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to the Exhibition, but being manufactured by other than amateurs and apprentices were deprived of competition and award. The most prominent of these was the display of Messrs. Archer, Warner, Miskey & Co., at the northern part of the hall, consisting of chandeliers, gas fixtures, bronzes, &c., which claimed the admiration of all who inspected them. The design and ingenuity displayed in these fabrics will compare favorably with the Parisian style, and outrival anything of the kind made in this country. Each chandelier was decorated with scroll and antique ornaments, garlands of flowers, vines, and devices of an emblematical character. A peculiar as well as an ingenious feature in the chandeliers, was the soft, but yet brilliant light which diffused itself around without seeming to come from any particular burner, a great achievement in this particular branch of manufacture. Another very important matter not overlooked by the judges, was the gilding of the ornaments, which they consider as the very height of perfection in the Art; one that is paid so little attention to among artisans generally, and which adds so much to the beauty and utility of the article.

There were a number of bronzes on exhibition; upon each piece of which was stamped the mark of symmetry, elegance and proportion, which equal anything in the line imported.

The judges were delighted with the Steam Engine, (deposited by Messrs. List & Davis, from their manufactory in West Philadelphia,) which might be termed "Multum in Parvo," being of four horse power and occupying a space three feet square. The vibratory motion which commonly attaches itself to an engine of this power was entirely wanting, although placed upon the hollow foundation, of which the staging was composed.

They also noted the elegant finish and proportion of this engine, and congratulate Messrs. L. & D. upon their success in winning the admiration of so many.

The judges would call particular attention to the display of Silver Ware manufactured by Wm. Wilson & Son, and Conrad Bard & Son.

The display of Photographs and Daguerreotypes by Messrs. Richards, Mc Clees, Germon, Rehn and Dinmore, was very creditable and worthy the attention of the public.

Upon "Palmer's Patent Limb" the judges cannot comment, as the "medal display" attached to this case of ingenuity, bore witness to its great merits and world-wide celebrity.

In the branch of Mathematical and Philosophical Apparatus, the collection from J. W. Queen, and McAllister & Brother, was such as to elicit the admiration of all. Their goods having been taken from their shelves without any state of preparation, were such as would do credit to any exhibition.

Dufrene's Collection of Plaster Casts and Designs, attracted much attention, and the "Flying Mercury" was noted for its fine proportion and exact balance.

The specimens of Stained Glass manufactured by Rafael Montes de Oca, are equal, if not superior to any heretofore exhibited in this country. During the exhibition they attracted much attention, particularly a window in the French style, termed, "le quatre gendre rëunie," and one in the style of Louis XIV., not only for its elaborate design, but for the beautiful combination and brightness of coloring. This artist is deserving of patronage from the lovers of this beautiful art.

The specimens of Marble Statuary and Reliefs, were finely executed, and Messrs. Moore and Waterhouse deserve the highest praise for the display they made in this branch of the art.

The judges, in making their examinations, were delighted with the sewing machines deposited by Charles Parham, which appeared to attract unusual attention from the ladies and others, they regret however, that other manufacturers did not exhibit, as by that means the public would have been enabled to decide as to the merits of the various kinds now in use.

We would call especial attention also to the fine specimens of Machine Carved Block Letters, deposited by WILLIAM C. MURPHY. The letters are so constructed as to be attached or detached at pleasure, and are suitable for wood or stone. They present a bold and beautiful appearance, being neatly painted and polished, and are unaffected by the weather.


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