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" THOUGH some make slight of libels, yet you may see by them how the wind sits : as take a straw and throw it up into the air, you shall see by that which way the wind is, which you shall not do by casting up a stone. More solid things do not show the complexion... "
Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, Consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs ... - Sida 2
efter Thomas Percy - 1886
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Table Talk: Being the Discourses

John Selden - 1786 - 190 sidor
...cook dress one dish, and his coachman another, his porter a third, &c. LIBELS. T. TH OU GH some marke slight of libels, yet you may see by them how the...as take a straw and throw it up into the air, you shall sea by that which way the wind is, which you iJ;alL not do by caning up a, stooe. More solid...
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Seldeniana, Or, The Table-talk of John Selden, Esq;: Being His Sense of ...

John Selden - 1798 - 166 sidor
...&fc. Hblfe. I. ^ I * Hough fome make ftight of Libeh, yet you may JL fee by them how the Wind fits: As take a Straw and throw it up into the Air, you mall fee by that which way the Wind is, which you fhall not do by calling up a Stone. More folid Things...
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The lives of J. Selden ... and abp. Usher

John Aikin - 1812 - 462 sidor
...learned." The following sentence of Selden's has been often quoted, as displaying political sagacity : " Though some make slight of libels, yet you may see...as, take a straw and throw it up into the air, you shall see by that which way the wind is, which you shall not do by casting up a stone. More solid things...
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The Lives of John Selden, Esq., and Archbishop Usher: With Notices of the ...

John Aikin - 1812 - 466 sidor
...learned." The following sentence of Selden's has been often quoted, as displaying political sagacity: " Though some make slight of libels, yet you may see...how the wind sits: as, take a straw and throw it up in o the air, you shall see by that which way the wind is, which you shall not do by casting up a stone....
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Auntient lere, a selection of aphoristical and preceptive passages from the ...

Ancient learning - 1812 - 322 sidor
...territory, the other shall take up arms against him; and yet they do it upon such an occasion. SELDEN. THOUGH some make slight of libels, yet you may see by them how the wind sits : as, take a a straw, and throw it up into the air, you shall see by that which way the wind is, which- you shall...
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Patronage, Volym 4

Maria Edgeworth - 1814 - 404 sidor
...spectacles, read them all. For he well knew and believed what the sage Selden saith, that, ' . •' .: " Though some make slight of libels, yet you may see by them how the wind sets." After determining by the throwing upof these straws which way the wind set, the . Commissioner...
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Patronage, Volym 4

Maria Edgeworth - 1814 - 404 sidor
...spectacles, read them all. For he well knew and believed what the sage Selden saith, that, : ; * .jj " Though some make slight of libels, yet you may see by them how the wiud sets." , .', .*' After determining by the throwing upof these straws which way the wind set, the...
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Spirit of the English Magazines, Volym 2

1818 - 506 sidor
...European Mngatinc. SCANDAL. rrillOUGH some (says Selden, refer-* ing to the state of Britain in 1645) make slight of libels ; yet you may see by them how the wind sits. As, take a straw, and throw it up in the air, and you shall see by that which way the wind is, which you shall not do by casting up a...
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The Table Talk of John Selden

John Selden - 1818 - 682 sidor
...and he would have his cook dress one dish, and his coachman another, his porter a third, &c. LIBELS. THOUGH some make slight of libels, yet you may see...as take a straw and throw it up into the air, you shall see by that which way the wind is, which you shall not do by casting up a stone. More solid things...
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Seldeniana, or The table-talk of John Selden

John Selden - 1818 - 230 sidor
...and his coachman another, his porter a third, &c. LIBELS. THOUGH some make slight of libels, yet yon may see by them how the wind sits : as take a straw and throw it up into the air, you shall see by that which way the wind is, which you shall not do by casting up a stone. More solid things...
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