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What did He say to them?

"Whom seek ye?"

What did they say?

"Jesus of Nazareth."

What answer did our Lord make?

"I am He."

What happened?

They fell to the ground.

Why did they not seize Him?

They were over-ruled by Divine power. Who did Jesus beg might be allowed to depart?

His disciples.

Was not our Lord very kind to think of His disciples at such a time?


What did Simon Peter do?

He cut off the ear of the high priest's servant with his sword.

What did our Lord say?

"Put up thy sword in the sheath, the cup which Father hath given me, my

I not drink it?"


What did this show?

That our Saviour was resigned to the will of His heavenly Father.

Where did His enemies take Him to ?
To the palace of the high priest.

Who went into the hall and sat down to warm himself?

Simon Peter.

What did the maid who saw him say?

That he had been with Christ.

What did Peter do?

He denied Christ three times.

When he had denied Him the third time what occurred?

The cock crew, and the Lord turned and looked upon Peter.

What did Peter remember?

Our Lord's prophecy, that Peter should deny Him thrice before the cock crew. What did Peter do?

He went out and wept bitterly.

Our Lord knew that Judas was coming with a band of men to take Him, yet He went forth to meet them. If you have the peace of God within your hearts, there will be no trial which you will not be able to meet. Let us take warning by Judas and Peter. Judas betrayed his Master with a kiss; we shall be guilty of similar hypocrisy if we profess to love Christ with our lips when our hearts are far from Him. Peter denied his Lord shortly after he had declared himself ready to go with Him to prison and to death. How was this? Peter really loved his Lord, but he trusted to his own strength, and fell, and so shall we also, if we are proud, and trust to ourselves. We must strive to obey our Lord in thought, word, and deed, but at the same time pray humbly for God's grace, feeling that of our own strength we can do nothing. The Lord turned and looked upon Peter; that look from his suffering Lord, melted him to repentance, "He went out and wept bitterly."


LUKE XXII. 63–71; and xxiii. 1—8.

AND the men that held Je-sus mock-ed Him, and smote Him. And when they had blind-fold-ed Him, they struck Him on the face, and ask-ed Him, say-ing, "Pro-phesy, who is it that smote thee?" And ma-ny o-ther things blas-phemous-ly spake they a-gainst Him. And as soon as it was day, the elders of the peo-ple and the chief priests and the scribes came to-gether, and led Him in-to their council, say-ing, "Art thou the Christ, tell us?" And He said un-to them, "If I tell you, ye will not be-lieve :

And if I al-so ask you, ye will not an-swer me, nor let me go." Hereaf-ter shall the Son of man sit on the right hand of the pow-er of God. Then said they all, "Art thou then the Son of God." And He said un-to them, "Ye say that I am." And they said, "What need we an-y fur-ther wit-ness." for we our-selves have heard of His own mouth. And the whole mul-titude of them a-rose, and led him un-to Pi-late. And they be-gan to ac-cuse him, say-ing, "We found this fel-low per-vert-ing the na-tion and for-bid-ding to give tri-bute unto Cæ-sar, saying, that he him-self is Christ a King. And Pi-late asked him, say-ing, "Art thou the King of the Jews?" And he an.

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