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Spanish fly, ear-wig. Hemiptera, half-winged cockroach, locust, grasshopper, lantern-fly, bug. Lepidoptera, scaly-winged butterfly, moths. Neuroptera, nerve-winged dragon-fly, May fly, trout-fly. Hymenoptera, wasp, hornet, bee, ant, white ant. Ichneumon Diptera, gad-fly, common flies, guat, musquito, horse leech. Aptera, spring-tail, louse, flea, chigger, tick, mite, spiders, scorpion, crab, lobster, craw-fish, shrimp, waterflea, wood-louse, centipede. To classify them a little, to give us some comprehension of the work of creation,-In the first order of fish, the eel, the electric eel, sea-wolf, sword-fish. Second order,-Haddock, cod, whiting, ling, blenny. Third order, -Dorado, dory, flounder, plaice, dab, holibut, sole, turbot, perch, mackarel, tunny, mullet, gurnardo. Fourth order,Loach, flying-fish, salmon, trout, smelt, char, pike, herring, sprat, shad, carp, tench, gold fish, minnow. CARTILAGINOUS FISHES,-Lamprey, skate, torpedo, shark, saw-fish, file-fish, chimera. Order 2,-Sturgeon, trunk-fish, porcupine-fish, lumpsucker, pipe-fish, pegasus. AMPHIBIA, Reptiles, tortoise, turtle, frog, toad,-some of which have lived since the flood, -dragon, lizards, crocodile, chameleon, salamander, serpents, rattlesnake, boa, adder, viper, siren. BIRDS, -1. Vulture, falcon, eagle, hawk, kite, owl; 2. Toucan, parrot, woodpecker, birds of paradise, cuckoo, humming-bird, crow, raven, jackdaw, magpie, jay; 3. Pigeons, thrush, blackbird, chatterer, grosbeak, bunting, nightingale, redbreast, wren, water-wag-tail, taylor-bird, swallows, martins, goat-sucker, lark, starling, finches, canary-bird, linnet, sparrow; 4. Grouse, quail, partridge, guinea-fowl, turkey, pheasant, peacock, bustard, dodo, ostrich, cassowary; 5. Crane, stork, heron, bittern, ibis, curlew, snipe, plover; 6. Diver, gull, petrel, albatross, pelican, cormorant, swan, goose, duck, gossander, awk, puffin, penguin. MAMMALIA, Oran-otan, ape, monkey, baboon, macauco, bat; 2. Sloth, megatherium, armadillo, pangolin, ant-eater, duckbill; 3. Dog, wolf, hyæna, fox, jackal, Cat, lion, tiger, leopard, lynx, panther, Weasel, ferret, polecat, civet, Bear, Opossum, Kangaroo, Mole, Shrew, Hedgehog; 4. Porcupine, beaver, mouse and rat, guinea-pig, marmot, hare, squirrel, dormouse, jerboa, rabbit; 5. Elephant, camel, dromedary, lama, vicuna, camelopard, or giraffe, Elk, deer, Ox, buffalo, Musk, Antilope, chamois, Sheep, Goat; 6. Horse, ass, zebra, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Tapir, Pig, Seals, Morse, or walrus, Sea-cow, Whale, Dolphin, porpoise, grampus, Narwal, sea-unicorn. These are most of the orders or genera. There are said to be of Quadrupeds Mam mifera, 500; Birds, about 5000; Reptiles, 600; Fishes, 3000 Molluscous animals and shells, forming part of the vermes o

the preceding enumerations, 8000; Insects, about 25,000; Vermes, properly so called, Zoophytical animals, &c., forming the remainder of the class called Vermes by the latest writers, 4000. The thought must occur, How did Infinite Wisdom contrive, independent of Infinite Power forming, so many various creatures? But all this is cumulative, and strengthens, did it require it, the veracity of the great Creator and Preserver; and yet feeble, sinful, mortal man will leave, reject, and deny the Divine Word, to flutter like a moth for a moment in the estimation of unbelieving, infidel men. These may not be all the various genera; even Mr. Miller's creations may be never mentioned. They are all comprehended under Zoophyta, Brachiopodous, Conchifera, Gasteropoda, Cephalopoda, Fishes, and Reptiles, according to Philips. But, strange to be told, he does not allow the elephant to be connected with man's creation. But say, what wisdom could have contrived--what power executed these? Earth, air, and sea, and even fire, was now stocked; but the head of the whole was wanting; therefore, at high twelve, He created man; say woman at one; and the Covenant was made with them in Eden's garden. Allow them to praise their Creator on the first day of sacred rest, with all the creatures around them; all also resting, as if they knew the Sabbath, imitating their master.

Moses recapitulates in chap. ii., verse 4; and people disposed to pervert, make the two to discord; but they are one. The garden was made, like the bed of the sea, at the instant of formation; the rivers flowed when ever old ocean took his bed. All was done on the sixth day but the naming of the cattle, fowls, and beasts. About ninety-seven years Adam lived in this holy and happy state; no pain, suffering, sorrow, or death. One beast did not prey upon another, nor one die; for all were in a supernatural state, and immortal. All lived on vegetables, as the cat does, of the same order as the lion. One hundred years was probably fixed as the term of probation, and announced. Adam begat Seth when 130, complete; Abel sacrificed when thirty-three; at which age the Antitype suffered; and exactly at the season, proved from Cain bringing the firstfruits, ripe in Nisan. The Jewish months were,-beginning at the creation in autumnal equinox,-1. Ethanim, or Tisri, 30 days; 2. Bul, or Marchesvan, 29; 3. Chisleu, 30; 4. Thebet, 29; 5. Sebat, 30; 6. Adar, 29; 7. Abib, or Nisan, 30; 8. Zyf, or lyar, 29; 9. Sivan, 30; 10. Thamuz, 29; 11. Ab, 30; 12 Elub, 29; Veadar, 29, or 30 intercalary, omitted in years of twelve months. Abib was the first month of the sacred, and seventh of the civil year. Abib was the passover, or vernal equinox;


therefore Tisri must have been the autumnal, when the Jews began their year, which had continued from the creation. The sacred year always began with the appearance of the new moon, on the evening of nearest the change; so that the first day of the month would be the second, or third of the moon from the change. The civil year began with the appearance of the moon at the autumnal equinox. The sun and moon must have been in conjunction on Wednesday, the day of their creation. We would rather suppose the civil year began Sunday, the first of creation, than Friday, the day of Adam's creation. The third day of creation, Tuesday, the earth was clothed with vegetation, all in full and ripe seed. On a revolution of the earth round the sun, it would be exactly the same. Sosigenes, a mathematician of Alexandria, assisted Julius Cæsar in reforming the year, 45 years B.C. The offering of Abel and Cain is their first act of worship, although it must have been commanded, or could not have been accepted. Adam must have practised it, or they could not have learned it. The coats of skins were thus obtained; and, at least, every Sabbath he would sacrifice. It was high time that they should perform this great act at thirty-three; and they could not well do it much earlier. The mark on Cain was likely an assurance given, that he would not be slain; not the colour of the negro, as Lieut. Patrick Deuchar, R.N., says. Many believe Cain and Abel would not be married till they joined the Church. None of the posterity of Seth married till 65. Cain fears, and anticipates what mankind might do when they multiplied. Noah sacrificed after the flood. Abraham, the same as prescribed to Moses 423 years after. If the Mosaic creation began 4104 B.C., from the creation to the end of the Babylonish captivity, must have been 3568 solar years. Cyrus was 536 B.C. Satan had fallen, perhaps, not much above a day, or a week, when he tempted Eve, and succeeded; and hell was prepared for him when he fell, though in existence at creation. The intermarriages of the descendants of Cain and Abel was one cause of the corruption of mankind; so Nehemiah says, outlandish women corrupted Solomon. Bliss was perfect in Eden; but it was a supernatural state. The worshippers of the goddess Nature, would wish to bring it under her dominion, like the flood; but the latter was a most awful judgment; the other, heaven upon earth. A good man married to a good woman, both living by faith in all holiness, may come nearest to it; but they have to be exercising every Christian duty, striving against an evil heart of unbelief, and mortifying a body of sin and death,

and many other things. Adam and Eve knew nothing till their awful fall but lofty praise, as Milton attempts to put into their mouths. We never, in this world, will conceive aright of man's original state. The flood was threatened, Gen. vi. 5-7, 13, 17. It rained 40 days and 40 nights on every square yard of the earth and sea, heavier than it has ever done before or since. Not only were the windows of heaven thus fully opened, but the fountains of the great deep were broken up. A fountain is properly the source, or spring-head of waters. Lieut. Deuchar contended, on the 20th September, 1848, that the fountains of the deep were just the deep itself, or sea. The Lord himself asks Job, if he had entered into the springs of the sea? (xxxviii. 16.) The springs of the sea must be as deep as the sea itself; for water cannot rise higher than the fountain. The quantity of water that was on the earth before the flood, and is in the earth again, who can calculate? Dr. Chalmers was difficulted to get it returned after the flood. It did not difficult the Almighty. All the water created was produced; for he knew exactly what would do at creation; 15 cubits, about 22 feet, did the water rise above the present mountains, the Himmalayas, 28,000 feet; for the original mountains were all shattered; and the water rose, or prevailed 150 days. Where or how the dove got the olive leaf, is no business of mine, more than to tell how the clouds contained the thousandth part of the rain, or how matter was made of nothing. We have thought, from some accounts about the neighbourhood of Armenia, that the flood had not been permitted to cause the same devastation near where Noah and his precious charge were; and we are supported by Mr. Rose, in thinking it might be many years, perhaps hundreds, were it requisite for any purpose, in other parts of the world than there. The ancient sea margins of R. Chambers, Esq., (who is not much worse than other geologists, if he is not intentionally against Revelation,) must have been all produced, if they have any existence, like the bottom of the rock still preserved at Blackford Hill, at and by the flood. The boats in the Clyde, the whale skeletons, and boats in the Forth, and thousands of things elsewhere, shew the waters did not go off the earth till the Almighty had effected all his purposes by them. The flood was a powerful engine in the hand of the Omnipotent. All we say is, the Bible is verbally and literaly true; while geology is false. God twice says (vi. 13; ix. 11) He would no more destroy mankind with the earth. The earth was destroyed, and anew relaid by the flood, as the instrumental cause; Jehovah himself being the

final cause. To look at the clay-slate, or roofing-slate, used in Edinburgh, Hawick, and Langholm,-the old red sandstone, the mountain, and other limestones,-the 32, or perhaps 52, workable coalseams, all and each nicely covered with sandstone and shale; the ironstone, salt mines, fire clay, chalk, clays, fuller's earth, diluvial clay, drift, conglomerate with boulders, alluvial sand, and gravel, all pure and regular, never inverted in order, of such extent and thickness, all laid with water; and where was the water in such quantity before or since, certified by Divine testimony, as well as its effects? We give it, and we demand it; not a plack less will we take; no assertions, assumptions, conjectures, inferences, deductions. Mr. Miller seems to found greatly on inference in the Bass Rock; but they cannot compare with the beadles. A gashbeadle-as most of these personages are, by inhaling the fructifying aura of the clergy-was asked by his pastor, if he thought he could preach? He thought, scarcely preach; but he might draw inferences. The minister, being a wag,-where shall we find some half-dozen ?-said, What inference would he draw from Ephraim feeding on the wind, (Hosea xii. 1;) and the wild ass snuffing up the wind? (Jer. ii. 24.) He said, he thought neither of them would be very fat. All that we desire is, to take the Bible simply as it speaks. I may be thought too personal. Mr. Brown, teacher, Nicolson Square, was for no names; but Mr. Miller has adduced Drs. Candlish, Cunningham, Chalmers, and Isaac Taylor, as sufficient to support geology; and has belaboured Dean Cockburn and the London Record. How many has P. Smith produced for and against; and how bitter has he been! I have been, no doubt, keen; and may be thought to have applied to the person what was only against their geology; but Mr. Rose was more bitter when he got up, like Dr. Chalmers from the Chair of Theology, and called me, one evening, an Atheist, and another, a Deist, because I maintained the integrity and unity of the Bible. I contended for its simple literal meaning, and followed the example of all the good and the great. I have an unconquerable desire to get Mr. Miller's views changed, because he could do incalculable good. What a pity it is that the Free Church, setting out with such high pretensions, should have fallen into this Serbonian bog! They will all be changed who are to be savingly changed. Dr Gordon, preaching at the opening of the General Assembly, 1842, and urging the cause of the heathen, said, No doubt, they would all be saved who were elected, whether missionaries were sent or not; but that was not our duty, who had

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