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is an house-hold-er, which went out ear-ly in the morn-ing to hire la-bour-ers in- to his vine - yard. And when he had a-greed with the la-bour-ers for a pen-ny a day, he sent them in-to his vine-yard. And he went out a-bout the third hour, and saw oth-ers stand-ing i-dle in the mar-ket place, and said un-to them, 'Go ye also in-to the vineyard, and what-so-ev-er is right I will give you.' And they went their way. A-gain he went out about the sixth and ninth hours, and did like-wise. And a-bout the eleventh hour he went out and found oth-ers stand-ing i-dle and saith un-to them, Why stand ye here all the day i-dle?' They say unto him, 'Because no man hath

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hir-ed us.' He saith un-to them, 'Go ye al-so in-to the vine-yard, and what-so-ev-er is right that shall ye re-ceive.' So when e-ven was come, the lord of the vineyard saith un-to his stew-ard, Call the la-bour-ers, and give them their hire, be-gin-ning from the last unto the first.' And when they came that were hir-ed a-bout the e-leventh hour, they re-ceiv-ed ev-er-y man a pen-ny. But when the first came they sup-pos-ed that they should have re-ceiv-ed more: and they like-wise re-ceiv - ed ev-er-y man a pen-ny. And when they had re-ceiv-ed it, they mur-mur-ed a-gainst the good man of the house, saying, 'These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast

made them e-qual un-to us which have borne the bur-den and heat of the day.' But he an-swer-ed one of them, and said, 'Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst thou not agree with me for a pen-ny? Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give un-to this last e-ven as un-to thee. Is it not law-ful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye e-vil be-cause I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few cho-sen."


What have you been reading to-day?
A parable of our blessed Saviour.

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