Probability For DummiesJohn Wiley & Sons, 3 apr. 2006 - 384 sidor Packed with practical tips and techniques for solving probability problems Increase your chances of acing that probability exam -- or winning at the casino! Whether you're hitting the books for a probability or statistics course or hitting the tables at a casino, working out probabilities can be problematic. This book helps you even the odds. Using easy-to-understand explanations and examples, it demystifies probability -- and even offers savvy tips to boost your chances of gambling success! Discover how to * Conquer combinations and permutations * Understand probability models from binomial to exponential * Make good decisions using probability * Play the odds in poker, roulette, and other games |
Introduction | 1 |
Counting on Probability and Betting to Win 65 | 4 |
The Part of Tens 311 | 5 |
The Probability in Everyday Life | 9 |
Coming to Terms with Probability | 19 |
Picturing Probability Venn Diagrams | 39 |
Mapping Out Probabilities with Tree Diagrams | 47 |
the Law of Total Probability | 57 |
Approximating a Binomial with a Normal Distribution | 187 |
Sampling Distributions and the Central Limit Theorem | 201 |
t The Sampling Distribution of the Sample Proportion p | 217 |
Investigating and Making Decisions with Probability | 221 |
Putting the p in probability with pvalues | 228 |
Taking It Up a Notch Advanced | 233 |
Working with the Poisson a Nonpoisonous Distribution 235 Chapter 14 Covering All the Angles of the Geometric Distribution | 251 |
Making a Positive out of the Negative Binomial Distribution | 261 |
Counting on Probability and Betting to Win | 65 |
Applying Counting Rules with Combinations and Permutations | 77 |
Against All Odds Probability in Gaming | 103 |
than you may think | 123 |
From A to Binomial | 129 |
Juggling Success and Failure with the Binomial Distribution | 151 |
The expected value of the binomial | 165 |
The Normal but Never Dull Distribution | 167 |
Remaining Calm about the Hypergeometric Distribution | 273 |
For the Hotshots Continuous | 283 |
The Exponential and Its Relationship to Poisson Exposed | 299 |
Ten Steps to a Better Probability Grade | 313 |
Interpret Your Results | 321 |
Tables for Your Reference | 333 |
343 | |
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answer average Basic Probability Models Bayes Betting to Win bility BINGO binomial distribution calculate cards Certainty of Uncertainty column combinations conditional probability contingency table continuous uniform distribution Counting on Probability counts the number denomination Elena equal example expected value female Figure find probabilities find the probability flip formula free throw geometric distribution given graph happen hypergeometric independent intersection joint probability less-than look lottery marginal probability means multiplication rule multiply mutually exclusive mutually exclusive events negative binomial normal distribution number of trials occur odds pathway percent permutation player Poisson distribution possible outcomes possible values previous section proba Probability and Betting Probability Basics probability distribution probability notation probability problems random variable rearrange REMEMBER represents Restaurant roll rule see Chapter sample space situation standard deviation Suppose Theorem tickets total number Total Probability tree diagram variance Venn diagram want the probability zero