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event, or any other. His convictions deepened, and the boards where he knelt to pray were often wet with his tears. He felt his need of a Saviour, he sought the pardon of sin, he prayed for peace with God; but for a season he seemed to seek and pray in vain. But God is faithful, and the promises He has made to simple faith and earnest prayer, must be answered. He may delay for a time, but He will never refuse to fulfil His own word.



About six or eight months before his death, his teacher gave him a small book, entitled, "Sins Forgiven;" this he read with deep interest, and was enabled to believe for the pardon of his own sins. Prior to this, he often appeared very gloomy at home, but now his countenance was changed, and he said to his mother," I am happy now!" "Are you, my boy," she said, what makes you happy p "Because my sins are forgiven," he replied. 'My teacher told me that Christ was willing to forgive, and now I feel He has forgiven me." It appeared evident to those about him, that a work of grace was begun in his heart, and that he was trusting in the Lord Jesus for the salvation of his soul. When prevented attending the Lord's house on the Sabbath, he would take his brother and sister into a room by themselves, and read and explain God's word, and pray with them; shewing that he felt a concern for their salvation. He was at length

seized with a cold which brought on a fever; for three or four weeks he suffered very patiently, and then fell asleep.


During his illness, his mother thinking (as he never complained), that he might not be aware of his danger, said to him, "My boy, you are very ill." 'Never mind, mother,' said he, "I am thankful that I can say what thousands cannot, that if I die I shall not go to hell." At another time, when his mother was expressing her sorrow at the idea of parting with him, he said, "Better to part for a short time than a long." His teacher visited him the day before his death, and found him suffering very much, but very patiently; his mind was calm and happy. He asked him, if the will of God were so, would he rather die than live, and he emphatically answered, "YES." The next morning, being turned on his pillow, he sighed three times and was gone-gone to be for ever with the Lord.

How many of His lambs the Great Shepherd gathers in His arms, and carries them to His fold above? To how many young persons our Sunday Schools have been made a blessing. Our dear Redeemer still takes the little ones in His arms and blesses them. How sweet the peace He gives them. How simple the faith He bestows upon them. How patiently He enables them to suffer, and how calmly and quietly they die. Precious Lord Jesus, we bless Thee for Thy

love to children, for the grace Thou givest them, and the happiness they find in Thee! O bring us into a child-like, humble, and dependent state of mind; let us rest in Thee, trust to Thee, and glorify Thy holy and ever blessed name! Blessed Spirit, do Thou attend our teaching and preaching with Thy grace and power, that many from our schools, families, and congregations, may rise up to serve Thee; and dying, bear witness to the efficacy of Thy blood, and the preciousness of Thy salvation!

O think that, while you're weeping here,
His hand a golden harp is stringing;
And, with a voice serene and clear,
His ransom'd soul, without a tear,
His Saviour's praise is singing.

And think that all his pains are fled,

His toils and sorrows closed for ever;
While He, whose blood for man was shed,
Has placed upon his servant's head

A crown that fadeth never.

And think that, in that awful day,

When darkness sun and moon is shading,
The form that, 'midst its kindred clay,
Your trembling hands prepare to lay,
Shall rise to life unfading.

Then weep no more for him who's gone
Where sin and suffering ne'er shall enter,

But on that great High-priest alone,
Who can for guilt like ours atone,

Your own affections centre.


"Worship thou Him."-PSALM xlv. 11.

THESE words refer to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the proper object of religious worship and adoration. He is Lord of all. He has all rule, and all authority. All things are put under his feet. He is the supreme Judge, and has all the hosts of heaven, earth, and hell under his control. It is his to anoint, and appoint to all offices in the world, and in the church. Everything is at his disposal, and is used by him for the accomplishment of his will. All power in heaven and earth is his. He has power to quicken the dead in sin, to succour and support the tried, to subdue and put down all his foes, and to preserve all his people unto his kingdom and glory. Such is his power, that he will ultimately subdue all things unto himself.

He is our Lord. Lord of our persons, claiming them for his own. Lord over our faith, demanding, requiring, and regulating it. Lord over our consciences, and will rule and use them. Lord over our property, and requires it to be used for his glory. He purchased us. He claims us. He employs us. He holds us accountable. He provides for us,

and wishes us to look to him for all we need. He is our rightful sovereign, and has placed us under law. He is our gracious Saviour, and has brought us into liberty and peace. To him we owe the homage of the heart, and the obedience of the life.


Worship thou him." This is the command of the Father. Not only are we to love his person, reverence his authority, and do his will; but we are to render him the worship and adoration of the heart. We cannot think of him too highly, love him too ardently, or adore him too solemnly. He is worthy of all. Of more than all. And as the Father commands us to worship him, it is clear that he is really, truly, and properly God. by nature, not by office. God equally with the Father, and the Holy Spirit. To him, therefore, we may bring our petitions; from him, we may expect our supplies; and at his hands, we shall receive every blessing.




grace to adore the Saviour! O to be enabled to trust him as God, obey him as God, and worship him as God!

Jesus is to be worshipped in public, in the great congregation. Jesus is to be worshipped in the family, and thus to be honoured before our children and domestics. Jesus is to be worshipped in private, as the omniscient and omnipresent God. Every knee should bow to him, in prayer, praise, and intercession. Let us then testify our love to Jesus, by habitually and devoutly worshipping him.

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