A TABLE OF FIRST LINES, SHOWING WHERE TO FIND EACH PSALM, AND PART OF A PSALM, BY THE BEGINNING. How manifold thy works, O LORD civ. How shall the young preserve their ways....... cxix. How various, LORD, thy works are found civ. How vast must their advantage be. In my distress to God I cried 6 25 5 18 xxx. .................. The spacious earth is all the LORD'S Thy wondrous power, Almighty LORD, Thy word is to my feet a lamp.. To bless thy chosen race To celebrate thy praise, O LORD To GOD, in whom I trust To GOD, our never failing strength To GOD, the mighty LORD To me, who am the workmanship To my complaint, O LORD my God To my request and earnest cry To Sion's hill I lift my eyes When I pour out my soul in prayer................... cii. 80 54 TO FIND THE PSALMS IN THE FOREGOING SELECTIONS SUITED TO ADORATION of GOD, Psalm 7, 50, 74, 75, 117. | CHRIST, his first and second coming, 43, 75, 76, (See Praise.) 41. of the second Person in the Trinity, ADVENT, psalms proper for, 43, parti.; 68, 75, comfort of, 97, p. vii. AFFLICTIONS, benefits of, 73, p. ii.; 97, p. ix. ver. 3. deliverance from them celebrated, 29, 87. AGED SAINT, prayer of, 55, ver. 6. ALMSGIVING, 35, ver. 1, 2, 3; 91. ANGELS, guard the righteous, 29, ver. 4; 70, called on to praise the LORD, 81, ver. p. it. 11, 12. ASCENSION, 19, ver. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 41, 53, ver. against, 11. ATTRIBUTES of God, 30, 90, 117, 119, 120, 121. BLESSING of God, on temporal business and comforts, 102, 103. 103. BLESSINGS promised to the righteous, 1, 27, BLOOD OF CHRIST, cleansing from sin, prefigured by the ceremonies of the law, 44. BROTHERLY love, 107. ver. 1, 2, 3. CHILDREN, instructed in God's law, 60, ver. 3, 6; 97, p. ii. CHRIST, the true David, 68. (See David.) -, covenant made with him typified by David, 68. divinity of, 39, ver. 6-8; 41, 89. David in the person of, describes his sorrows, and the malice and persecution of his enemies, and prays for deliverance, 17, 34, 45. CHRIST, his death and sufferings set forth in the person of David, 17, 34, 45, 54. -, his resurrection predicted, 2, 13, 54, p. ii.; 96, ver. 11, &c. -, his ascension celebrated, 19, 41, 53. -, his exaltation in his human nature to his mediatorial kingdom, 2, 7, 56, 68, 89, 96, 106. his glorification in his human nature, 7. his love to his Church celebrated, 39. his glory and power, 39. his kingdom among the Gentiles, 56, 66, 89, 106. -, a Priest and King, 89. our strength and righteousness, 55. 77. DAVID, in his sufferings, deliverances, kingdom, &c., a type of CHRIST, 2, 14, 17, 34, 39, 45 54, 56, 68, 89, 96, 106. (See CHRIST.) DEATH, courage in, 13, 18, ver. 4. |