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ism, born of Confucius, has for its cardinal doctrine, the worship of ancestors. It opposes progress, abhors all new things as untrue, and teaches man nothing of his relation to God. Hinduism suppresses the development of individuality and independence of character; it brutalizes the conscience and destroys all moral distinctions; it reduces society to the hopeless condition of caste. In the language of a distinguished Parsee scholar, "O Caste, thou inexorable tyrant, what hope is there for India while thy Juggernaut wheel is grinding man's best nature out of him."

On the other hand. Christianity teaches that every man is a sovereign. It exalts the individual, places the crown of a king upon every human brow, and the crozier of a priest in every human hand. It abolishes tyranny, encourages liberty and elevates man from the condition of degradation to a close proximity to the condition of the angels. It honors woman, encourages her education, and champions her purity, that her influence may flow out through the currents of industry, commerce, politics and religion, for the betterment of the race. It kisses the brow of the bereaved mother, whether peasant or princess, and breathes into her soul a spirit of peace. It gives

courage to the man who must battle with misfortune; it shines as a beacon light to life's mariner, and, standing upon the eminence upon which God has placed her, Christianity points the world "lost in the fogs of ignorance and superstition" to the kingdom of eternal light. Yet this is the heaven-born principle at which atheism and infidelity sneer and scoff. This is the principle that raised Europe from a condition of barbarism to her present status. This is the principle which, though burdened with Romanism, led Columbus to the discovery of the New World, and caused him to set up the Christian cross in the name of his sovereign.

This is the principle which, fettered with Romanism and sectarian bigotry, struggled beneath her load and founded the grandest nation on the face of the globe. This is the principle that gave the laws to the colonies, the infant states of our Union. This is the principle that founded common schools, academies, colleges and universities, that men may be free by an intellectual development which would enable them to throw off all hindrances to the millennial age. This is the principle that has done so much for the elevation of our social and political standard. This

is the principle that whispers peace, hope, comfort, and consolation to every individual soul that will permit it, and sends the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth for the betterment of all races, whether white, black, brown, red, or yellow. This is the principle which atheism would snatch from the earth and leave it a blasted heath, a dreary desert. To destroy this principle, were it possible, would be, as it were, to take the tide waves from the ocean and leave it a stagnant pool; or as it were, to take the currents from the atmosphere and leave it a stagnant, death producing ocean of air. And yet infidelity relaxes not her warfare. Finding that it can accomplish nothing by open attacks, it tries to accomplish its hellish purpose by strategem; hence it comes in the form of a friend, yes, even a worshipper at her shrine only for the purpose of stabbing her in an unguarded moment. It says, "We are Christians," but at the very time of such professions introduces such literature as to bring God and Christianity into contempt.

Prof. Carroll professes to believe the Bible but perverts its teachings both by misinterpretations and even by stating as taught what the Scriptures do not teach,

and if they did would render the whole Bible ridiculous, and Christianity a farce.

Such books as "The Negro a Beast" should be read -if read at all-only by the wise and prudent, and those in whom Christianity is deep-rooted and who have a knowledge of the true teachings of the Bible.

We have, to our disgust, had to follow Prof. Carroll through some filth in order to answer every argument he offered. Our only apology for this is a zeal for truth and for the Christianity which he so insidiously attacks. And now we have met Carroll on every positive argument, whether based on comparative anatomy, physics, metaphysics, anthropology, reason, or the Holy Scriptures, and we leave it for our readers to say if we have not pulverized every socalled argument he has advanced.


Though infidels with force assail
Christianity with blessings fraught,

"The Gates of Hell" cannot prevail,

And all their works must come to naught.

In tempting Christ the Devil failed,

And now "the bride" he would destroy,

But thus far have his minions failed;

They can but harass and annoy.


Climatic influence-The Hamitic theory-Carroll's refutation-The only weak points in the Hamitic theoryThe Bible and science mutual checks-Science and the Bible agree on the age of the world-They agree also on the existence of men before Adam-Where Shem, Ham and Japheth got their wives.

That the white man is a human being, none will deny; that the red man is a human being is thoroughly established by our proof, in a preceding chapter, that Adam, and his posterity through Seth, Noah, Abraham, etc., were red; that the negro is a human being is established as follows: the negro is not a fish or a bird; even Carroll would not claim that; and as we have proved that he is not a beast, it remains that he must belong to the human family.

This being true, the question naturally arises, whence came the different colors? Why this diversity in anatomical structure, in disposition, in habits of life, etc? This question has puzzled the greatest anthropologists, the most thorough historians, the deepest scientists,

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