Horatio. Do not, my lord. Hamlet. Why, what should be the fear? I do not set my life at a pin's fee; It waves me forth again;— I'll follow it. Horatio. [Ghost beckons. What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord, That beetles o'er his base into the sea, And there assume some other horrible form, [Ghost beckons. [Horatio and Marcellus seize Hamlet and strive to hold him. Hamlet. Hold off your hands. Be ruled; you shall not go. My fate cries out, Horatio. Hamlet. And makes each petty artery in this body [Ghost beckons. Still am I called :-unhand me, gentlemen ; By heaven, I'll make a ghost of him that lets me :— I say, away! Go on; I'll follow thee. [Breaking from them. [Exeunt Ghost and Hamlet. Horatio and Mar cellus follow slowly. Scene Fourth.—ANOTHER PART OF THE PLATFORM. [Enter Ghost and Hamlet. Hamlet. Whither wilt thou lead me? Speak; I'll go no further. My hour is almost come, When I to sulphurous and tormenting flames Must render up myself. Alas! poor ghost! Hamlet. Ghost. Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing To what I shall unfold. Hamlet. Speak; I am bound to hear. Ghost. So art thou to revenge, when thou shalt hear. What? Hamlet. I am thy father's spirit; Ghost. Doomed for a certain term to walk the night, Till the foul crimes done in my days of nature I could a tale unfold, whose lightest word Would harrow up thy soul; freeze thy young blood; And each particular hair to stand on end, To ears of flesh and blood.— List, list, O, list! Murder most foul, as in the best it is; But this most foul, strange, and unnatural. Hamlet. Haste me to know 't, that I, with wings as swift May sweep to my revenge. I find thee apt; Now, Hamlet, hear: Ghost. 'T is given out that, sleeping in mine orchard, 1 Is by a forged process of my death Rankly abused: but know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy father's life Now wears his crown. Ay, that incestuous, that adulterate beast, The will of my most seeming-virtuous queen: No reckoning made, but sent to my account Hamlet. O, horrible! O, horrible! most horrible! Ghost. If thou hast nature in thee, bear it not; Against thy mother aught: leave her to heaven, Hamlet. [Exit Ghost O, all you host of heaven! O, earth! what else? Unmixed with baser matter: yes, by heaven.— Hillo, ho, ho, boy! come, bird, come. |