A work in 4 volumes, by a late Vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester. That work which is "designed to shew the Nature, obligation, and Previleges" of that on which it treats. A five-shillings valuable book which has its motto from Acts VIII. 30. The work of a Bishop on the Prophecies. Something implied in Doddridge's celebrated Epigram, and what is displayed by good men at the hour of death, by a man of the name of the founder of the Charter House. Sermons by a Bishop who died in Exile at Paris,, 1732. À celebrated work on which the author received the following opinion from his Booksellers, respecting the number to be printed, viz. 5000 in small, and 750 in large 8vo. A selection from the Scriptures, which the compiler called a "spiritual nosegay." They are intended to be pasted, one at the beginning, the other at the end of religious Re-published by J Cole. books." C. Those writings in which, observes Dr. Blair, "The pious and benevolent heart is always displayed." The works of the author on whose tomb-stone are the following lines: "Reader, expect no more to make him known, A Name more lasting shall his writings give: There view displayed his heav'nly soul, and live." The writings of that author whose prose, as observes Toplady, "is, in general, more lovely and harmonious, more chastely refined, and more delicately beautiful, than half the real Poems in the World!" That author's works which "when his Pencil gives the Drapery, Truth is sure never to suffer, by appearing in an ill dress." The Meditations of that charitable Divine, who gave the money the copyright, &c. produced (upwards of £700) to the poor. The Works of him to whose rapt'rous prose, we feel, belong The strength of wisdom, and the voice of song." A present to an Apprentice by a celebrated Author, formerly Rector of Weston Favell. Those writings which are said to combine the descriptive powers of Thomson, with the sublime energies of Young." Those Sermons the "profits resulting from the Sale of which are intended chiefly for the better support of a Parish School, but altogether for charitable purposes.” A course of Sermons on the Sacrament: "on the Good Friday immediately following the Sunday, on which the last Sermon was preached, the author had the satisfaction of seeing three hundred and sixty communicants attend at the alter." One who accompanies you, whose motto is this: "Learn your duty in your petitions," Sermons. By a late Professor of Rhetoric and Belles Lettres in the University of Edinburgh. The Book which Dr. Johnson, when at Oxford, took ur, expecting to find it a dull one, but found it quite an overmatch for him. A Book composed in Bedford Gaol. The writings of the first person whom Dr. Franklin knew of, who had "mingled nar rative and dialogue together; a mode of writing very engaging to the reader, who, in most interesting passages, finds himself admitted, as it were, into the company, and present at the conversation." The Pious Thoughts of an Archbishop. The Reflections of C. C. S.. The Prayers of an LL. D. A Treatise by Charles Buck. The Works of a Sub-dean of Lincoln, to which is attached the author's portrait, by Sir W. Beechy. Two Works on the Holy Spirit. Lectures delivered in the Parish Church of St. James', Westminster, in the years 1798, 99, 1800, and 1801. A Work on Original Sin. A Work which treats on what Hervey, the author of the Meditations, practised through the greater part of his life, and displayed at his end. Three Discourses on that which succeeds Time. A favourite Book of The Rev. Mr. Cecil's, and his constant companion. The Heart engaged in what generally occupies the attention of boys at school, though not perhaps of that cast, written by a Lady. A Volume, the contents of which form an article in the Edinburgh Encyclopedia, the appearance of which is due to the liberality of the Proprietors of the work;-nor did the author conceive the purpose of pre-.. senting it to the world, in another shape, till he was permitted and advised by them to re-publish it in a separate form. Lectures from a Market Town in Yorkshire. A Book of Devotions for as many parts of the day as described in Daniel. Volume of Prayers the only motive of publishing which was, "The Glory of God, and the good of Souls." A Work against Distractions. A common but pretty flower forming the name of a book by Bunyan. Sermons by a Prebendary of Worcester, and formerly of Merton College, Oxford. Two volumes of Selections from a Bishop, one of which is by Lindley Murray. |