is proposed which indicates more good than evil to a state, such law ought to be received. The unconstitutional effects, the oppression; and inefficacy of the present mode of levying men for the navy by an impress, are but too sensibly felt by the whole nation. A valuable sea-officer [Governor Johnstone], who is a distinguished ornament to this legislature, and whose private and public character do real honour to human nature, having formerly treated of the practice of impressing, says, "It disgraces government, shocks the spirit of our constituVOL. VI. tion, B |