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lain in bed next day, and taken a little medicine, the ailment would probably have left him; but being anxious to attend to his business, which needed his utmost care, he could not submit to even one day's confinement. He went to his desk, and that evening, as might be expected, was a little worse. Being of a sanguine disposition, and resolute to perform his duty, he still persisted in going out; the consequence of which was, that his throat became more inflamed, though, fecling no great pain, he did not conceive that he was in any danger. He even took a journey on the top of a coach by night, in order to despatch some piece of business about which he was anxious. His voice then sank to a whisper; yet he still attended his mercantile duties. At length a medical man, who chanced to be in his warehouse one day, observing his condition, told him that he was risking his life by being out of bed, and recommended him immediately to go home and call in his ordinary


The young man complied with reluctance. Every effort was made to cure him, but in vain. The top of his windpipe, and the tubes leading down into the lungs, had become ulcerated beyond cure; and he died in the course of a few weeks, lamented by all his family and friends. Thus was a young man, of amiable character and full of promise, cut off in the beginning of his days, in consequence only of a slight imprudence.

Oh, blessed health! thou art above all gold and treasure. 'Tis thou that enlargest the soul, and openest all its powers to receive instruction, and to relish virtuc. He that has thee, has little more to wish for; and he that is so wretched as to want thee, wants everything with thee!-STERNE.

The common ingredients of health and long life aro
Great temperance, open air,

Easy labour, little care.-SIR PHILIP SIDNEY.


We may

THERE is a right and a wrong kind of contentment. We may be in a condition not quite agrecable to us; our food, clothing, and other necessaries may be deficient; we may possess faculties of mind and body capable of improving our condition; and it may be in no way imprudent to make the attempt to better ourselves. In such a case it would be wrong to remain contented. It may also happen that we are in a situation where real evils press upon us. be hurting our health by living in a damp house; or we may have a hole in our clothes, which might be easily mended. In these circumstances, it is equally wrong to be contented. If all men from the beginning of the world had felt contented as they were, and had submitted patiently to evils casily remedied, the carth would have still been the residence only of savage people.

True contentment is to be patient and happy in the situation which is suited to our faculties and means, and under evils which no exertion or care can remedy. All admire this kind of contentment, and every good man endeavours to practise it.

One who does not easily content himself with any good which he may reach, is said to be ambitious. A useful end is served in Providence by ambitious men; but they themselves never can be truly happy, for they never are quite content. Give them one thing, they wish another; whatever honours they may attain, they long for more. Alexander, when he had conquered a large part of the world known in his time, wept when he reflected that there were no more worlds to conquer. In high station, and in the possession of great wealth, there is always danger, and consequently uneasiness; while the man who is contented with a moderate share of the good things of life, lives in case and safety. It is good, therefore, to be, upon the whole, of a contented frame of mind, though not to be too easily



end of that time, her humble lodging took fire from an adjoining house in the night-time, and she escaped by leaping from the chamber-window. In consequence of the injury sustained from this leap, her right arm was amputated, and her right leg became entirely useless.

Her friends were very kind and attentive, and for a short time she consented to live on their bounty; but aware that the claims on private charity are very numerous, she, with the independence of a strong mind, resolved to avail herself of the public provision for the helpless poor. The name of going to the almshouse had nothing terrifying or disgraceful to her; for she had been taught that conduct is properly the only thing which makes a human being respectable, or the reverse. She is there, with a heart full of thankfulness to the Giver of all things; 'she is patient, pious, and uniformly cheerful. She instructs the young, sympathiscs with the old, and makes herself delightful to all by her various knowledge and entertaining conversation. Her character reflects dignity on her situation; and those who visit the establishment come away with sentiments of respect and admiration for this voluntary resident of the almshouse.


The commonwealth of frogs, a discontented, variable race, weary of liberty, and fond of change, petitioned Jupiter to grant them a king.

The good-natured deity, in order to indulge their request with as little mischief to the petitioners as possible, threw them down a log. At first they regarded their new monarch with great reverence, and kept from him at the most respectful distance; but perceiving his tame and peaceful disposition, they by degrees ventured to approach him with more familiarity, till at length they conceived for him the utmost contempt. In this disposition they renewed their request to Jupiter, and intreated him to bestow upon them another king. The thunderer, in his wrath, sent them a crane; who no sooner took possession of his new dominions, than he began to devour his subjects, one after another, in a most capricious and tyrannical manner.


They were now far more dissatisfied than before; when, applying to Jupiter a third time, they were dismissed with this reproof: that the evil they complained of they had imprudently brought upon themselves; and that they had no other remedy now but to submit to it with patience.


Let none but those who live in vain,
The useful arts of life disdain;
While we an honest living gain,
Of labour we will not complain.
Though some for riches daily mourn,
As if their lot could not be borne,
With honest pride from them we turn-
No bread's so sweet as that we earn.
With food by our own hands supplied,
We'll be content, whatc'er's denied.
The world would not improve the store
Of him who feels he wants no more;
Among the rich, among the great,
For all their wealth and all their state,
There's many a heart not half so free
From care as humble honesty.

Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with food · convenient for me; lest I be full and deny thee, and say, who is the Lord? or lest I be poor and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.-Proverbs, xxx. 8, 9.

The honest country gentleman, and the thriving tradesman, or country farmer, have all the real benefits of nature, and the blessings of plenty, that the highest and richest grandees can pretend to; and (what is more) all these without the tormenting fears and jealousies of being rivalled in their prince's favour, or supplanted at court, or tumbled down from their high and beloved stations. All these storms fly over their heads, and break upon the towering mountains and lofty cedars; they have no ill-got places to lose; they are neither libelled nor undermined, but, without invading any man's right, sit safe and warm in a moderate



contented, or to be contented under evils which we can



A certain man had the good fortune to possess a goose, which laid him a golden egg every day. But not contented with this, which rather increased than abated his avarice, he was resolved to kill the goose, and cut up her belly, that he might at once come to the inexhaustible treasure which he fancied she had within her, without being obliged to wait for the slow production of a single egg daily. He did so; and to his great sorrow and disappointment found nothing.


Henry Dundas was a great statesman in the reign of George III. Much power was given to him, and he had the means of making many people happy. Yet he was not always happy himself. On the last day of the year 1795, Sir John Sinclair visited him at his scat of Wimbledon, and stayed all night. Next morning carly, the guest went into Mr Dundas's library, and found him reading a long paper on the importance of conquering the Cape of Good Hope, as a security to the British possessions in India. Sir John shook him by the hand, and said, "I come, my friend, according to the Scottish custom, to wish you a good New Year, and many happy returns of the season.' The statesman, after a short pause, replied, with some emotion, "I hope this year will be happier than the last, for I scarcely recollect having spent one happy day in the whole of it." This confession, coming from an individual whose whole life hitherto had been a series of triumphs, and who appeared to stand secure upon the summit of political ambition, was often dwelt upon by Sir John Sinclair as exemplifying the vanity of human wishes.


A contented country mouse had once the honour to receive a visit from an old acquaintance bred up at court. The country mouse, desirous to entertain her guest, sct before

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