Then laid he him down, and turned him away, 'And' prayd me to goe, and leave him to rest. I told him, I haplie might yet see the day 120 For him and his fellowes to live with the best. First, said he, banish Pride, then all England were blest; For then those wold love us, that now sell their land, 125 And then good 'house-keeping wold revive' out of hand. Abbey. II. PLAIN TRUTH AND BLIND IGNORANCE. HIS excellent old ballad is preserved in the little ancient miscellany, intitled, The Garland of Goodwill.-Ignorance is here made to speak in the broad Somersetshire dialect. The scene we may suppose to be Glastonbury TRUTH. OD speed you, ancient father, And that you keep such gazing The which, for superstition, Good princes down did raze? 5 [Ver. 122. I might happen to see. V. 123. to have him. V. 124. you must banish pride and then. V. 125. and then . . . sells their lands.] V. 126. houses every where wold be kept, MS. IGNORANCE. Chill' tell thee, by my vazen That zometimes che' have knowne A vair and goodly abbey Stand here of bricke and stone; And many a holy vrier,3 As ich may say to thee, TRUTH. Then I must tell thee, father, With false and feigned lies: Christ never did devise. IGNORANCE. Ah! ah! che zmell thee now, man; 25 Che know well what thou art; A vellow of mean learning, Thee was not worth a vart: 30 * i. e. faithen: as in the Midland counties they say housen, closen, for houses, closes. A. [1 I will. 3 friar. 4 I.] 2 I. TRUTH. Thou givest me an answer, When he accus'd their crimes; IGNORANCE. Chill tell thee what, good vellowe, Before the vriers went hence, A bushell of the best wheate Was zold vor vourteen pence; And vorty egges a penny, That were both good and newe; And this che zay my zelf have zeene, TRUTH. Within the sacred bible We find it written plain, The latter days should troublesome And dangerous be, certaine ; That we should be self-lovers, And charity wax colde; Then 'tis not true religion That makes thee grief to holde. IGNORANCE. Chill tell thee my opinion plaine, [1 I would.] 35 40 45 50 55 Our blessed ladyes psalter Zhall for my money goe; Zuch pretty prayers, as there bee*, TRUTH. Nowe hast thou spoken trulye, Or Romish saint we read: IGNORANCE. Cham' zure they were not voolishe And vools no Latine knowe. Were not our fathers wise men, And they did like it well; Who very much rejoyced TRUTH. But many kinges and prophets, As I may say to thee, Have wisht the light that you have, And understandest nothing, That they sing in the quiere? Probably alluding to the illuminated Psalters, Missals, &c. [1 I am. 2 the sacring bell was rung to give notice of the elevation of the host.] IGNORANCE. O hold thy peace, che pray thee, As we did enter in ; And then to zee the rood-loft Zo bravely zet with zaints;- The Lord did give commandment, You should your self betake: The golden calf of Israel Moses did therefore spoile; IGNORANCE. But our lady of Walsinghame TRUTH. 90 95 100 105 110 Such saints are well agreeing To your profession sure; And to the men that made them 115 So precious and so pure; * By name Eliz. Barton, executed Apr. 21, 1534. Stow, p. 570. |