through the mediation of the Son; it certifies us, that the good tidings are delivered to the ministers of God, to be proclaimed throughout all nations and throughout all lands. Now the text comprehends three points especially to be noticed. First, the Apostle's position, "All things are of God;" secondly, that God hath reconciled himself to the world through his Son; and, lastly, that he has committed the word of reconciliation to his ministers to declare it throughout the world. The first point is, that "All things are of God;" which St. Paul urged upon the Corinthians, that they might in the very first instance elevate their minds to the Author and Giver of all good gifts. Every thing proceeds from him. It was he, who by his word brought the world into existence; it was he, who set the sun in the firmament to light up the glorious works, which attest his power, the moon also, and the stars; it was he, who made man and all things for his happiness and welfare. 66 All things are of God," he is the Creator, and the Preserver of them all. Whatever man enjoys, that enjoyment proceeds from God, and if the pleasure be mixed with the bitter, that belongeth unto man, because man was the author of sin. "All things are of God," and were made perfect; but sin has destroyed their beauty and uniformity; sin hath weakened and decayed the human body, but God hath, through his Son, made a provision for the soul. We need not however dwell diffusely upon our first point, when our second demands so large a consideration. We all acknowledge and believe, that all things are made by or through the power of God. "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible; whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers, all things were created by him, and for him." There is but one opinion upon this head. Every sect looks up to God as the Author and Finisher of its faith, however it may differ about the interpretation of the faith. The Atheist only would, by a curious con stitution of mind only known to himself, endeavour to throw God out of sight. But we never can believe, although there be the name, that such a person as an Atheist ever existed, or at all events, for any length of time; dark shadows may overspread at times the most enlightened minds, but the effulgence of truth, which is darted on all intelligent beings by the sun of righteousness, must dispel every gloomy doubt, and guide wandering man to the knowledge of his Creator, as the pillar of fire guided the travelling Israelites to the promised land. No man possibly could survey the world and its glories, the heavens, the constellations, his own self, and declare that they had no maker. Caprice of mind, or a desire of eccentricity may induce him to boast the name; but before he be gathered to his fathers, he will cry out, even if it be in the agonies of death, that "All things are of God." Our second position is, the reconciliation that has taken place between God and us, through the merits of his Son. When the Almighty formed man, he placed him in the garden of Paradise, and stamped upon him his own image. He made him pure, free from sin, the corruptor of his native grandeur, and the spoiler of all beauty. He assembled the animals, and all the living things that he had made, and gave him power over them all. He made him a companion as pure as himself to enhance his happiness and to promote his bliss. The very purity that they enjoyed, constituted in a great measure their happiness. The noble affections that God had implanted within them, the virtue of their minds, the of their souls, were all peace possessions that formed the bliss of our first parents. For a while they knew no wrong. Sin had not stamped on them the impression of its deadly signet sin had not erased the pure and holy image of Deity, which beamed upon them bright and glorious as the sun; and they were happy,--happy in the enjoyment of each other, happy amid the blessings that the bounteous hand of God had supplied,-happy because purity co-existed with them, and they knew no sin. Paradise afforded every thing, that Jehovah could conceive for the happiness of the creatures he had formed, and with every blessing were they endowed by the powerful hand of God. But one command had they to obey: they were made free from sin, but with the free-will to fall. Alas! the one command they disobeyedthe free-will they abused, and thus introduced sin and death in the world. The punishment of heaven fell upon their disobedience; they were ejected from Paradise by an angel with a flaming sword; they were given over to the miseries of the world, and doomed to return to dust; for out of it were they taken. This punishment was not confined to them, but was extended to their children. The corrupt tree brought forth corrupt and deadly fruit. Then did purity and all those holy affections, all virtue and love dwindle into degradation. Love was often exchanged for lust, purity for corruption-affection often gave place to murder. Although death was to be the punishment of Adam's sin, God was pleased, that Adam should |