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To the REMARKABLE PASSAGES in this Volume.

N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, see the
Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.

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— on the changes which earths
undergo by fire, 514.
ACREL, M. his differtation on the bite
of ferpents, 302.
ADDISON, Mr. his poetry critifed 101.
His tranflations, wherein defective, 102.
His critical talents 103. His profe
compofitions, in general, 104.
AGRICULTURE, dictionary of, published
at Paris, 539.

-, prefent ftate of, about
Batavia, 542.
AIR, alterations in the quality of, on the
approach of rain, &c. 306. Experi❤
ments on the weight of, 307. On o-
ther properties of it, 338, 346. Ef.

482. Experiments relative to inflam.
mable air, 492. Other experiments on
this element, 513.

ALARIC, K. of the Goths, his peculiar
conduct in plundering Rome, 33.
ALGE, lake of, defcribed, 548.
ALPS, travels in, and philofophical ob-
fervations relative to, 379.
ANATOMICAL obfervations, by M, Sab-
batier, 488.

Arr. Rev. Vol. Izv.

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BIRDS, their migration, 301.

, Mr. Latham's fynopfis of, 394.
BLACKMORE, Sir Richard, his poetry
characterised, 105.
BLETON, his wonderful faculty with re-
fpect to the divining rod, 498. Tefti-
monies of its reality, ib. M. Sigaud's
teftimony, 503.

BOUVET, M his difcovery of Cape Cit
cumcifion investigated, 494.
BRIEFE enis reifenden ueber den gegen-
waertigens Zuftand Von Caffel, 465.
BRINE-pits, and rivers of brine, in Wor-
cefterfhire and Cheshire, curious parti-
culars of, 260.

BRISSON and CADET, their memoirs
concerning the action of the electrical
fluid on metallic calxes, 484.
BRUCE, Michael, account of him 19.
His poem on his own approaching
death, ib.


BRYANT, Mr. his defence of the authen-

ticity of the teftimony supposed to be gi
ven by Jofephus concerning Chrift, 429.
BURNING glafs, great powers of a very
large one at the Louvre, 137.


ADET, M. his memoir concerning a

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new method of compofing vitriolic
ether, &c. 140.

CAMBRIDGE, poem on the effects of fome

graces lately paffed there, 313. Expla-
nation of the term, ib. The note.
CAPE Circumfion, inquiry concerning its
latitude, &c. 496.

CARI, Cajetani, M. his philofophical ef-
fay on the weight, &c. of the air, 307.
Major, his principles of
civil government defended against Dean
Tucker, 324, 326.
CASIRIO, Don, his defcriptive catalogue

of Arabico-Spanish authors in the li-
brary of the Efeurial, 529.
CASTILLON, M. on the Socratie me-
thod of teaching, 521. See also GLOBE.
CASTLES in the air, a poem, 384.
CERES, hymn to, See HOMER.
CHEMISTRY, various improvements and
difcoveries in, 47, 56.

CIBBER, Theophilus, how far concerned

in the lives of the poets, published under

his name, 49.

CLAVIGERO, Abbé, his ancient hiftory
of Mexico, 462.

CLOCK, new method ef regulating the
motion of, 25. Account of Arnold's
new pendulum clock, 27.
COAL, vapour of, its fatal effects exem-
plified, 481. Means of relief in fuch
cafes, 482.

COLD, obfervations on the extraordinary
degrees of, in France, &c. in 1776,
COLLIER'S controverfy relating to the
ftage, 109.

COLLINS, his poetry characterised 411.
CONGETTURA meteorologiche, 305.
CONGREVE, his dramas confidered, 109,


CONSTANTINOPLE, incredible account
of the number of streets in that city,

Cook, Capt. defended, with respect to
his non-difcovery of Cape Circumfion,

CORALS, See Fougt.

CORDARA, Abbé, his military eclogues,

CORREGIO, his beauties, 147.
CORSICA, account of a colony of Greeks

which fettled on that Island, 306.
CROIX, M. de la, his philofophical re-
flections on the origin of civilization,
and the means of correcting its abules,
Cuckow, remarks on fome prevailing
notions concerning that bird, 264.



ARCO, Count, his differtation on
the right of punishing, 464.
De la literatura Allemande, 304.
DEL Fondamento, &c. 464.
DELUGE. See NOAH's flood.
DEPUIS, M. his memoir concerning the
origin of the conftellations, and the il-
luftration of mythology, by means of
aftronomy, 532, 534.
DERBYSHIRE, mineralogical obferva
tions relative to, 556.

DESCRIPTION de ce qu'il y a d'intereffant
et de Curieux dans la Refidence de Mas-
beim, &c 466.

DIGEON, M. his new Turkish and Ara.
bian tales, 461.

DISCOURS public fur les langues, 462.
DIVINES, polemical, &c. iudicrously de-
- fcribed, 424,

DIVINING rod, wonderful account of its

power and properties, 497. See more
under BLE TON.

Docs, cruelly used in the bufiness of
hunting, 217.

DROITWICH, Curious account of the falt
works there, 259.

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FALCONET's works, 311,

FASTORUM anni Romani a Verrio Flacco,
&c. 307.

FENTON, his poetry, 112.
FERBER'S phyfico-metallurgical differta-
tion on the mountains and quarries in
Hungary, 467.

FISCHER Uber die gefchichte des defpo-
tifmus in Teutfcbland, 467.
FOGGINI, M. his remains of the Roman

Fafti, collected from marbles lately dug
up at Prænefte, 307.

FOR MEY, M. his eulogy of M. Sulzer,

FORSSAHL, M. his flora of infects, 303.
FOUGT, Henry, his effay on corals, 304.
Fox-chafe defcribed, 212.


Gof concedent at Henlig, and

ARNET, the Jefuit, curious account

difcovery of, 261.
GENEVA, interesting defcription of that

city, 545. Eminent literati there, 546.
GENTIL, M. le, his voyage in the In-
dian feas, in 1761, vol. ii. 455. His
correfpondence with M. Nux, 458.
GERMANY, progress of defpotifm in that
country, 467.

GERMANY, the literary reputation of,
defended, 505. Celebrated authors
of that country, 506.

GLOBE, a moving one, invented by M.
CATEL, which represents the motions
of the earth, 417.
GRANGE, M. de la, his new theory of
the motions of the nodes, and the va-
riations in the inclinations of the or-
bits of the planets, &c. 142.

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HEAT compared with electricity, 514.
HENLIP, curious account of the fecretion
there of Garnet the Jefuit, &c. 261.
HERCULES, labours of, illuftrated by
aftronomy, 535.

HIEL, account of that extraordinary fana-
tic, 317. Of his writings, 318.
HISTOIRE de la Chirurgie, depuis fon ori-
gine jufqu'à nos jours, 461.
HISTORICAL anecdotes of the Grecian
colony which fettled in Corfica, 306.
HISTORISCHE abbandlungen der Baierif-
chen Academie der Wenchaften, 304.
HOGARTH, abftract of his life, 444. His
merits as an engraver appreciated, 451.
HOGENDORP, M. his defcription of the
ifland of Timor, 543.

HOMER, his hymn to Ceres tranflated,
113. Critical note on, 115. Curious
manufcript of his Iliad found in the
library of St. Mark at Venice, 509.
HOOYMAN, M. his account of the pre-
fent ftate of agriculture about Batavia,


HUNTING, obfervations relative to the
principles of, 212.


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AND, hints for regulating the right
of property in, 364.

-, gained from the fea, on the coaft
of Languedoc, how accounted for, 486.
LANDE, M. de la, memoirs by, on aftro-
nomical fubjects, 485, 486, 492. His
notion of the cause of the tides, 533..
LASSONE, M. de, his obfervations on the
proper ies, &c. of zinc, 483, 491.

-, on ammoniacal falts, 484.
on feveral kinds of air, 492.7
LAVOISIER, M. concerning the calcina-
tion of tin in closed veffels, &c. 140.
his memoir concerning me-

tals in calcination, 482.

-, on the nitrous acid, 491.
LAUTERN, univerfity of, for the study of
the science of government, 466

· Law, John, author of the Miffiffipi bub-
ble, account of, 183, 295.
-LETTERE capricciofe di Fr. Alb. Capa-
celli, &c. 465.

LETTERS of the Abbé Seftini, from Sici-
ly and Turky, 307.

of a traveller concerning the
prefent ftate of Caffel, 465.
LIBRARY poetically defcribed, 423.
LINNEUS, his fyftem critifed, 267. His
differtation on the increase of the ha-
bitable earth, 298. On infects, 303.

-, general view of his writings,
374. Honours paid to his memory,
375. His memoir on the cyca, 485.
LOCKE, his principles of civil govern-
ment defended against the Dean of
Glocefter, 271, 321, 330.
LorT, Mr. his correspondence with the
Reviewers, 78.

Lours XV. King of France, anedotes of
his private life in his younger days,
242. In his more advanced years 244.
Farther view of his character 250.
More anecdotes, 252, 257.

LYMAN, M. his differtation on the filk-
worm, 303.

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MAIRE. M. le, (and his wife) fuffocated

by the vapour of a coal-fire, 481.
MANILLA, fome account of, 456.
MARGRAFF, M. philofophical experi.
ments by, 512.

MARK, St. library of, at Venice, Greek
manuscripts in, 531.
MATERIALISM, doctrine of ridiculed,

MAYER, M. his teftimony in favour of
Mr. Arnold's pendulum clock, 305.
His mistakes on that subject, 349.
MEMOIRS of the Bavarian academy of
íciences, 304.

MENGS the painter, his treatises on the
fine arts, &c. 143. His life, 523. Lift
of his paintings, 528.

MERIAN, M. his seventh memoir con-
cerning the problem of Molyneux, 520.
MESSIER, M. his observations on the oc-
cultation of Saturn by the moon, 485.
His memoir on the extraordinary cold
felt in France, &c. in 1776, 487.
MEXICO, curious hiftorical particulars
concerning, 463.

MICROMETER, curious one in the cabi
net of the D. de Chaulnes, 544.
MINERALOGICAL obfervations of Dr.
Gualandris, made in his trave's, 547.
MISSISSIPE bubble, rise and progrels of,

MONTE RJo, obfervations relative to the
natural hiftory of, 557.

MOLYNEUX, his celebrated problem dif-
cuffed, 520.

MONNIER, M. his memoir on the varia-
tion of the loadstone, 137. On feveral
aftronomical fubjects, 48 5, 486, 493, 494-
On the fituation of Cape Circumcifion,
ib. Remarks un, ib.

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PARIS, obfervations relative to, 554.


PARMENTIER, M. his inquiries con-
cerning nutritive vegetables, which, in
times of fcarcity, may fupply the place
of ordinary food, 460.

PASSAGE, north-west, method of profe-
cuting future attempts for the discovery
of, 164.

PEYRILHE, Dr. his hiftory of furgery
from its crigin to our times, 461.
PHILLIPINE Ilands, account of, 455.
Happy climate of, ib.

PHYSIKALISCH, metallurgifche abband-
lungen, &c. 467.

PIGNOTTI, M. his meteorological con-
jectures, 205.

PLACE, M. de la, his inquiries concern-
ing feveral points in the mundane fyf-
tem, 485, 496.

PLANITARIUM, defcription of a wonder-

ful one, made by an untaught mecha
nic, 150.




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Rhe poffeffions of the Dutch Eat

ADERMACHER, M. his account of

India Company, 541. Of the different
methods of calculating time in different
parts of Afia, ib.

RAPHAEL, his excellencies and defects
canvaffed, 146.
RECHERCHES chymiques fur l'etain, 458.
- fur les vegetaux mourissans,

REFLEXIONS philosophiquet fur l'origine
de la civilifation, &c. 382.
REFORMATION, Proteftant, general hif-
tory, 465.

RHEINISCHE Beitrage zur Gelebrfam-
keit, 305.

ROBERTS, Mr. his letter to the Re-
viewers, concerning the rot in sheep,

ROMANCE, ancient, poetical encomium
on, 424.

ROME, plunder of, by Aleric, remark-

able circumstances atrending, 33. By
the troops of Charles V. 37.
ROT, in sheep, inquiry into the cause of,

Rowe, Mr. his poetry confidered, 108.


ABBATIER, M.,his memoir on the

POLYGAMY, the blings of, difplayed, organs of the circulation of the blood


POPE, hiftorical remarks relative to his

tranflation of Homer, 354. His ori-
ginal poems appreciated, 360.
POPULATION, of Great Britain, not in
a decreasing state, 231.
PORTAL, M. his memoir concerning the
[fatal effects of mephitic exhalations,

POT-ASH, hints relative to the making
of, in this country, 47. Enormous
fum paid annually to Ruffia for that
article, ib.

POUGET, M. his mem. on the acceffions
of land, gained from the fea on the
coafts of Languedoc, 486.
PRECIS biftorique et exper, des phenomenes
electriques, &c. 381.

PRETTY, fatirical ufe of that word in
the Picture of Paris, 228.

in the foetus, 138.

on the refpective fituation
of the large veffels of the heart and
lungs, 488.

SAGE, M. his obf. on the decompofition
of fulminating gold, 484.
SAGGIO di eglagbe militari, 306.
Orittograffico, &c. 310.

SALTPETRE, hints relative to the efla.
blishing works of in England, 49. In
the East Indies, 52.

SAUSSURE, M. de, his travels in the
Alps, 378.

SCALDS, of Scandinavia, fpecimen of
their poetry, 99.

SCHOOLS, public or private, the question

which to prefer, discussed, 1-6.
SEA, its ebb and flow. See TIDES.

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