Tal. Madam, I have been bold to trouble you; But since your ladyship is not at leisure, I'll sort some other time to visit you. Count. What means he now? Go ask him whither he goes. Mess. Stay, my Lord Talbot; for my lady craves To know the cause of your abrupt departure. Tal. Marry, for that she's in a wrong belief, I go to certify her Talbot's here. Re-enter Porter with keys. Count. If thou be he, then art thou prisoner. Tal. Prisoner! to whom? To me, bloodthirsty lord ; And for that cause I train'd thee to my house. For in my gallery thy picture hangs : But now the substance shall endure the like, And I will chain these legs and arms of thine, That hast by tyranny these many years Wasted our country, slain our citizens And sent our sons and husbands captivate. Tal. Ha, ha, ha! Count. Laughest thou, wretch? thy mirth shall turn to moan. Tal. I laugh to see your ladyship so fond To think that you have aught but Talbot's shadow Whereon to practise your severity. Count. Why, art not thou the man? Tal. Count. Then have I substance too. I am indeed. Tal. No, no, I am but shadow of myself : You are deceived, my substance is not here ; And least proportion of humanity : I tell you, madam, were the whole frame here, Your roof were not sufficient to contain 't. Count. This is a riddling merchant for the nonce; Tal. That will I show you presently. [Winds his horn. Drums heard, and a peal of ordnance. Enter Soldiers. How say you, madam? are you now persuaded These are his substance, sinews, arms and strength, Count. Victorious Talbot! pardon my abuse : I find thou art no less than fame hath bruited I did not entertain thee as thou art. Tal. Be not dismay'd, fair lady; nor misconstrue The mind of Talbot, as you did mistake The outward composition of his body. What you have done hath not offended me; But only, with your patience, that we may Count. With all my heart, and think me honoured [Exeunt. SCENE III. - Plains near Orleans. Enter CHARLES, DUNOIS, ALENÇON, LA PUCELLE, and Puc. Forces. Dismay not, princes, at this accident. Care is no cure, but rather corrosive, Char. We have been guided by thee hitherto And of thy cunning had no diffidence; Dun. Search out thy wit for secret policies, Then thus it must be; this doth Joan devise; By fair persuasions, mix'd with sugar'd words, To leave the Talbot and to follow us. Char. Ay, marry, sweeting, if we could do that, France were no place for Henry's warriors. But be extirped from our provinces. Alen. For ever should they be expuls'd from France, And not have title of an earldom here. [Drums heard. Puc. Your honour shall perceive how I will work, [An English March is heard at a distance. There goes the Talbot, with his colours spread; And all the troops of English after him. [A French March is heard. Now, in the rearward, comes the duke, and his ; Fortune, in favour makes him lag behind. Summon a parley, we will talk with him. [A parley sounded. Enter the DUKE OF BURGUNDY. Char. A parley with the Duke of Burgundy. Bur. Who craves a parley with the Burgundy? Puc. The princely Charles of France, thy countryman. Bur. What say'st thou, Charles? for I am marching hence. Char. Speak, Pucelle; and enchant him with thy words. Puc. Brave Burgundy, undoubted hope of France ! Stay, let thy humble handmaid speak to thee. Bur. Speak on; but be not over-tedious. Puc. Look on thy country, look on fertile France, And see the cities and the towns defac'd By wasting ruin of the cruel foe ! As looks the mother on her lovely babe, Bur. Either she hath bewitch'd me with her words, Or nature makes me suddenly relent. Puc. Besides all French and France exclaim on thee, Call we to mind, and mark but this, for proof :- Bur. I am vanquish'd; these haughty words of hers Char. Welcome, brave duke! thy friendship makes us fresh. Dun. And doth beget new courage in our breasts. And doth deserve a coronet of gold. Char. Now let us on, my lords, and join our powers; And seek how we may prejudice the foe. Enter Messenger with letter for CHARLES. Char. These news, my lord, may cheer our drooping spirits : 'Tis said the stout Parisians do revolt, And turn again unto the warlike French. Alen. Then march to Paris, royal Charles of France, And keep not back your powers in dalliance. Puc. Peace be amongst them if they turn to us; Else, ruin combat with their palaces ! Enter another Messenger. Mess. Success unto our valiant general, And happiness to his accomplices ! Char. What tidings send our scouts ? I prithee speak. Mess. The English army, that divided was Into two parts, is now conjoin'd in one ; And means to give you battle presently. Char. Somewhat too sudden, sirs, the warning is; But we will presently provide for them. Puc. Of all base passions, fear is most accurs'd : Command the conquest, Charles, it shall be thine; Char. Then on, my lords; and France be fortunate! [Exeunt. |