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blessings should produce in us? Endeavour, then, to be more grateful for the good things you daily and hourly receive from Him, remember all that you owe to Him; health, strength, food, raiment, are His gifts. His goodness is seen in all the works of creation. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handy work. Well may we, with the psalmist, praise God for His goodness, and declare the wonders that He doeth for the children of men.



AND He spake this par-a-ble un-to cer-tain which trust-ed in themselves that they were right-e-ous, and de-spis-ed oth-ers: "Two men

went up in-to the tem-ple to pray : the one a Phar-i-see, and the other a Pub-li-can. The Phar-i-see stood, and pray-ed thus with himself, 'God, I thank thee that I am not as oth-er men are, ex-tor-tioners, un-just, a-dul-ter-ers, or e-ven as this Pub-li-can: I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I pos-sess.' And the Pub-li-can, stand-ing a-far off, would not lift up so much as his eyes un-to heav-en, but smote up-on his breast, say-ing, 'God be mer-ci-ful to me, a sin-ner.' I tell you, this man went down to his house jus-ti-fi-ed ra-ther than the oth-er: for ev-er-y one that ex-alt-eth him-self shall be a-bas-ed, and he that hum-bleth him-self shall be ex-alt-ed." And

they brought un-to Him al-so infants, that He would touch them: but when His dis-ci-ples saw it, they re-buk-ed them. But Je-sus call-ed them un-to Him, and said, "Suf-fer lit-tle chil-dren to come un-to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Ver-i-ly, I say un-to you, who-soev-er shall not receive the king-dom of God as a lit-tle child, shall in no wise en-ter there-in."


To whom did our Saviour speak this parable ?

To certain which trusted in themselves, that they were righteous, and despised others.

What is this parable about?

A pharisee and a publican who went up into the temple to pray.

How did the pharisee pray?

He thanked God that he was better than others.

How did the publican pray?

With the greatest humility, he begged God to be merciful to him a sinner.

What did our Saviour say of the publican ?

That he was justified rather than the pharisee.

Why was the one who owned himself a sinner preferred to one who did so many good deeds?

Because he humbled himself before God. Can any one boast of his good deeds to God?


Can any one say,

have no sin?"


"I am a just person, I

Whom does God love?

The humble and penitent.

What did our Lord say when His disciples rebuked those who brought children to Him?

"Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God."

Will Christ love disobedient, passionate children?


The parable of the pharisee and publican teaches us to be humble, and not to think harshly of our neighbour, as we all stand in need of Divine mercy; we should imitate the humility of the publican, which is acceptable to God, and not like the proud pharisee, boast of our good deeds, for we are all sinners in the sight of God, and can do nothing to deserve a reward from Him, but He will accept the humble and penitent

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