UlyssesLindhardt og Ringhof, 16 maj 2022 - 905 sidor On 16 June 1904 Leopold Bloom wanders the streets of Dublin aimlessly as his wife Molly stays at home sleeping with other men. Having been made an involuntary cuckold, Leopold Bloom lets the soles of his shoes wear out on the pavements between the taverns in which his humiliation is acute, and hides in one memory after another as they haunt him in Dublin's wet fog. Leopold Bloom is the Odyssey of the 20th century, but unlike Homer's ancient warrior hero, Bloom is a modern anti-hero that you can't help feeling for. Ulysses has been turned into a film called The Ulysses Project which was filmed entirely during the Covid-19 lockdown. Stars include Aidan Gillen, John Turturro and Patrick Bergin. James Joyce (1882-1941) was an Irish writer and one of the most important representatives of literary modernism. He studied literature and languages in his hometown of Dublin and began his writing career with short stories. After the outbreak of the First World War, he moved with his family from Trieste to Zurich. His best-known works include 'Dubliner', 'Ulysses' and 'Finnegans Wake'. |
Från bokens innehåll
... believe or you don't , isn't it ? Personally I couldn't stomach that idea of a personal God . You don't stand for that , I suppose ? -You behold in me , Stephen said with grim displeasure , a horrible example of free thought . He walked ...
... believe or you don't , isn't it ? Personally I couldn't stomach that idea of a personal God . You don't stand for that , I suppose ? -You behold in me , Stephen said with grim displeasure , a horrible example of free thought . He walked ...
... believe , he said , that we go on living in another body after death , that we lived before . They call it reincarnation . That we all lived before on the earth thousands of years ago or some other planet . They say we have forgotten it ...
... believe , he said , that we go on living in another body after death , that we lived before . They call it reincarnation . That we all lived before on the earth thousands of years ago or some other planet . They say we have forgotten it ...
... believe you could be changed into an animal or a tree, for instance. What they called nymphs, for example. Her spoon ceased to stir up the sugar. She gazed straight before her, inhaling through her arched nostrils. —There's a smell of ...
... believe you could be changed into an animal or a tree, for instance. What they called nymphs, for example. Her spoon ceased to stir up the sugar. She gazed straight before her, inhaling through her arched nostrils. —There's a smell of ...
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arms asked better bloody Bloom Boylan Buck Mulligan Cissy Caffrey Corny Kelleher cried dark dead Deasy Dedalus Dignam Dollard door Dublin eyes face Father Conmee feel fellow fingers FLORRY gentleman Gerty Gibraltar girl Haines hair hand head hear heard heart Howth Ireland Irish J. J. O'Molloy Jack Power Kevin Egan kiss lady laughing Lenehan Leopold Leopold Bloom lips look Lord Lynch Martin Cunningham Menton Metempsychosis Molly morning mother mouth Mullingar Myles Crawford Nelson's pillar never night Paddy Dignam passed pocket poor Poulaphouca Red Murray round Sandycove says Alf says Joe says the citizen shillings Simon Dedalus smiled Stephen Stephen Dedalus street suppose sweet Szombathely tell There’s thing told turned Virag voice Wait walked watch wife woman wonder words wouldnt young