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lies down counting over and over again the days of his afflic tion', languishes also for his share of it'. Had you been of the order of mercy', instead of the order of St. Francis', poor as I am', continued I', pointing to my portmanteau', full cheerfully should it have been opened to you for the ransom of the unfortunate'. The monk made me a bow'. But', resumed I', the unfortunate of our own country', surely have the first rights'; and I have left thousands in distress upon the English shore'. The Monk gave a cordial wave with his head', as much as to say', 'No doubt'; there is misery enough in every corner of the world', as well as within our convent'.' But we distinguish', said I', laying my hand upon the sleeve of his tunick', in return for his appeal', we distinguish', my good father', betwixt those who wish only to eat the bread of their own labour', and those who eat the bread of other people's', and have no other plan in life than to get through it in sloth and ignorance for the love of God'!

The poor Franciscan made no reply'; a hectick of a moment passed across his cheek', but it could not tarry'. Nature seemed to have done with her resentments in him'. He showed none'; but letting his staff fall within his arm', he pressed both his hands on his breast with resignation', and retired'.

My heart smote me the moment he shut the door'.-Pshaw'! said I', with an air of carelessness', three several times'. But it would not do': every ungracious syllable I had uttered', crowded back upon my imagination'. I reflected that I had no right over the poor Franciscan but to deny him'; and that the punishment of that was enough to the disappointed', without the addition of unkind language'. I considered his gray hairs'; his courteous figure seemed to re-enter', and gently ask me', what injury he had done me', and why I could use him thus'? I would have given twenty livres for an advocate'.—I have behaved very ill', said I within myself'; but I have only just set out upon my travels', and shall learn better manners as I get along'.


Story of Le Fever.-STERNE.

It was some time in the summer of that year in which Den dermond was taken by the allies', when my uncle Toby was one evening getting his supper', with Trim sitting behind him at a small sideboard'-I say', sitting', for', in consideration of

the corporal's lame knee', (which sometimes gave him exquisite pain') when my uncle Toby dined or supped alone', he would never suffer the corporal to stand': and the poor fellow's veneration for his master was such', that', with a proper artillery', my uncle Toby could have taken Dendermond itself', with less trouble than he was at to gain this point over him': for many a time when my uncle Toby supposed the corporal's leg was at rest', he would look back', and detect him standing behind him', with the most dutiful respect'. This bred more little squabbles betwixt them', than all other causes', for five and twenty years together'.

He was one evening sitting thus at his supper', when the landlord of a little inn in the village came into the parlour', with an empty vial in his hand', to beg a glass or two of sack': "Tis for a poor gentleman'-I think', of the army', said the landlord', who was taken ill at my house four days ago', and has never held up his head since', or had a desire to taste any thing till just now', that he had a fancy for a glass of sack', and a thin toast'."I think'," says he', taking his hand from his forehead'-"it would comfort me'."-If I could neither beg', borrow', nor buy such a thing', added the landlord', I would almost steal it for the poor gentleman', he is so ill'-—I hope he will still mênd', continued he',—we are all of us concerned for him'.

Thou art a good-natured soul', I will answer for thee', cried my uncle Toby'; and thou shalt drink the poor gentleman's health in a glass of sack thyself'—and take a couple of bottles', with my service', and tell him he is heartily welcome to them', and to a dozen more', if they will do him gôôd'.

Though I am persuaded', said my uncle Toby', as the landlord shut the door', he is a very compassionate fellow', Trim', yet I cannot help entertaining a high opinion of his guest too'. There must be something more than common in him', that', in so short a time', should win so much upon the affections of his host-and of his whole family', added the corporal', for they are all concerned for him'.-Step after him', said my uncle Toby'-do', Trim', and ask if he knows his name'.

I have quite forgotten it', truly', said the landlord', coming back into the parlour with the corporal'; but I can ask his son again'. Has he a son with him', then'? said my uncle Toby'.

-A boy', replied the landlord', of about eleven or twelve years of age'; but the poor creature has tasted almost as little as his father'. He does nothing but mourn and lament for him night and dav'. He has not stirred from the bed-side these two days'

My uncle Toby laid down his knife and fork', and thrust his plate from before him', as the landlord gave him the account'; and Trim', without being ordered', took them away', without saving one word', and in a few minutes after', brought him his pipe and tobacco'.

Trim'! said my uncle Toby', I have a project in my head', as it is a bad night', of wrapping myself up warm in my roquelaure', and paying a visit to this poor gentleman'.-Your honour's roquelaure', replied the corporal', has not once been had on since the night before your honour received your wôund', when we mounted guard in the trenches before the gate of St. Nicholas'; and besides', it is so cold and rainy a night', that', what with the roquelaure'! and what with the weather'! it will be enough to give your honour your death'. I fear so', replied my uncle Toby'; but I am not at rest in my mind', Trim', since the account the landlord has given me'-I wish I had not known so much of this affair', added my uncle Toby', or', that I had known more of it'. How shall we manage it'? Leave it', an't please your honour', to me', quoth the corporal'. I'll take my hat and stick', and go to the house', and reconnoitre', and act accordingly': and I will bring your honour a full account in an hôûr'. Thou shalt go', Trim', said my uncle Toby'; and here's a shilling for thee to drink with his servant'. I shall get it all out of him', said the corporal', shutting the door'.

It was not till my uncle Toby had knocked the ashes out of his third pipe', that corporal Trim returned from the inn', and gave him the following account':

I despaired', at first', said the corporal', of being able to bring back your honour any kind of intelligence concerning the poor sick lieutenant-Is he of the army', then'? said my uncle Toby'.-He is', said the corporal'-And in what regiment'? said my uncle Toby'-I'll tell your honour', replied the corporal', every thing straight forward', as I learned it'.—Then', Trim', I'll fill another pipe', said my uncle Toby', and not interrupt thee'. So sit down at thy ease', Trim', in the window seat', and begin thy story again'. The corporal made his old bow', which generally spoke', as plainly as a bow could speak it', "Your honour is good," and having done that', he sat down', as he was ordered', and began the story to my uncle Toby over again', in pretty nearly the same words'.

I despaired', at first', said the corporal', of being able to bring back any intelligence to your honour', about the lieutenant and his son': for when I asked where his servant was', from whom I made myself sure of knowing every thing that was proper to

be asked' That's a right distinction', Trim', said my uncle Toby'-I was answered', an't please your honour', that he had no servant with him':-that he had come to the inn with hired horses'; which', upon finding himself unable to proceed', (to join the regiment', I suppose',) he had dismissed the morning after he came'. If I get better', my dear', said he', as he gave his purse to his son to pay the man', we can hire horses from hence'. But', alas'! the poor gentleman will never get from hence', said the landlady to me', for I heard the death-watch all night long-and when he dies', the youth', his son', will certainly die with him'; for he is broken-hearted already'.

I was hearing this account', continued the corporal', when the youth came into the kitchen', to order the thin toast the landlord spoke of':-but I will do it for my father myself', said the youth'. Pray let me save you the trouble', young gentleman', said I', taking up a fork for the purpose', and offering him my chair to sit down upon by the fire', whilst I did it'. I believe', Sir', said he', very modestly', I can please him best myself'.—I am sure', said I', his honour will not like the toast the worse for being toasted by an old sôldier'. The youth took hold of my hand', and instantly burst into tears'. Pôôr yoûth'! said my uncle Toby'; he has been bred up from an infant in the army', and the name of a soldier', Trim', sounded in his ears', like the name of a friend'. I wish I had him here'.

I never', in the longest march', said the corporal', had so great a mind to my dinner', as I had to cry with him for company'. What could be the matter with me', an't please your honour'? Nothing in the world', Trim', said my uncle Toby', blowing his nose'—but that thou art a good-natured fellow'.

When I gave him the toast', continued the corporal', I thought it was proper to tell him I was Captain Shandy's servant', and that your honour', though a stranger', was extremely concerned for his father'; and that', if there was any thing in your house or cellar'-(and thou mightst have added my purse too', said my uncle Toby')-he was heartily welcome to it. He made a very low bow', (which was meant to your honour',) but no answer'; for his heart was full'; so he went up stairs with the toast'. I warrant you', my dear', said I', as I opened the kitchen door', your father will be well again'. Mr. Yorick's curate was smoking a pipe by the kitchen fire', but said not a word', good or bad', to comfort the youth'. I thought it wrong', added the corporal'-I think so too', said my uncle Toby'.

When the lieutenant had taken his glass of sack', and his

toast', he felt himself a little revived', and sent down into the kitchen to let me know', that', in about ten minutes', he should be glad if I would step up stairs'.-I believe', said the landlord', he is going to say his prayers', for there was a book laid upon the chair', by his bed side'; and as I shut the door', I saw his son take up a cushion'.

I thought', said the curate', that you gentlemen of the army', Mr. Trim', never said your prayers at all'. I heard the poor gentleman say his prayers last night', said the landlady', very devoutly', and with my own ears', or I could not have believed it'. Are you sure of it'? replied the curate'. A soldier', an't please your reverence', said I', prays as often' (of his own accôrd') as a parson'; and when he is fighting for his king', and for his own life', and for his honour too', he has the most reason to pray to God of any one in the whole world'. "Twas well said of thee', Trim', said my uncle Toby',—but when a soldier', said I', an't please your reverence', has been standing for twelve hours together in the trenches', up to his knees in cold water', or engaged', said I', for months together', in long and dangerous marches': harassed', perhaps', in his rear to-day'; harassing others to-morrow';-detached here'; countermanded there';resting this night out upon his arms-beat up in his sleep the next'-benumbed in his joints'-perhaps without straw in his tent to kneel on'-he must say his prayers how and when he can'.-I believe', said I'—for I was piqued', quoth the corporal', for the reputation of the army'-I believe', an't please your reverence', said I', that when a soldier gets time to pray', he prays as heartily as a parson', though not with all his fuss and hypocrisy.-Thou shouldest not have said that', Trim', said my uncle Toby,' for God only knows who is a hypocrite', and who is not'. At the great and general review of us all', corporal',at the day of judgment', (and not till then')-it will be seen who have done their duties in this world', and who have not'; and we shall be advanced', Trim', accordingly'. I hope we shall', said Trim'.-It is in the scripture', said my uncle Toby'; and I will show it thee to-morrow': In the mean time', we may depend' upon it', Trim', for our comfort', said my uncle Toby', that God Almighty is so good and just a governour of the world', that', if we shall have but done our duties in it', it will never be inquired into', whether we have done them in a red coat or a black one': I hope not', said the corporal'.—But go on', Trim', said my uncle Toby', with the story'.

When I went up', continued the corporal', into the Lieutenant's room', (which I did not do till the expiration of the ten

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