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[blocks in formation]

Ecclesiastes, author of, does not
allude either to the law or the
priesthood, i. 252.
Eden, probably in the north of Me-

dia, ii. 31; in Thelassar, ii. 32.
Egypt, influence of, on Hebrew

literature, i. 54; intercourse
with, in the reign of Solomon,
i. 55; the asylum of political
fugitives, i. 55; alliance with,
under Hezekiah, i. 55; emi-
grations of Jews to, i. 56; Ju-
dah subject to, i. 56; harbours
of, open to strangers, i. 57;
Jews resident in, mentioned by
Jeremiah, i. 58; institutions
of, described in the Pentateuch
and in Herodotus, similar, i.
61; errors respecting, in the
Pentateuch, i. 62; plagues of,
i. 64; residence of the Israelites
in, i. 115, 292.
Egyptian words in the Penta-
teuch, i. 61; language, distinct
from languages of Canaan and
Assyria, ii. 273.

Egyptians, introduced an orna-
mental variety in the more
ancient and ruder letters, i.
38; privileged in Deuteronomy,
i. 58; never subjected to a de-
luge, ii. 190; flourishing at the
period ascribed to the Flood,
ii. 200.

Eichhorn, explanation by, of the
myth in Gen. ii., ii. 75.
'El, singular form, corresponds
to the Arabian Allah, i. 144.
Elevation of the human race
towards the Deity, the object
of the writer of Gen. ii., ii. 54.
Elishah, the coast of Greece, ii.

Elohim, aggregate of the Divine

powers, at first considered as
separate existences, i. 143-145;
the Creator of the universe, at
the commencement of Genesis,
i. 146; the Deity of the patri-
archs, i. 147; in the latest He-
brew writings acquired amono-
theistic and spiritual meaning,
i. 306; portions of Genesis,
more ancient and simple in
their character, i.300; portions
bear a Chaldæan date of the
eighth century before Christ,
i. 310.

Epic, embellishment of early his-
torical facts, i. 9; unity as-
sociates national peculiarities
with the infancy of the nation,
i. 9; of the Hebrews, the Pen-
tateuch, according to De Wette,
i. 25.
Etymologies, invented, i. 10; fre-
quent in Hebrew writings, i.
320; double, in Genesis, i. 321.
Europe, zoological realm of, in-

cludes the white race of men,
ii. 275; nations of, ii. 277.
Evil, cause of, according to Ge-
senius, in man's inclination, ii.

Ewald, remarks on Genesis by, i.

Exaggeration in narratives of the
destruction of human life, i.

Exodus, book of, i. 291–294; de-
scribes Moses as the founder
of the Hebrew state, i. 292.
Expulsion from Paradise, ii. 52.
Ezekiel quotes the words of the
law, i. 249; arranges names
of nations in the same order
as in Genesis, ii. 208.
Ezra, the compilation of the law
attributed to, i. 22, 181.

Faunæ, distinct, according to A-
gassiz, in European zoological
realm, ii. 275.

Feasts, principal Hebrew, Levi-

tical enactments respecting,
must have had their first exis-
tence in Palestine, i. 224.
Female sex, the means of con-

tinuing human nature, ii. 51.
Finite existence, idea of, attained

through consciousness, ii. 66.
Firmament, a partition separa-
ting the waters of rain and of
the sea, ii. 11.

First-born child to be redeemed,
i. 165.

Flood, difficulties in the narrative
of the, ii. 114; arguments for,
ii. 115; Greek and Roman le-
gends of, ii. 118, 169; predict-
ed, 129; follows the Chaldæan
year, ii. 156; remarks on the
narrative, by Tuch, ii. 161 ; ad-
ditions by the compiler, ii. 163;
scene of, the original home of
the Hebrews, ii. 175; regarded
as a sin Flood, ii. 167; legends
derived from annual inunda-
tions, ii. 177.

Foreign names interwoven with

the myths of Hebrew prima-
val history, i. 49.
Foreigners, dialects of, in Baby-
lon, might appear as a confu-
sion of tongues, ii. 257.
Forty, on the use of the number,
in the Pentateuch, i. 83; years
in the desert, i. 85-90.
Fossil remains previous to the
creation of man, ii. 117.
Fowls, common, of Eastern Asia-
tic origin, ii. 278.
Fragments, ancient, in Genesis,

i. 298-311; two different, inter-
woven in the narrative of the
Flood, ii. 108.

Freedom of worship under early
kings, i. 170.

Fruit of the forbidden tree, effect
of eating, attainment of per-
ceptions of mature age, ii. 46.

Garden, or enclosed park, ii. 30.
Genealogy, the favourite source

of popular legends in the East,
i. 2; of early patriarchs, ii.
96; numbers in, seem to be
arbitrary, ii. 97; of nations,
referred to the period of the
Babylonish exile, ii. 207.
Genesis, book of, the vestibule to
Israelitish laws and history, i.
vii; written in Palestine, i.
70; division of, i. 290; objects,
i. 291; fragmentary structure,
i. 298-311; portions of, distin-
guished by the names Jehovah
and Elohim, i. 299; brought to
its present form near the time
of the Exile, i.311; presents an
historical apology for the right
of the Hebrews to Palestine, i.
318; poverty of invention of
the writer, i. 319; date of the
first ten chapters, ii. 207; allu-
sions in chap. x., ii. 207.
Geographical position and lan-
guage, the guides of the ethno-
graphical pedigree in Genesis,
ii. 202; distribution of animals,
a part of the plan of the Crea-
tor, ii. 280.

Geological considerations, ii. 116.
Gesenius, the founder of a ra-
tional exposition of the He-
brew Scriptures, i. 25; letter
of, i. xxv.

Giants on the earth, ii. 124.
Glory, sought for in building the
tower, ii. 263.

Gods, the, in a plural sense, ii. 45.
Goethe, remarks of, on the forty
years in the Desert, i. 86.
Gomer, the ancient inhabitants
of the Crimea, ii. 210.
Græco-Roman nations in the
Southern European peninsulas
and Asia Minor, ii. 277.
Grass, herbs, and trees created,
ii. 13.

Ham, legend respecting, ii. 149;
descendants of, ii. 218.
Hebrew language, dialects of the,

i. 45, 47; changes in the, i. 51;
roots of, compared with San-
scrit, ii. 266; alphabet in Eng-
lish characters, i. 335.
Hebrew literature, change in its
character, i. 51; exhibits no
trace of imitation, i. 52; Egyp-
tian influence, i. 54.
Hebrews, early records of the, i.
13; the fountain of a pure re-
ligious faith, i. 13; crossed the
Euphrates as a nomadic fa-
mily, i. 14; origin of name, i.
14; migration to Egypt, i. 16,
69; forty years' wandering in
the Desert, i. 85-90; residence
in Egypt, i. 110; their number,
i. 111-115; departure from
Egypt, i. 117; national consti-
tution, i. 131, 133; religious
system, i. 132, 139; religious
development, i. 140-155, 227;
Jehovah their national deity.
i. 148; popular worship, i. 156.
See Jews.

Herbivorous animals, according
to Dr. Buckland, originally
created in multitudes, ii. 201.
Heroes, age of, i. 6.
Heywood, James, additional ob-
servations compiled by, on the
flood, ii. 185.

Hierarchical constitution among
the Israelites, i. 95; rise of the,
i. 184.

Hierarchy, a, the superstructure
raised on a theocratical basis,
i. 288.

Hindoo local legends connected

with their temples, i. 7; Pura-
nas, or ancient books, i. 5;
myth of a flood, ii. 120, an in-
dependent narrative, ii. 121.
Hirzel, critical inquiries of, on
the Aramæan dialect, i. 47.
History, preceded by myths and
legends, i. 1; rise of authentic,
i. 6; assumes a priestly dress
when the national literature
has been committed to priests,

i. 4; of the Hebrews, tradi-
tionary and fragmentary, and
probably not written previous
to the time of the kings, i. 40;
of the heaven and the earth, ii.
Hittites, friendly with the He-
brews, ii. 242.

Household gods, or "Teraphim,"
and other objects of worship,

i. 161.
Housetops, in Deuteronomy, to
be furnished with parapets,
showing the settlement of the
nation in Palestine, i. 78.
Human sacrifices among the He-
brews, i. 166.

Humboldt, Baron, statement by,

that tides caused by the action
of the sun and moon can never
overflow elevated portions of
dry land, ii. 187.
Hyksos, the dynasty of, in Egypt,
B.C. 2567-1639, i. xxx, i. 116.

Idolatry not entirely suppressed,
among the Israelites, before the
Babylonish captivity, i. 164.
Illustrations from independent
Asiatic myths, ii. 58.
Image, a corporeal and sensuous
form, used in speaking of the
images of the gods, ii. 17;
spiritual interpretation of, can-
not be sustained, ii. 18.
Inaccuracies in the affinities of
nations in Genesis, ii. 204.
Inconsistencies in the Penta-
teuch, i. 124.

India, traces of intercourse with,
along the coasts of the Per-
sian and Arabian seas, ii. 225.
Ink, name of, a Persian word,
which first occurs in the time
of Jeremiah, i. 40.
Innocence, early, of man in Pa-
radise, the moral unconscious-
ness which he shared with ani-
mals, ii. 62.
Inspiration of the Scriptures,

opinion of Bishop Thirlwall re-
specting, ii. 55.
Intermarriage of Israelites with
Canaanitish women frequent
in early Hebrew history, i. 80;
allowed with Midianitish vir-
gins in Numbers, i. 81; with
Canaanites forbidden in the
Pentateuch, i. 80.
Interpolations in the Penta-

teuch, i. 123-130; really inte-
gral parts of the Pentateuch,
and inseparably connected with
the context, i. 127.
Interpretation, Jewish, method
of, in relation to law and tra-
dition, i. 127.
Inundation, determined accord-
ing to the phænomena of dif-
ferent months in Mesopotamia,
ii. 151; of the Euphrates and
Tigris, ii. 154.

Invention of names of places of

encampment in the desert, i. 87.
Iran, in Central Asia, bounded
the oriental knowledge of the
Hebrew writer, ii. 265.
Israel designated as a nation in
Genesis, i. 92.

See Hebrews and

Javan, the Greeks in Asia Minor,
ii. 213.
Jehovah, according to the Levi-
tical law, the Lord of the soil
in Israel, i. 95; the ancestral
deity of the Hebrews, i. 139;
first known by that name to
Moses, according to the Pen-
tateuch, i. 148; the name anti-
cipated in Genesis, i. 148; the
national Deity, i. 148, 149; the
name not Semitic, i. 149; He-
brew conception of, i. 153; se-
parated from the gods of other
nations, i. 168; worship of, im-
plied in the book of Judges, i.
150; worship of, not proved an-
terior to the hymns of David,

i. 150; character of, rises in
grandeur, from the reign of
David, i. 154; explanation of
the name, in Exodus, too ab-
stract for a very early period,
i. 152; progress of the worship
of, i. 227; portions of Genesis
distinguished by the name of,
trace the genealogy of the He-
brews no further back than
Abraham, i. 302, and allude to
customs of a later period, i. 303;
name of, familiar to foreigners,
i. 307; ideas of, human, i. 307;
walking in the garden, ii. 48;
shut him in,' an interpolation,
ii. 134.
Jeremiah, considered by Nach-
tigal as the compiler of Deu-
teronomy, i. 274.

[ocr errors]

Jerome, admission of, that the
Pentateuch_might have been
revised by Ezra, i. 92.
Jesus left many things unsaid,
because his Apostles were not
able to bear them, i. 253.
Jews, settled in Egypt in the time
of Jeremiah, i. 58; many of the
chief, carried captive to Baby-
lon by Nebuchadnezzar, i. 178;
only a portion of the nation
compelled to go to Babylon, i.
179; derived new views of re-
ligion, new arts, and a new lan-
guage, from the Persians and
Babylonians, i. 181; national
spirit of, received a new im-
pulse from the restoration of
the temple, i. 180; collection
by, of their own literature, i.
181; writings of, fixed in the
square character derived from
the Chaldæan, i. 182; return-
ing colony of, consisted of the
poorer class of people, led by
a few pious priests, who pre-
served the national literature,
i. 183; under the protection of
Babylon in the time of Josiah,
i. 268; advantage to, of tracing

the origin of the people to Me-
sopotamia, i. 268; according to
Ezekiel, eager to adopt the
Babylonian opinions, i. 314.
Job, book of, makes no reference
to any of the Levitical enact-
ments, i. 243.

Joshua, book of, an appendix to
the Pentateuch, i. 17, 250;
forms the transition to the he-
roic period, i. 17.
Josiah, reformation promoted by,

i. 158, 257; reign of, the period
of the establishment of the wor-
ship of Jehovah in accordance
with the Levitical law, i. 177;
subsequent recognition of the
authority of the Pentateuch, i.
177, 255; discovery of the Law
during his reign, i. 256; igno-
rant of the written law, i. 264;
urged on by the production of
the book of the law, to the re-
formation of the national reli-
gion, i. 265; political events in
reign of, i. 266; slain B.C. 611,
i. 267.

Jubilee, year of, i. 219, 221; not
enforced, i. 222.

Judges, not elected, but sponta-
neously coming forward, dis-
tinguished for bravery and pa-
triotism, i. 137.

Judges, book of, contains the first
outlines of Israelitish history,
describing the early and rude.
age of force, i. 18; founded on
actual tradition, i. 150; not
written until the time of the
kings, i. 150; the writer of, un-
acquainted with the Penta-
teuch, i. 241.

Kenrick on popular ignorance in
ancient Egypt, i. xxviii.
Kings, of Israel supposed to pos-
sess a divine power, i. 95; in-
stitution of, not at first ap-
proved by Samuel, i. 96; reign-
ing over Israel, alluded to in


Genesis, i. 92; regulations re-
specting, in Deuteronomy, re-
fer to Solomon and those of
his successors who followed his
example, i. 97; mentioned as
in existence at the time of the
composition of the book of
Judges, i. 138; reigns of the
three first, characterized by
simple sacerdotal rites, i. 191.
Kings, books of, familiar with
the written law, i. 248; and
Chronicles, contain extracts
from more ancient annals, i.

Kittim, the island of Cyprus, ii.

Lamech, revenge of, ii. 94.
Landmarks mentioned in Deu-

teronomy, as fixed by the fore-
fathers of the Hebrews, i. 77.
Languages, different, causes of, ii.
256; of Syrians and Canaan-
ites classified together, ii. 273;
affinities of, not a proof of the
common origin of nations, ii.
Lansdowne, Marquis of, and fa-
mily, kindness of, to Professor
von Bohlen, i. xxii.
Law, the, not written by Moses,
but transmitted by tradition
until many centuries subse-
quent to his time, i. 21; porta-
ble tables of the, could not have
contained the Ten Command-
ments, in any early size of writ-
ten characters, i. 31; publicly
read in the Temple after the
return from Babylon, i. 251,
278; discovered during the
reign of Josiah, i. 256; Levi-
tical and Brahminical, com-
pared, i. 286–288.

Laws, under a priesthood, based
on a moral and religious foun-
dation, i. 8; relating to Ca-
naan, ascribed in the Penta-
teuch to Moses, who lived be-


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