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THE man was poor but happy. His countenance was often lighted up with a smile. His voice often sung the hymn of praise. He worked hard. He lived hard. But whoever heard him murmur, or found him complaining. His Bible was well read. His place in the house of prayer was regularly filled, except when he worked late, or was ill. A sermon full of Christ, made his eyes glisten; and to crown Jesus Lord of all, filled him with delight. He often spake a refreshing word to the weary ones, and a word of encouragement to those who were seeking the Lord. His prayers for his pastor, were constant and fervent, and his efforts to keep the Church lively and thriving, were regular. He seldom seemed to want a stimulus, or to be urged to duty. When asked as to the source of his comfort, or the cause of his cheerfulness, he replied, "He died for me." He expected every one to know who he meant, without mentioning his name. He thought a sufficient reason would be found in

those four words, for all he felt, and for all he did. He had confidence in God, he had peace in his soul, he had comfort in his afflictions, and all flowed from this fact, Jesus died for him. What a manifestation of love! Jesus dying for a poor day labourer. What a glorious way of salvation! Jesus dies, the just for the unjust. What a ground of confidence! for if Jesus died for the sinner, surely that sinner shall live.

Beloved, we do not sufficiently dwell upon this great truth. Jesus died for us. We do not by faith take it home, and realize our personal interest in it, and therefore we are seldom heard saying, "He died for me." Yet nothing more wonderful ever occurred in time, nothing so interesting or stupendous is to be found recorded on the page of history. They can tell of nothing greater in heaven. Indeed, the poorest believer can say of himself, something more surprising, than any angel can; for he can say of the Son of God, who is the brightness of his Father's glory, and the joy of all the heavenly hosts, "He died for me. Let us seek to realize this great fact. Let us pray the Holy Spirit, to unfold it to the mind, and apply it to the heart. Let us meditate on it. Let us talk of it.

For how can we doubt or fear-how can we repine or complain,-how can we envy others, or covet that we have not-if looking up to heaven, where Jesus sits on the right hand of God, or looking back to Calvary, we can say, He died for me."


Jesus died for sinners. For the ungodly. For those who were without strength.

For all who feel their need of him. For all who believe on his name. For every one who

heartily wishes, or rest in his death. heart say, "O that

ardently desires an inteYes, if I can from my Jesus had died for me! O that I had an interest in his precious death!" Then there can be no reasonable doubt, but Jesus did die for me, and that I have an interest in his death. For such a desire springs from the Spirit's work in the heart, and proves that we feel the need of Christ, see the adaptation of Christ to our cases, and are willing to be saved by his merit and mercy. Now no one but the Holy Spirit, can bring a sinner to this. Nothing

but the work of the Holy Spirit in the heart will produce this. Nor does the Holy Spirit take up his residence in any one, or work on the heart of any one, but those for whom Jesus died. As a rule, I am entitled to every spiritual blessing, of which I shall feel my need, and which I am desirous to receive and enjoy. As therefore I feel my need of Jesus, and desire an interest in his sufferings and death, I am warranted to say with confidence, "He died for me.'

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But, did Jesus die for us? He did. Then how much we ought to think of him. Surely he ought never to be out of our thoughts. At home and abroad, by night and by day, in sickness and in health, we ought to be

thinking of Jesus. How glorious his person! How wonderful his love! How surprising his condescension! How dreadful his sufferings! How shameful his death! How glorious his resurrection! What a triumph his ascension to heaven! And this, all this for me!

Did Jesus die for us? He did. Then how grateful we should be to him. How often and how heartily we should praise him. Surely, surely, we should sing of him, and sing to him. We should speak well of his name, and as he has commended his love to us, we should commend his love to all around us. How wonderful it is, that we do not speak of that love in all companies, and to all persons with whom we converse. If we speak of any one, we should speak of Jesus and if we speak of anything we should speak of the love of Jesus. Yes, yes, this should be our theme, "He loved me, and gave himself for me. He died for me.' Did Jesus

die for us? He did. Then we should scrupulously obey him. Every precept should be kept with care. Every ordinance should be observed according to the inspired pattern. Nothing should be considered unimportant, if required by him who died for us. Nothing should be spoken of as non-essential, if it will in any way honour his dear name. Obedience to Jesus, is the surest proof of our love to him; as he said, "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.' And again, “He that hath my commandments


and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me ; and he that loveth me, shall be loved of my father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.” Precious assurance this, that if I obey Jesus, because he loved me, and died for me, he will love me, and his Father will love me, and he will manifest himself to me. Holy Spirit, enable me thus to obey my beloved Saviour, and give me the sweet, inward assurance that Jesus loves me, and that his Father loves me, and that sweet manifestations of Jesus will be granted to me. I do desire, if I desire any thing, to see more of my Saviour's glory, to drink deeper into my Saviour's love, and more exactly and scrupulously do my Saviour's will. Jesus die for me? He did. Then let me adore him, pray to him, and seek to walk in close and holy fellowship with him. I would have my thoughts filled with Jesus-my desires, ever going forth after Jesus-my praises, always ascending to Jesus-and my soul live, in uninterrupted communion with Jesus. To him I would tell every grief, to him I would carry every sorrow, to him I would communicate every desire. Precious Lord Jesus, as thou didst die for me, thou hast an unquestionable right to me; and I wish thee to cleanse me, converse with me, employ me, and make me an instrument to glorify thee every day, every hour, yea, every moment. Never, never shall I be satisfied, until thou hast full possession of my

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