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conveyed, and have therefore been fometimes compelled to render his paraphrase word for word, when I could not introduce the common verfion.

I have ventured in one or two cafes to change the examples adduced by the author for others more familiar to an English reader; these are so unimportant that I do not think it neceffary to indicate the particular inftances.

However unimportant in point of magnitude may be the prefent work, yet it contains a large body of information. The fubject matter, which if dilated in the modern fashion, would fill a folio, is here condenfed into one finall volume. This concifeness, has tended to render the ftyle of the Original extremely inelegant; and may perhaps have had a fimilar effect on the Tranflation. To which muft be added, that conceiving perfpicuity in a work of this kind to be a paramount quality, I have studied to make my book rather lucid than elegant, and have been more anxious that the reader fhould be convinced by the folidity of the argument, than delighted by the beauty of the expreffion.

Some time fince I had formed an intention of publishing in the English language Dr. Lefs's


larger work On the Truth of the Chriftian Religion, and had made no small progrefs in the tranflation: that intention I have relinquished for the prefent; whether at any future period I may renew the defign will depend on caufes which are not under my direction.

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