1 And do a wilful stillness 1 entertain, If they should speak, would almost damn those ears. Which, hearing them, would call their brothers fools. I'll tell thee more of this another time: Lor. Well, we will leave you then till dinner-time: Gra. Well, keep me company but two years more, Thou shalt not know the sound of thine own tongue. Ant. Farewell: I'll grow a talker for this gear. Gra. Thanks, i' faith; for silence is only com mendable In a neat's tongue dried, and a maid not vendible. [Exeunt Gratiano and Lorenzo. 1 Obstinate silence. Ant. Is that any thing now? 1 Bas. Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all Venice. His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff: you shall seek all day ere you find them; and, when you have them, they are not worth the search. Ant. Weil; tell me now, what lady is the same To whom you swore a secret pilgrimage, Ant. I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it; 1 Can any meaning be affixed to what he has said Bas. In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft, I shot his fellow of the self-same flight The self-same way, with more advised watch, Which you did shoot the first, I do not doubt, Or bring your latter hazard back again, And thankfully rest debtor for the first. Ant. You know me well; and herein spend but time, To wind about my love with circumstance: And, out of doubt, you do me now more wrong, In making question of my uttermost, Than if you had made waste of all I have. And she is fair, and, fairer than that word, Of wondrous virtues : sometimes 2 from her eyes Her name is Portia ; nothing undervalued Ready; from the French word prêt. 2 Formerly. To Cato's daughter, Brutus' Portia. Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth; Ant. Thou know'st, that all my fortunes are at sea; Neither have I money, nor commodity To raise a present sum: therefore go forth; [Exeunt. SCENE II. Belmont. A room in Portia's house. Enter PORTIA and NERISSA. Por. By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world. Ner. You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were in the same abundance as your good fortunes are: and, yet, for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit with too much, as they that starve with nothing. It is no mean happiness therefore, to be seated in the mean: superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but competency lives longer. Por. Good sentences, and well pronounced. Ner. They would be better, if well followed. Por. If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches, and poor men's cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that follows his own instructions. I can easier teach twenty what were good to be done, than be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain may devise laws for the blood; but a hot temper leaps over a cold decree; such a hare is madness the youth, to skip o'er the meshes of good counsel the cripple. But this reasoning is not in the fashion to choose me a husband.-O me, the word choose! I may neither choose whom I would, nor refuse whom I dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curbed by the will of a dead father.-Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one, nor refuse none? Ner. Your father was ever virtuous; and holy men, at their death, have good inspirations: therefore, the lottery, that he hath devised in these three chests, of gold, silver, and lead, (whereof who chooses his meaning, chooses you) will, no doubt, never be chosen by any rightly, but one who you shall rightly love. But what warmth is there in |